At the same time, in a brothel, a pink-haired girl was awakened by a loud noise.

"What's wrong?" She looked confused, but the next moment, the girl was shocked.

Because in the sea of ​​fire, she saw countless vampires with empty eyes and scary expressions, walking towards the distance.

Just when the girl was confused, the room Suddenly there was a movement inside, and she saw that a vampire had touched her room without knowing when!

"Roar!" Without any hesitation, the vampire bit her!

The girl was shocked, but the next moment, she saw a dazzling purple light flying from the sky, followed by a huge roar!

Sid killed the vampire casually Kill, he said deeply,"If you don't want to die, just run away. The situation is starting to get out of control.""

"The moon is turning red and there is no time." Sid copied it exactly.

But fortunately Mary was not here and did not know that her lines had been stolen.

"Thanks, may I ask what your name is?", the girl asked quickly

"shadow——", a gust of wind passed byWhen the girl opened her eyes again, there was only a sound echoing in the place.

At this time, Sister Sid was turning over a corpse in a panic!

Black hair, student uniform...Sid!!!

My sister was extremely sad and burst into tears, but at this moment, Mary, dressed in red, appeared behind her!

"That one didn't have black hair and black eyes, but I've seen people with this feature before," Mary recalled.

One was the boy she met in the alley at the beginning, who stood in front of the mad vampire and chuckled.

"No, then this one is definitely not!"My sister first eliminated the correct answer.

How could her brother do this in the face of zombies? It would be great if he didn't get scared to death!

Well, Mary nodded.

She named another one, which was a simple-looking demon. The swordsman boy,"He was taken away by the vampire queen's men. There is the crimson tower, and this is the vampire's headquarters. He was used as a sacrifice." It turns out that in order to awaken the bloodthirsty queen who has been sleeping for thousands of years, the vampire must obtain youth. Male blood, for thousands of years, they have been waiting for the red moon that can give vampires power!

And today is the day!

As long as they have the blood of the sacrifice as the water of awakening, the vampire queen can be awakened on this day!

"That must be Sid!", my sister immediately confirmed!

The two hit it off immediately and decided to go to the Crimson Tower together. At this moment, in the Crimson Tower, a subordinate was reporting something to the man on the side,"'Sir, the city's suppression It went smoothly, but there was resistance beyond expectations in some areas."

"It doesn't matter, if you want to resist, just resist. There are only two real enemies for us, one is the fox demon, and the other is the tyrant."

Both of them are like the crimson tower, commanding one-third of the existence of the lawless city! But They will cease to exist after tonight.

However, this is all a story for another day.

But what puzzles him is that a new top powerhouse seems to have appeared in the lawless city.

The opponent is everywhere on the street (good Li Zhao) Although killing vampires has no effect on them, it is always unsafe to let such an unknown strong man go.

Moreover, the other party seems to be very aware of their plan?

Above the red moon, Sid looked down

"Nothing has changed. Even if someone starts a new story somewhere, I will not change anything. My goal is only..."

"Become a strong shadow!"

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