A red moon hangs high in the sky.

The Shadow Garden gathered here at this time. On the throne, Sid glanced at the red moon.

"The storm is coming, there is no city there," Sid murmured softly


"Lord Shadow means!"

"Red Moon, a tragedy from thousands of years ago?!"

Shadow Garden suddenly became vigilant, Red Moon, the tragedy that happened during the Red Moon thousands of years ago.

Everyone immediately thought of it.

Then they thought that there was something unusual about the funds that could not be used in the city recently, and everyone quickly realized the danger. It is very likely that it came from the lawless city!

But everyone who watched everyone gradually understood everything was confused.

No, what did you understand?

Although he was a little confused, Sid didn't say anything more. He continued to pretend calmly. went on.

Sid also said that he would go to Lawless City in person, but with these simple words, everyone in the Shadow Garden felt relieved.

Because they believed in their Lord!

But the truth is, in fact, this is all It was Sid's excuse for going to Lawless City, and it was still passive.

Because...His sister.

It turned out that not long after the God of War Festival ended, due to various changes, onee-sama finally won the championship. However, she did not expect that it would not matter once she became the champion, but this made her pretend.

All day long, he looks like the boss of the sky, his second son.

Even after being drunk, he decided to fight against vampires in the city but was unable to do so!

And just go, and you have to drag yourself there, but even if his sister doesn't say anything, Sid is still afraid that something will happen to the other party, so it's better to follow him.

But my sister is actually doing it for Sid. The reason is that she is thinking about Sid’s future!

As long as she follows her well, she will be able to recruit Sid into the Knights after graduation!

Although they are siblings, the relationship between the two is a bit strange at this time. Sid's sister is seen riding on Sid at this time and holding his collar, just like the relationship between an owner and a pet.

Seeing the wonderful relationship between the man and woman in front of him, one of the vendors immediately saw a business opportunity!

""This lady", the vendor stopped her and hurriedly introduced today's Magic Swordsman pet.

Not only is it handsome, but its combat power index is astonishing in the tens of thousands!

And there is also a bald head that arrived with it, so it's cheap. , if you think about it, you can pack it up and take it away together!

Looking at the two of them, Sid always felt a little inexplicably familiar, but he just couldn't think of where he had seen each other......

And the opponent's beaten and inhuman appearance also made Sid unable to remember it even more. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It must be an illusion, Sid thought to himself.

But it's not an illusion, these two people are the bald one-eyed man and Jin Longgeer that the Martial God Sacrifice Sid met!

I just don’t know why it ended up like this.

Just when the vendor wanted to continue selling, my sister refused without hesitation.

"No need, as for pets, it’s enough for me to have him."

"I see, you like younger people."

When he learned the answer 1.6, the vendor didn’t say much, he just quickly wrote down the data.

As for why Sid and his sister’s postures were so weird.

The reason is Yes, this kid is really good at running!

He can't be caught at all, and he disappears without even noticing.

But...After a while, Sid really ran away!!!

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