Hearing Alpha's words, all the shadows nodded. No need to think too much about this, they all knew that this was the work of the Diavolo Order.

On the other side, the princess reported Bishop Diavolo's conspiracy to her royal sister Alice.

But unexpectedly, they only received a no-action reply.

The two of them soon came up with the answer. Compared with what happened in the sanctuary, it was obvious that the father was more concerned about the upcoming trials of the God of War between the two countries!

Judging from the previous two incidents, hidden forces will take action in major events. After witnessing the terrifying power of the enemy again and again, Sister Wang Alice made up her mind that no matter how powerful the opponent is, she will make the opponent pay. cost!

Whether it’s the Order or the Garden of Shadows—!

On the other side, Rose naturally did not miss the upcoming Martial God Trial!

She was also determined to improve her strength again. Even in these 670 kinds of bad weather, the girl still stood in the rain and waved her sword crazily!

But no matter how hard she trained, she couldn't find the feeling of that sword.

"What happened...", Rose thought about it, but at this moment, severe pain swept through her body, her breathing was stagnant, and there was severe pain in her chest.

She lowered her head, a flash of pain in her eyes, and red bloody lines covered the girl's body. obviously--!

And as waves of melodious bells rang in the royal capital, a Martial God Festival competition sweeping the world officially kicked off at this moment!

The top magic swordsmen from all over the world have rushed to the Kingdom of Midgar. Whether they are ordinary people with ordinary strength or masters who are hidden in the world, countless people have rushed here at this moment (chff), just for this Martial God Festival. Contest!

"Oh my, what a great stage!" At this time, Sid was standing at the top of the kingdom, watching everything in front of him coldly.

He decided to fully demonstrate the performance of a behind-the-scenes master on this stage of pursuing the strongest!

But he didn't want to reveal his identity. After thinking about it, Sid decided to go to Gama's Chamber of Commerce first.

"host...Owner?!", Gama was confused. When he saw the shadow master who usually came to the door, Gama thought he was hallucinating. The girl rubbed her eyes hard, it was really not a hallucination. ?!

"What's up today...What's important today——", Gama's idiotic athletic talent caused her to fall to the ground before she could even take two steps.

But this still couldn't stop Gama's enthusiasm, and she walked towards Sid excitedly. , asked softly.

Sid slowly sat on his throne, and then asked Gama to change his appearance. Gama was a little puzzled, but because he was too ashamed, Sid did not answer Gama. He wanted to change. The original appearance.

In fact, it was just to show off better - of course, it was impossible to say it. He directly stated that the matter was too confidential and he could not disclose it to anyone. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing this, Gama did not continue to ask, she clapped her hands, and her men immediately took out a set of mysterious instruments.

It turns out that based on the knowledge imparted by Sid and now with financial support, Gamma has developed a way to use slime to change his appearance!

As long as the improved slime is introduced with a certain amount of magic power, it can be transformed into a texture that is not inferior to real skin!

Gama smeared the transparent liquid on Sid's face, and then took out a picture of a man named Jimmy.

He was a lazy and useless magic swordsman who was expelled from his family as a noble, and finally died alone in an unknown town.

Looking at the decadent and gloomy face in the photo, Sid was very satisfied. Using the identity of a loser who had been missing for many years to complete the ultimate reversal of winning the championship was exactly what he expected!

Then a machine was slowly put on Sid's head, and Gamma pressed the switch.

Rumble - with a soft sound, the machine slowly opened, and the instrument above Sid's head slowly opened.

That's right, Sid's face was exactly the same as Jimmy's in the photo, so Sid couldn't help but be surprised at this moment.[]

What surprised him even more was that not only his face, but also his height had also changed!

When it got higher, he directly adjusted his voice, and then arched his waist again.

Now it's perfect~!

"Well done, Gamma"

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