Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1147: The short-circuited idiot

"Kid, stand for me!"

When wearing a linen robes, the unruly roads were blocked in front of a few people in the sky, cold and cold.

"Mom, do you want to die, if you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

The death of Xiao Tianyan, let the weather smash a fire, nowhere to vent, now he sees, Ye Chenfeng, Jiao Yu with an inconspicuous old man, a little girl wearing a broken clothes to intercept himself, The anger in my heart blew up like a volcano, and said evilly.

"How do you wait for the weather, now you are still obsessed with it, threatening me and the life of the language, do you have no Wang Fa?" Ye Chenfeng deliberately dug a pit to let the sky jump.

"Mom, and I said Wang Fa!" I don’t know the Tao in the sky. I can’t say it all the time: "I am Wang Fa, I am angry with Laozi. There are many ways for Laozi to steam you, even if you are Jiao Sao Niang, I have a way to deal with him."

"You, you must not insult my mother!" Jiao Yu said with a small face, angry said.

"I insulted, how can you treat me?" He looked at the rising face, and he was very charming and said, "If both of you and my mother are willing to give me a warm bed, be me." Woman, I can consider giving you a life, otherwise, you will wait for my revenge."

"Oh, the weather, you really think that there is a figure king to support you, can you have no fear?" The weather is not the ultimate goal of Ye Chenfeng, his real goal is to figure the king.

"Haha, kid, you still don't know the energy of the prince, tell you, the prince is so simple that you are like an ant."


When the weather is ecstasy, the raging road slaps a slap in the face, slaps him away, and several teeth are sprayed out of his mouth with a lot of blood. The whole person is heavy. He fell to the ground and stared at Venus.

"Mom, you are a big dog, dare to hit me!"

The sky screamed at the cheeks that had been crushed by the idiots, and climbed up on the ground like an angry lion, screaming loudly.

In the anger of his more burning, the road figure rises and he is ready to make a fatal blow to the road.

"I am playing you!"

Looking at the daring, and screaming in the sky, the road was mad, and a body flashed in front of him.

A finger broke the map, stretched out the feet wearing the sandals, stepped on his body defense, turned his foot on the ground, stepped on his mouth and spit blood, sternum shattered.

"Hou Ye!"

Seeing that there is danger in the weather, his two followers immediately sacrificed the two avenues to attack the Tao, and wanted to force the Tao to retreat and save the weather.


The road was screaming, and a powerful sound wave spurted out of his mouth. The terrible sound of the avenue shattered the two avenues directly, and the two great followers flew out and fell hundreds of meters. Far, I passed out on the spot.

"You, who are you?"

Seeing the road and pointing at the broken road map, smashing the scene of the two avenues, the weather was scared, and then combined with Ye Chenfeng just intentionally, he suddenly felt like he fell into a trap.

"Who is the old man you don't know!" Dao said coldly and proudly: "Now, I order you to call the old man to let him save you. If he doesn't come in a fragrant time, I will immediately break." Your neck."

"Before, seniors, this may be a misunderstanding!"

When I heard the name of the idiot, let the king of the figure come, and said that he was an old man, and he was scared by the weather, he said slyly.

"My words don't like to repeat the second time. The old man doesn't come for a while, don't blame me for taking your dog!" Dodge said without a trace of affection.

Feeling the killing of the Tao, the weather almost scared the courage, the whole body is more powerful, but let him ask for mercy, the Tao is not moved, but in desperation, he can only Take out the communication beads and send a message to the king of the map.

Although he was smothered by a snarl, the face of the lost figure is not in charge of the weather, but he thinks that after all, he is his person, doing a lot of things for him, and finally carrying a few The nine-day **** country rushed over with a high hand.

"How is he!"

When Tu Tianwang saw sitting in a chair that was made into a sensation, his feet slammed into the chest, and his fingers licked his nose, his face changed instantly.

He never imagined that the weather was so long-sighted that he had provoked the idiot who had just humiliated him, but also implicated himself, and he wished that he would die in the air.

"Since it’s coming, do not do anything, but it’s not here!"

Dao idiot looked at Tian Tian and others who stood in the distance and did not want to be close, said coldly.

"Predecessors don't want to be angry. I don't know how Xiaoping offended his predecessors. I don't need to bring him to discipline him."

In the face of strength far better than him, the gods who are not afraid of fear, Tu Tianwang had to put down his body and asked politely.


When I heard that the king of the figure actually called the idiot as a predecessor, the weather was scared and bloodless, and the whole heart fell into the abyss.

"You give me less sloppy eyes, I ask you, this kid is yours."

Dodge licked his face with a snot of his nose and asked him from the face of the weather.


Tian Tianwang said with a hard scalp.

"Then you know that he wants to murder my apprentice, do you want me to do anything?" Dao continued to ask.

"The predecessors don't misunderstand, I really don't know about this matter!" Tu Tian Wang's face changed, and quickly cleared up the relationship.

"You really don't know!" Dao sneer a sneer: "Gangster, come over and let the old man look at you."

"Yes, Master!"

Jiao Yuyu walked slowly, and said it cleverly.

"This is... the predecessor, she is your apprentice?" Tu Tianwang squinted his eyes and looked at the beautiful Jiao Yu, as a fairy, and could not be channeled.

"Yes, the language is the apprentice I just received, or my only apprentice, the only heir! You tried to murder the only apprentice of the old man, let the old man break, how do you tell me how to discipline you?" The Taoist voice suddenly turned cold and said coldly.


"Predecessors, this may be a misunderstanding, we did not know that you want to accept the girl as a girl!"

Although the Tao is so mad, but Tu Tianwang does not dare to offend him, he does not dare to anger him, can only bite his teeth and swallow his stomach, and constantly explain.

"Well, I can be ignorant of you, but this person is too hateful. I can't help you with your support. Today I will take you to discipline him. You have no opinion!" The crazy figure of the king, said coldly.

"No, my predecessors want to punish him, I have no opinion!"

At this time, Tu Tianwang wants to kill and blame for the blame, how can he support him.

"No, lord, save me."

When I heard that Tianwang gave up on myself, I was scared and shouted.


A stream of blood suddenly splashed, and the idiot had broken the heart of the weather and abolished his cultivation.

"Tu Laofufu, you remember to me, if you let me know in the future, you dare to bully me a family, even if the Emperor can not keep you!"

And the mouth of the Emperor in his mouth is the current Emperor of the Nine Kingdoms.

"I know!" Tu Tianwang bit his teeth and said in humiliation.

"Okay, there is nothing wrong with you here, how far it takes me to take this waste."

The road is fascinated by the emptiness of the sky, and will be stunned and turned into a wasteful person. He will be caught in the hands and thrown at the face of the scorpion.

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