There is a bit of decadence in the gloom, and that hoarse voice

"As expected of the master, he is exactly the same~ As long as you see the way this person walks, you can understand how he uses his body~"

Gama smiled, she clapped her hands, and then her men immediately pushed a pile of clothes.

This is where I prepared second-hand clothes and accessories for the character.

"The clothes and swords are ready for you second-hand~" Gama explained, and then walked down the steps.

But as expected, Peng, ga- ah, motor nerves are always so bad~ ah...

"Everything is ready for you~"

Looking at Gama with a nosebleed, Sid's mouth twitched. He stopped thinking about it, changed his clothes and was about to sign up.

But just as Sid was walking on the street At this moment, a voice stopped him.

It was a purple-haired woman with a huge sword hanging on her head. The reason for stopping Sid was very simple and ridiculous.

Because she couldn't believe that a person with such a thin and awkward figure could , actually dared to sign up for the Martial God Festival competition

"The War God Festival is not a children's play, if you go up, you will definitely die." For the sake of Sid's life, she hoped that Sid would give up the game.

But Sid just listened to her quietly, and then turned around directly Continue to move forward.

But at this moment, a burly man stopped in front of Sid. He directly reported his name and told his record!

He has participated in many Wushen Festival competitions. , and got excellent results every time! As soon as this statement came out, everyone was in an uproar, but Sid looked at him in confusion.

The man did not beat around the bush and explained the reason directly. There will be salty fish like you in every competition. to waste your precious time

"If you are weak, you should go home and drink more milk, hahahaha!"

Sid raised his head, and then said directly,"I can hit ten guys like you."

The man was confused for a moment, and then an angry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth,"Ten?! OK OK!"

Then he punched Sid out, and Sid rolled to the ground!

But he showed no mercy, and directly attacked Sid again.

But at this moment, time seemed to have stopped. No, it was not time. Now, everything in Sid's eyes has slowed down, so slow that it seems to have stopped.

"In this case, there are several options:"

"Take out his heart with your bare hands"

"cut in half——"

"Kicked his head to bits with a whip kick."

But the next moment, a fist hit Sid directly in the face,"Are you too scared to take action?"(To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ah, I’m so focused....Sid came to his senses helplessly

"That's enough! stop!"

At this moment, Zifa girl stopped the man. She really couldn't stand it anymore,"If you don't stop,..."

The girl's hand holds the sword[]

Knowing the girl's strength, the man didn't do anything more and just chose to leave.

At this time, the purple-haired girl stepped forward and asked about Sid's injury. She did not expect that things would develop like this."But instead of letting you encounter worse things in the game, it would be better to suffer a little bit," the girl said, He was about to take out the healing potion and give it to Sid, but the next moment, Sid stood up directly and wiped the blood from his mouth, as if nothing had happened at all!

"Nothing really happened!", the purple-haired girl felt Sid's breathing, and was stunned for a moment. After being beaten like that, her body didn't have any internal injuries!

Could it be that the other party is really a master!

Sid didn't explain much, turned around and prepared to leave

"etc!"But the girl stopped him again,"My name is Anne Rose! Your name is!"

""Jimmy", Sid responded coldly, and then left without looking back.

After the registration was successful, his friend who had not seen him for a long time also found Sid.

Although he did not secretly sign up for Sid this time, he did As the owner of Sid's wallet, he wanted to let Sid join his team and make a lot of money in the game together. To this end, he specially investigated the favorite candidates to win the game.

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