Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1111: The secret of stealing the sky (below)

"I don't know what a space rule is, are you wrong?"

The thief smashed and looked at Ye Chenfeng incredulously.

"Stealing the sky, do you know what the most distinctive feature of a woman's lie? That is, the chest will get bigger, come, let me see if there are any rumors."

Although there was no positive answer to the thief, but looking at her astonished, Ye Chenfeng had confirmed her own guess and reached out to grab the hand of the chest protector, deliberately pulling her hand.

"You, you are shameless! I didn't lie to you, you can't hurt me." The thief resisted the struggle, but her body was too weak to resist Ye Chenfeng.

"I am shameless?" Ye Chenfeng smiled coldly: "When I tell you the reason, you play rogue, I am playing rogue now, but you want to make the truth."

"Stealing the sky, are you still unclear about your situation? If you are not honest, then don't blame me!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng’s right hand touched her smooth thighs, which produced a positive current, which made the face look red and beautiful.

"Tell you, how do you get the space rules?" Ye Chenfeng looked straight into the eyes of the flustered, and asked irresistibly.

"Yes, my master told me!"

Feeling the feeling of numbness coming from the roots of the thighs, I only feel that a little wild cat scratches his heart and squats, and has to be frank.

"Really space rules!"

"Time is king, space is respect, I didn't expect the soul of the big 6 to have the inheritance of space rules!"

When Ye Chenfeng merged with the mind and soul of the mind, he had inadvertently learned the rules of time and the terrible rules of space. It can be said that these two rules are off the power of the road and are comparable to the original source.

And if he can learn, the space rules can definitely become his biggest killer. With the power of the mysterious space, Nirvana can't kill him.

"Stealing the sky, how do we do the pen transaction, I will save your master, you will pass the rules of the space to me!" Ye Chenfeng will move away from the hand on the thigh, look at her The delicate face of the face.

"Hey, I don't look down on you. My master is injured by the old **** of the Nine Gods. How can I save my master by the means of your three-legged cat!" The screaming cold screamed and glared at her. Ye Chenfeng.

"I have a living grass, and a living spirit, do you say that I can cure your master?"

Ye Chenfeng took out a planting grass from the Qiankun environment, a group of spirits, said slowly.

"You, where did you hide these treasures?"

Stolen feelings There is a big secret in Ye Chenfeng, and the treasures in the secret collection are absolutely amazing.

"Too many days, your nonsense is too much!" Ye Chenfeng gently lifted her white chin and greeted her eyes. She said coldly: "How are you going to do this with me?" Trading."

"Okay, as long as you heal my master's injury, I will pass the space rules to you!" Stealing the sky did not flash the eyes of the morning wind, biting his lips.

"No, I have to get the secret of the space rule before I will heal your master!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and could not resist.

"This is impossible!" The thief refused: "The space rules are in the hands of my master. I just learned a little fur and could not pass it to you."

"That's the story!" Ye Chenfeng showed a cold smile and threatened: "You must know to reject me."

" Believe it or not, even if you kill me, it doesn't matter. Like the deep secrets of space rules, do you think that pure oral dictation can be learned?"

"If this is the case, then don't blame me for searching for you!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng’s hand has a long whip in the middle of the class, which binds the body that exposes the spring light. It is necessary to use the power of the brain to search her.

"No, you, don't mess around!"

Theft is deeply aware of the dangers of the soul search. A little discomfort will cause immeasurable damage to the soul, and stealing the sky does not want Ye Chenfeng to know too much secrets and resist the struggle.

Now, the toxins formulated by Ye Chenfeng are terrible, almost dispelling the strength and soul of her whole body, and they are free from the bounds of the long whip.

"Wind dust, I am wrong, I beg you to let me go!" Stealing the truth, panic, tears streaming down her eyes, dyed his beautiful face, constantly begging for mercy Road: "I really didn't lie to you, the master passed my space rules, remembered in a stone tablet he controlled, only to get the stone monument, you can learn the space rules."

After listening to the pleading of the sky, Ye Chenfeng was unmoved, and the power to control the brain was infiltrated into the soul of stealing the sky, forcibly searching for her soul.

"Hmm... this is, the soul mark!"

When the power of the brain is infiltrated into the soul of the heavens, Ye Chenfeng reveals a strange color, hesitating, and removes his right hand from her heavenly cover.

"Wind dust, as long as you don't search for my soul, I, I can promise you any request, even if you want my body, I am willing, I beg you not to search for the soul, do not peep at my secret!" The crying pear blossoms with rain, constantly asking for mercy.

At this time, she is not a horrible person, and it is a little girl who keeps her secrets.

"Well, don't cry, I ask you a few things?" Ye Chenfeng looked at the tearful sky and said slowly: "I have given you the heavens and the earth that you stole these years." Your master."

"Yes!" said the screaming.

"Then you know, is your master applying imprints in your soul?" Ye Chenfeng pondered and continued to ask.

"Impossible, the master can't put a mark on my soul!" The angel swayed his head and denied it.

"It seems that I guess there is nothing wrong, your master has trained you, in fact, is using you!" Ye Chenfeng said slowly: "In your memory of the soul, I really can not get the secret of the space rules.

"Impossible, the master can't use me, it's impossible to put a mark on my soul.!" The wrath of the sky said: "The dust, you have to spurt the blood."

"That's good, then how about we bet, bet on whether there is a soul mark in your soul." Ye Chenfeng said faintly: "If I win, you take me to see your master, if I lose I will let you go immediately."

"Really..." Stealing the suspicion of looking at Ye Chenfeng.

"Nothing to say!" Ye Chenfeng.

"Okay, I bet you!"

Thinking of stealing the sky is good for her. Stealing the sky will never believe that the master will use her to put a mark on her soul.

"You don't want to resist now, I will find a way to break the mark in your mind, then you will know if I have lied to you!" said, Ye Chenfeng re-pressed his hand in the sky In the middle, the power to control the brain is infiltrated, engulfing the soul mark hidden in the sea of ​​the soul.

"This, how is this possible!"

With the power of the brain, the stolen sky clearly feels that in the deepest part of his soul, there is a vaguely imprint of the soul, and by the power of the soul imprinted by a little bit of excitement, this soul imprint is positive. It is from the hands of his master.

"Does the master really use me! I am afraid that I will eventually lose control, leaving behind my soul in my soul!" The sneak peeks in the sky, and the thoughts that made her heartache flashed in her mind.

"Don't think about it, everything waits for me to crack the soul mark in your soul sea!"

It feels that the soul of the stolen sky is very unstable, and the sound of Ye Chenfeng sounds in her ear, reminding me.

The soul mark in the sea of ​​thief is terrible. With the power of the brain, Ye Chenfeng carefully swallowed up for more than three hours, and finally swallowed it at dawn.

"Call, well, now you should believe me!"

Successfully swallowed the soul mark in the sea of ​​stealing the soul, Ye Chenfeng sighed with a sigh of relief, looking at his face pale, his eyes hollowed out, and said slowly.


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