Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1110: The secret of stealing the sky (on)

Although stealing the sky is very eager to avoid the big hand caught by Ye Chenfeng, but her poisoning is quite deep, she is full of soft and weak, can only watch the big hand of Ye Chenfeng grab his clothes.

"Sting", the clothes on the thief were torn apart, revealing the white and snowy skin, looming, up and down, hidden in the charming waves of the white apron.

"Well, it’s not bad. What do you grow up with? The pectoral muscles are a mess. If I’m not mistaken, you should belong to the kind of grab railing in the bed, tear the sheets type.”

Looking at the singularity of Tianfeng, the twin peaks that are coming out, Ye Chenfeng is basically certain, and the seemingly lascivious stealing is actually a woman, looking at her with great interest, and said with playfulness.

"You... I am a man, are you interested in a man, don't you feel sick?" The sky spurted out a thick flame, glaring at Ye Chenfeng and shouting.

"Hey, you are a man, but how can I not see it?" Ye Chenfeng said with amazement: "Come here, let me take you off and study, see if you are Male is a woman."

"You, don't mess around!"

Stealing the sky and seeing Ye Chenfeng’s big hand stretched over again, his face changed slightly, and he grabbed the seriously damaged clothes and warned loudly.

But the whispering voice just fell, Ye Chenfeng’s big hand grabbed her long skirt hanging on her chest, and forced her to tear the serious skirt and tear the apron.

It’s not enough to protect the plump double peaks, which is enough to make her spring.

Even if she is holding on to the tall and straight peaks, she still reveals a charming ditch, up and down the arc.

"Wind, you believe it or not, I licked your hand!"

Theft will smother the chest with both hands, glaring at Ye Chenfeng and screaming loudly.

"Hey, look, actually I don't want this." Ye Chenfeng sighed softly: "I just wanted to test the reaction between the starter and the brain, but after I tested it, sometimes, the manpower Really not controlled by the brain."


Theft is insane and mad. If she was too weak, she would have jumped up and fought with Ye Chenfeng for three hundred rounds.

"Stealing the sky, is it for me to see you really!" Ye Chenfeng ignored the angry eyes of the sky and said slowly: "But if you refuse, my disobedient hand may still make Some special things, such as pulling your arms apart, for example, tearing off your skirt hem..."

"You are shameless..." Stealing the silver teeth, snarling into anger.

"I have limited patience. When I count to three, if you don't reveal the truth, then don't blame me for being rude." Ye Chenfeng said, "You might grow up." It’s not very good, but I’ve always been kind and helpful, but I don’t mind if I have something to do with you.”

"Well, I can show you my true content, but you must promise me, read my true content, you can't hurt me, and let me go."

The thief, who was completely at a disadvantage, bit his lip and said to Ye Chenfeng’s sullen eyes.

"Let you go? How easy it is!" Ye Chenfeng sneered aloud: "You count me everywhere, don't give you a deep lesson, you really think I am provoked. But if you cooperate, I I can promise not to hurt you."

"Okay, don't delay the time, don't let me lose patience!" Ye Chenfeng crossed his arms over his chest and looked at the sneak peek at the gnashing teeth.

"You won!"

Stealing the sky and using the mysterious power of the body automatically, tried several times, can not remove the toxins in the body, had to compromise, took a bottle of potion from the carrying ring, squeezed a drop, pressed on the forehead .

Suddenly, the light of a virtual light is mapped out, her angry face is constantly changing, and finally the true content is restored.

"Well, not bad, I didn't expect you to be a ugly one!"

Looking at the singularity like a sapphire, the scorpion with a blue ray of light, a breeze between the eyebrows, delicate facial features, pink lips with invisible temptation, full of stunners, Ye Chenfeng reveals a faint smile Road.

"You are ugly, your family is ugly!" The waves that smashed the weather continued to rise and fall, and said indignantly.

"Okay, don't be angry!" Ye Chenfeng said with a faint smile: "You talk about you, you are not ugly, why do you dress up as a man all day, tease a woman, don't you have anything?" Special 癖 is not good.”

"I just like what a woman is doing, use your tube!" Stealing a white morning wind, said evilly.

"It turns out that you like women, it happens to me too, or we want to discuss where the woman is good!" Ye Chenfeng's mouth is slightly upturned, and a pair of people are sure to steal the sky.


"Okay, I am asking you a few questions now. If you answer me honestly, I promise not to hurt you, but if you hide or deceive me, then don't blame me for being rude to you!" The morning breeze said in a threatening tone: "I don't really care about what you have with a girl like you."

"Okay, you ask!"

People have to bow their heads under the eaves, they can't dispel the toxins in the body, they can't show their magical powers, and they can only obey the words.

"What is your name, from where!"

Ye Chenfeng moved a chair and sat opposite the sky. Looking at her pretty face, she was exposed to the spring in the air, faintly said.

"Can you change the question!" The thief bit his lip and said.


The whispering voice just fell, and Ye Chenfeng threw her hand on her skirt, revealing the white, slender, flawless legs, warning: "Remember, then nonsense is not as simple as tearing off the skirt." Now, I will unplug all your clothes and tie them up to ask questions."

"Answer my question!"

"I, I am Du Fuyan, and my family was destroyed by the enemy 10 years ago!" The sneak twitched his legs and glared at Ye Chenfeng, gnashing his teeth.

"Belly eye? You call the belly button..." Hearing the sky, Ye Chenfeng almost laughed and said, "Your name is really a relative."

"Wind dust, I warn you, you can insult me, but you can't insult my father, otherwise I will kill you!" The stolen sky was suddenly irritated, and a thick flame was ejected in his eyes, glaring at Ye Chen. The wind, roaring loudly.

"Hey, well, just I am not right!" Looking at the emotional stealing, Ye Chenfeng licked his nose and said: "In order to express my apology, I will give you a list."

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng pulled up the list on the side, covering the tempting and tempting, enough to make the man crazy.

"Well, the second question, why do you know so many secrets in the Central World?"

"Because...because...they are all told by my master." The thief bit his lip and hesitated.

"Who is your master?" Ye Chenfeng continued to ask: "Remember, you better not want to deceive me, otherwise I don't mind searching for you, although the soul search may fail, but the consequences of failure. You should be very clear, if you don't want to die, don't want to be a fool, just answer the questions honestly."

"My master called to steal the sky, was the first **** of the Central World, but his old man was severely wounded by the old **** of the Nine Kingdoms, and now he has been recovering from injury!" Stealing the warning of Ye Chenfeng, the body is inexplicable Trembling, he said.

"Okay, I have the last question, do you have mastered the space rules!" Ye Chenfeng asked the eyes of the sky and suddenly asked.


The words of Ye Chenfeng just fell, and the soul of the sky trembled, and the eyes suddenly became bigger, revealing an incredible color.

She did not think that Ye Chenfeng actually saw through her biggest secret.


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