"go to hell!"

""I'm sorry, Sid."

Claire could only watch the tyrant attack towards her. The huge blade seemed to be able to tear her apart in the next moment.

But sadly, she couldn't even struggle.

She really She was too weak, could not change anything, and could not save her brother.

Goodbye Sid.

But the next moment, in the quiet space, a figure wearing a black robe suddenly appeared in this space~.

His toes gently landed on the giant sword, and then he kicked the tyrant directly and flew out!

"What kind of shadow are you doing!!!", his body flew out uncontrollably, and the tyrant roared angrily!

"It's you!" Claire opened her eyes after surviving the disaster. She recognized Shadow at a glance.

But Shadow ignored him. He looked at the moon in the sky and whispered,"The situation is starting to get out of control. There is no time left. More, the time of awakening is coming"

"Varied...What's the meaning?", Claire looked at the other party in confusion.

But the next moment, the shadow figure had disappeared.

Although Mary felt that this sentence was inexplicably familiar, this moment was not the time to think about it. She apologized She looked at Claire and apologized.

Because she had concealed the fact that she was a vampire. She knew clearly that Claire's brother was captured by a vampire, but she had always concealed it.

As an apology, she was willing to tell her what she had said. Know everything!

"More than a thousand years ago, vampires were still in their heyday. They fed on blood and hunted humans wantonly."

"But when their weakness of dying in the sun was revealed, the status of vampires and humans was completely opposite."

"The leader of the vampires at that time was the Blood-devouring Queen, but the Queen was not willing to be an enemy of humans. Instead, she hoped to get along with humans."

"He even gave up the vampire habit because of it!"

Kleia's eyes widened. The vampire has given up the habit of sucking blood?!

"At that time, there were both those who opposed and those who agreed, and I was the subordinate who followed Her Majesty the Queen. We gave up blood-sucking. Although we lost a lot of power, we were able to survive in the sun at the same time."

"Only the Queen cannot live in the sun. Perhaps this is the king's sorrow. The Queen has never been able to completely eliminate her urge to suck blood, and once exposed to the sun, her skin will still ulcerate."

"But even so, Her Majesty the Queen still established a resting place in Impossible City."

The days passed like this. Although there were some shortcomings, they lived happily.

Until that day came, Mary looked at the red moon in the sky, Sadness and anger flashed in his eyes.

Thousands of years ago, on that night when the red moon was in the sky, Krim mixed a drop of human blood in the Queen's food!

And the result was that the Queen went berserk - the whole process It lasted for three days and three nights. When the Queen came back to her senses, she had slaughtered most of the entire resting place.

Not only was the resting place turned into ruins, but even the three kings suffered a devastating blow!

And when you know The Queen, who had done everything she had done, had completely sealed herself.

But what she didn't expect was that not long after that, Krim secretly took away the Queen's body!

He led the entire A vampire who cannot live in the city, and threatens that in a thousand years, the Red Moon will resurrect the Blood-devouring Queen!

"That is, tonight!"

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