As Shadow continued to operate, piles of gold were soon transported by train to secret locations.

"What do you think, Mr. John?" the fox demon asked, hiding his face.

"It's simply wonderful~!!!", looking at the piles of gold in front of him, Shadow suppressed the joy in his heart and said loudly.

Gold! Lots and lots of gold!

After doing such a job, he can retire, right?!

"Most of the counterfeit banknotes have been exchanged for gold coins, and now the vaults of the Chamber of Commerce Alliance are empty. Next, as long as they repay the real banknotes in front of the citizens, those guys will be finished."

"Continuing to hold banknotes now will only increase uneasiness. Citizens will rush to exchange money, and the Chamber of Commerce Alliance will collapse due to lack of gold."

"It won't take long for the aftermath to spread to the April Chamber of Commerce. Even the April Chamber of Commerce will not be able to convert all the banknotes circulating in the market into gold coins."

"By then, the large chambers of commerce that support the kingdom's economic source will quickly collapse, and the kingdom will also be very busy dealing with this chaos. We will take advantage of this moment to eliminate all evidence!", the fox demon analyzed with a smile.

Shadow nodded silently and gave the fox demon a high look.

"I have told you before that when I was young, I lived with my mother. At that time, the great hero Shiva had just fallen."

"The country of the orcs fell into chaos.

The powerful tribes fought day by day in order to obtain the throne of the great hero.

Weak races like the fox monsters could only be at their mercy. In order to survive, they could only join forces with like-minded tribes..

And the wolf clan is the powerful power and the wisdom of the fox demon.

The fox demon slowly told her story and her purpose, to kill Danyue!

She only asked Shadow to kill Danyue in the end. Leave it to her to kill Danyue with her own hands!

In order to pursue wealth and power, the fox demon used all means to finally reach this position!

"The purpose of the slave family is to take away everything that Danyue has accumulated so far," the fox demon said coldly.

At this time, Sid thought of another person. By the way, did the senior sister have a similar experience before?

The words fell. , the fox demon glanced at Sid respectfully, and then walked out.

The next day, Sid walked on the street, and things turned out as he expected, a credit crisis occurred.

Almost all stores began to refuse banknotes..

That's right! That's it! Keep on! Keep on!

Sid's expression remained unchanged, but his heart was roaring crazily.

On the other side, Danyue and his men were riding in a carriage to analyze this credit crisis, but at this moment, a burst of The bell rang.

Danyue's expression suddenly became frightened! He looked around in panic, but found nothing! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Where is it! Where is it!

"hair...what happens?", the subordinate asked in horror.

Dan Yue did not speak, but used magic power in his eyes and looked around vigilantly.

Finally, he discovered the monstrous magic power, the giant nine-tailed fox!

"stop! Stop the carriage!"

At this time, on the other side, Gama looked worriedly at the figure in front of the fire in the room.

That was Alpha!

She squatted on the ground, folded her hands on her chest, looking down and sad, and kept muttering in her mouth

"He has now reached a state that only he can reach, and he no longer needs me...."

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