Late at night, in the deserted April Chamber of Commerce hall, a man in black was looking for something quickly, muttering as he walked.

"The April Chamber of Commerce is really a big place."

"Remember there are confidential documents I want in here?", while he was searching, suddenly a figure caught his attention.

That was...

"President of the April Chamber of Commerce! That's right, it's her!", in an instant, he determined his target!

There is no way, black hair, purple eyes, beautiful woman, president of the April Chamber of Commerce, no matter which label is unforgettable.

Moreover, what she holds in her hand is exactly what he is looking for document!

"A duck carrying onions on its back is really a good thing, but Erye is the one responsible for catching people."

"It doesn’t matter, let’s 353 together!", thinking like this, he stabbed Gama with a knife!

But the next moment, he was blinded.

Why?...what happened?

Gama had an angry look on his face,"It hurts! No matter how naughty you are, you must welcome the guests with the greatest welcome ceremony!"

As he spoke, terrifying magic power gathered from his hands, and the assassin was shocked, not...He has obviously arrived?!!

How is this going?! Before he could react, the magic power turned into a giant sword tens of meters high, sweeping everything in front of him!

The assassin was frightened by Gamma's terrifying magical power, but he was more confused. this woman..(dach). What are you waving around blindly?

With that kind of magic power, he would die in one hit, but the key is that this guy didn't even get a single blow from him, right?

What are you doing?

The magic power fell like a violent storm, and the more it hit him, the more blind he became, and the more it hit him, the stronger the gamma became.

What, what's going on?!

I saw that Gamma not only waved, but also made some sounds with his mouth during the wave,"咻咻咻!"

After a flurry of swipes, Gamma finally won.

Yes, although he has an extraordinary business acumen, his athletic ability is like that of an idiot, and the heavy price he paid was to kill a small insect with his vast magic power.

But Delta had no shame at all and even enjoyed it!

Yes, her efforts during this period were not in vain!

The World of Shadow Powerful Persons (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Sid twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly.

No, this...

Well, Gamma is an athletic idiot, so it seems that he has to overestimate the opponent in this regard.

Otherwise, it is easy to misunderstand, because gamma has really reached an unprecedented level in this aspect!

Chamber of Commerce Alliance

After learning that the two killers sent yesterday night had not returned, Danyue's expression gradually darkened, but thinking that no one could stop his plan.

He was relieved.

That's right! No one can stop him now! let's start!

At this time, Sid was dragged away with dead eyes staring at him.

""Come here, Pochi." The princess dragged Sid and came to the back garden under the envious eyes of everyone.

——Let’s talk about swordsmanship!

During a fierce battle, the princess sighed helplessly,"It's just as I thought. Your swordsmanship has not changed. It's really easy to practice with you."

"What, you want to show me your swordsmanship?", Sid was speechless.[]

"Well, yes." The princess admitted decisively, then a blush appeared on her face,"Didn't you say before that you like my swordsmanship?"

"So, for now...I want you to meet me again~"

Many viewers in the world looked at this shy princess, and their eyes turned red with envy.

At this time, the princess's face was already red with embarrassment and her face was red with embarrassment!

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