Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1148: 天地道碑

"Mother, I am back!"

Ye Chenfeng and his party just returned to the inn, and the smiley face shouted excitedly. Network

When I heard the sound of a squeaky voice, I hoped that Tianhou, Mu Qinghuo and others immediately opened the door of the house and watched Jiaojiao squatting on a burqa robe, facing the ordinary old man’s arm and laughing. Look at them.

"Hey, is this predecessor?"

Although the Tao did not give a sigh of breath, the appearance of the dress was very ordinary, but when he looked at him, he felt that he was extraordinary, and asked politely.

"Nanny, this is what I just recognized as a master!" Jiao said with excitement.

In the future, there will be a fool for their mother and daughter, and no one will dare to bully their mother and daughter.

"Master, you went out for a trip, worshipped a master!" Wang Tianhou and Mu Qinghuo looked at each other and said unexpectedly.

"Hou Ye, the master of the language worship is not simple!" Looking at the look of Tian Hou's surprise, Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly: "Dao Diao's predecessor is one of the six major scattered masters of the Central Committee. He wants to worship him. The men of the division can go outside the city of Vulcan."


Wangtianhou, Mu Qinghuo couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. The whole person was completely shocked and couldn’t believe what he had heard.

"Famous name, nothing more!" said the dodgelessly: "You are the mother of the language, I like your daughter very much, optimistic about her talent and potential, I really want to accept her as an apprentice, I wonder if you are willing?"

"Will, of course I am willing!"

As a prince of the nine-day **** country, Wang Tianhou knows the horror of the idiot, even if the current Emperor of the Nine Kingdoms has seen the idiot, he does not dare to support the big, to the younger generation, if the Jiaoyu can worship him as a teacher. The exhibition in the future will not be limited.

"That's good!" Seeing that there is no disagreement in the day, the Taoist smile shows a satisfied smile: "Kid, do you want to consider it again, worship the old man as a teacher."

"Predecessors, you have received such a good apprentice, don't remember me in the middle of it!" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly, half jokingly said.

"What is the name of the three-fourth, your kid will not speak!" Dodge anger said: "Forget it, I can get a slogan, I will already be content, I will not force you, but I will have it in the future." Where you need help, you can't deny it, or I will smash your ass."

"Reassure to the predecessors, promise the predecessors, the younger generation will naturally do it!" Ye Chenfeng patted his chest to ensure that.

When I heard the dialogue between Ye Chenfeng and Daodu, I hope that the doubts in Tianhou’s mind were solved. She guessed that Jiaoyu could worship the idiot as a teacher. It must be related to Ye Chenfeng, looking at Ye Chen. The eyes of the wind are full of gratitude.

"Yes, when I came, I will help you to abolish the kid in the sky, and teach you the old man of Tu Tianwang. He will never dare to bully you in the future!" Tao said slowly.

Although the Tao is very relaxed, but when he heard the ears in the sky, he was astonished in nine days, and she was stupid.

Abandoning the hustle and bustle of the sky, the legendary figure of the king, I am afraid that only one of the means of Taoism can do it.

"Let's go, let's get into the house, I'm officially collecting it now!"

Dowed to the amazing power, there are also enemies in the Central World. There are no excessive high-profile apprentices. Just in front of Ye Chenfeng, Wang Tianhou and others, let Jiao Yu go to the teacher’s ceremony and officially accept her. For the disciples.

"Come, slang, the three gifts that the master gave you!" Dao groped from his arms and found the treasure: "This is a pendant made from the soul stone, which was the master in one place." Dangerously, killed several enemies to grab."

"This second treasure is a Ziyang map of the lower grade of the holy treasure, which can be attacked and defended, and then matched with the quasi-sacred amulet that the kid sent you. Nirvana's humanity also wants to hurt you. ."

"This third treasure is chosen by you!"

Speaking, Daozi took out five pieces of quasi-sacred treasures, a monument, and the five pieces of quasi-saint and the stone, each piece of value is immeasurable, placed at the auction, absolutely The treasure of the finale, the male master, the emperor will also be jealous when he sees it.

"Master, I want that medicine!"

Jiao Yu squinted at a glance of a whole body red, the body depicts a flaming phoenix like a burning phoenix, scattered with the ancient gas of the three-legged medicine tripod.

