When the matter is over, he brushes off his clothes and goes away, hiding his merit and fame.

Shadow glanced at the two of them with neither sadness nor joy, and then planned to leave without looking back.

But at this moment, Alice called Shadow!

"stop!!!", Alice roared angrily!

"Now, the entire Kingdom of Midgar is your enemy, and you have no way to escape!"

And this is exactly what happened. At this time, all the knights in the royal capital noticed this terrifying magic power. They rushed towards this place one after another. It is roughly estimated that more than half of the entire kingdom's combat power is already here!

There is no escape. Come on, Shadow!

No matter how powerful you are, how can you be the enemy of the entire royal capital!

And as the eldest princess, she will definitely arrest you personally!

"boom——!", thunder roared, and the whole world stood still for a moment.

But the next moment, Alice's expression froze because Shadow laughed, he raised his head and laughed crazily!

"hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!", then he suddenly stopped laughing, tilted his head, and asked softly,"Escape?"

"Who will escape? Where to escape? Why run away?!!!", at this moment, Sid almost roared, and he looked down at the world with a ferocious face!

The moment the words fell, the magic power soaring into the sky turned into a purple barrier, covering the entire capital.

Such a terrifying thing magic...How can this guy be called a human?

If this is the magic power that life can possess, then what is their magic power?

Alice and the Elf Sword Master looked at everything in front of them in horror, confused, frightened, trembling, and confused.

Countless complex emotions filled their hearts, but the next moment, they discovered the shadow.

I saw that the other party was on top of the dome, looking down at the thousands of lives below.

At this moment, he is like a god!

Unlike the frightened people in the capital, Sid is now as high as the sky!!

He looked at everyone with a relaxed expression, yes, this was all his plan!

Since this stage is not perfect, then he will make it perfect!

Let these thousands of viewers raise their heads and look up!

Looking up at the divine strike that penetrates heaven and earth, looking up at the divine punishment!

"This is the power that I have only mastered in my lifetime, look up!"

Shadow raised the sword with one hand, and in an instant, all the magic power gathered crazily at this moment!

The next moment, in the shocked eyes of everyone, Shadow whispered something

"Iam..."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Countless memories flashed in Sid's mind, this life and past lives, everything, until he returned to the original baby scene.

That little boy squatting on the ground, feeling the world, longing for power.

Asking for flowers buzz——!!!

It's dawn - a blow that penetrates heaven and earth illuminates the entire world!

But when everyone was in a panic, Sid chuckled and said,"Okay, I'm just having fun this time~"

After hearing this, Alice quickly opened her eyes, but the scene in front of her made her despair..

Nothing happened, the warm sunshine fell on her body, but at this moment Alice was so desperate, she felt like falling into an ice cave.

The cloudy sky just now was replaced by a sun...

How could this be human power?...?!

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!", Alice fell to her knees in agony.

Soon, as the incident ended, the news about this incident in the newspaper also roughly stated the incident.

The Demon Shadow was repelled by the princess and Alice, and assassinated Al The King of Ghana's Rose was missing.

At this time, in the dark room, a pink-haired man looked at Sid on the newspaper, crying and laughing like a sick man.[]


】 in all realms

"Cool!!! It’s so cool!!!"

Everyone had goosebumps and looked at this scene almost trembling!

If you can pretend to be so cool, I admit you!

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