She has a feeling that if she can get this medicine, her performance in the Heavenly Hall will definitely go even further, and she can achieve results that she could not imagine.

"Language, the master knows that you are an alchemy teacher, but the martial arts one way, remember not to be too messy, otherwise it will be impossible, the master can give you this medicine, but you can not put too much energy on the Dan, Everything has to be based on monasticism." Dao told me seriously.

"Reassure the master, the disciple knows the weight, I just want to use this trip to improve the results, not to shame the master!" Jiao Yu said sweetly, the human touch makes Dao is very happy.

"Okay, then I will give you the phoenix burning furnace." Dodge loved and looked at Jiao Yu, very happy to give her the phoenix burning furnace.

"Thank you Master!"

Jiaoyu squatted on the ground, and respectfully smashed three heads, and then took three rare and precious treasures from the market.

"This idiot is one of the top ten majors in the Central World, and the foundation is too rich!"

Looking at the three big apprentices of the Taoist singer, even Ye Chenfeng is very excited, but the most attractive to Ye Chenfeng is the road monument.

" Jiao Yan, after I prepared for the Heavenly Hall competition, I left with a slogan and went to the place where I practiced to teach her to practice the Tao." Dao sang a sip of the lingering tea and looked at the graceful and precious heaven. , asked slowly.

"After listening to the predecessors, if there is any uneasy place in the language, please ask the seniors to take more care!"

Seeing the Taoist singer’s gift to the singer, I hope that Tianhou will completely let go of my heart and sincerely feel that my daughter is happy.

"The old man is ready to accept this apprentice in this life, and he will surely teach him what he has learned. I believe that her achievements in the future will definitely be stronger than me." The more I see the sweet words, the more satisfied I am, the promise of the public.

"Okay, your mother and daughter have been reunited for a few days. The old man went to find old friends to drink, tell them the news of the old man's apprenticeship, and then help the man to cheat a few pieces of treasure."

"Wait for the predecessors, I want to exchange that monument with you, I don't know?"

After the brain-sensing, Ye Chenfeng feels that the road that Dao has just come up with is the heaven and earth monument he is looking for.

"Kid, you know the value of this monument, can you have something to exchange?" Dao said with a smile, deliberately look at the contents of Ye Chenfeng.

"How is a living grass?" Ye Chenfeng said with a meditation.

"Spirit grass, I did not expect you to have such legends, but my road monument contains ten heavens and earth, a raw grass is not enough to exchange!" Dao sang tea, slowly said .

"Master, you will exchange the heaven and earth monuments for the dust!" Jiao Yu swayed the arm of the idiot gently, spoiled.

"He is not my apprentice, all my good things are left to my disciples." Doji said with a playful taste.

"Predecessors, you said this is too much, maybe one day, the seniors need a place for help from the kid?"

"Bad boy, threatening the old man!" Dao smirked and said: "Well, I will exchange with you when you send me such a good gangster."

"Thank you for your predecessors!"

Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly, using a raw grass to trade from the Taoist to the heaven and earth.

"Okay, I am leaving, I look forward to your performance in the Temple of Heaven!"

The road idiot gave the sacred grass to the Jiaoyu, and the body flashed slightly, like a breeze, disappeared.

"Wind dust, thank you for finding such a good teacher for the language, please accept me!"

After Dao’s departure, Wang Tianhou gratefully looked at Ye Chenfeng and bowed deeply at him.

"Hou's words are heavy!" Ye Chenfeng smiled and said: "Hou, can you help me arrange another room, look after her?"


Wang Tianhou glanced at the Zhoujia woman with her head lowered and showing fear and humbleness. Without asking, she looked at a room next door and settled her.

"When the game is over, I will send you home, and I promise you that no one will bully you in the future!" Ye Chenfeng looked at the poor Zhou woman, and whispered.

"Thank you for your grace!"

Wu’s woman meets Ye Chenfeng’s clear eyes and suddenly kneels down and gives Ye Chenfeng three heads.

After setting up a Zhou woman, Ye Chenfeng returned to his room and laid a soundproof ban in the room. He took out the Emperor Sword and summoned the Emperor Sword Spirit. He wanted to know that the Emperor Sword was hidden. What is the secret.

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