Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1149: Soul Sublimation, Samsung Road St.

"Sword Spirit, I ask you, do you have anything to hide me, this Emperor Tianjian still hides the big secret!"


"Sword Spirit, you have to know, I am your master now, if you are hiding from me, believe it or not, I will destroy you!" Ye Chenfeng's face was heavy, cold and threatening.

"No, no, the owner is angry, I don't mean to hide it. I am not sure if that place still exists!" Emperor Tianling looked at Ye Chenfeng's gloomy face and explained quickly.

"Tell me, what secret does this emperor sword hide?" Ye Chenfeng could not resist the order.

"The Emperor Tianshen itself has no secrets. The people of the Nine Heavens Kingdom want to take back the Emperor Sword. It should be because of me!" The Emperor Tianling had to threaten under the threat of Ye Chenfeng: "I used to Following the old master, I found an abandoned ancient medicine garden in the sea of ​​mystery, and the real purpose of the nine-day **** country should be here. However, they may have lost the map into the ancient medicine garden."

"The ancient medicine garden!" Ye Chenfeng browed and asked: "Can you still remember the route to the ancient medicine garden?"

"It should be almost the same, but there are a lot of bans in the ancient medicine garden, and many heaven and earth spirits have been psychic, the strength is terrible, it is not easy to conquer, and the strength of the old master’s nirvana is only conquered. Five spirits." Emperor Tianjian Lingdao.

"Well, when the time is right, you take me to the ancient medicine garden in the mysterious sea!"

The mysterious sea leaf morning wind is imperative, because the second place of the spiritual family is in the mysterious sea, but it is very difficult to inherit the spiritual inheritance. Ye Chenfeng is ready to cultivate to the sixth-level beast or Break through the realm of the Tao, then go to the place where the spiritual inheritance is passed, and take a look at this ancient medicine garden.

Under the secret of the Emperor's sword spirit, Ye Chenfeng took it into the territory of Qiankun, and took out the two great harvests today, the mysterious chalcedony and the black spar.

Hand-held dull black spar, Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts move, and the brain is speeding up, and the terrible soul power penetrates into the black spar with a tens of thousands of times of amplitude, exploring It hides the secret.

"The power of chaos!"

After nearly one hour of infiltration, Ye Chenfeng felt the power of chaos in the black spar, revealing a faint smile.

"Chaos God!"

Ye Chenfeng summoned the chaotic **** wood, controlled the chaotic **** wood to condense a large number of five-color roots, wrapped the black spar, forcibly penetrated into the spar, and plucked the force of chaos in the spar.

At this time, Ye Chenfeng summoned the burning fire at the beginning of the early days, burning the mysterious chalcedony, and wanting to melt the chalcedony by the power of the first holy fire.

But this chalcedony is extremely strong, and Ye Chenfeng controlled the first holy fire to burn for more than an hour, and failed to melt it.

Unfortunately, Ye Chenfeng summoned Zhuque Ding to throw the chalcedony into the Dingzhong, control the power of the Suzaku Ding’s amplitude to burn the holy fire, and continue to burn the chalcedony.

But the morning wind control Suzaku Ding burned for a long time, only to melt the chalcedony a layer of epidermis, and it is impossible to completely melt it.

"It seems that only relying on brute force, forcibly breaking it!"

In the early days of the burning, the holy fire could not melt the chalcedony. Ye Chenfeng immediately took the chaotic **** wood with black spar into the body, and came to the Qiankun environment, shouting the chaotic beast, shouting and calling out the sword spirit. He and the star Luo are separated.

" Everyone will attack this chalcedony and break it. I need something in this chalcedony." Ye Chenfeng held the chalcedony high and ordered.

"Okay, attack!"

With Ye Chenfeng's death, Sword Spirit, Chaos, Beast, Ganming, etc., armed with the strongest Taoist soldiers, exerted all-out attacks and attacked the chalcedony that was abandoned by Ye Chenfeng.

Collect the power of everyone, don't say the best thing, even the quasi-sacred device will be broken.

And this piece of chalcedony that seems to flow from the sky outside, but hard to withstand the fierce attack of Ye Chenfeng and others without loss.

But the morning wind is not in a hurry, constantly relying on the power of the Qiankun environment, blessing his own attacks, and the swordsman, the chaotic beasts they continue to attack.

Finally, after years of unremitting efforts, this piece of hard and hard chalcedony was finally broken, and a drop of black liquid containing powerful soul power dripped down in the chalcedony and was taken in by Ye Chenfeng. Prepared in the jade bottle earlier.

"Boss, what is this black spirit in the end, why it contains such a powerful soul power!" Chaos beast came forward and asked with a squint.

"If I don't admit it, this black spirit should be the legendary soul liquid." Ye Chenfeng said with a faint smile.

"Tian soul liquid, can change the soul of the soul of the soul!" Dry Ming Hou eyes wide open, watching the black liquid constantly dripping from the chalcedony, shocked said.

A few years ago, Qian Minghou participated in the Qilin Shenguo royalty auction. One of the most important ones was the soul of the soul. At that time, the eight drops of the soul liquid took a sky-high price. Finally, the two holy places of the Qilin Kingdom were more It is because the soul of this day is completely broken.

"Well, it is this spirit!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and spent a lot of effort, taking time out of the chalcedony with a total of forty-eight drops of soul liquid.

"Come, these heavenly spirits are for you!"

Ye Chenfeng didn't have any sorrows, and gave them to Gan Ming Hou, Ling Yu, King of Killing, and so on, each of them three drops of Tianshen Liquid, let them change their souls, then left the Qiankun and came outside.

"It’s dawn, I don’t know if the language is practicing!”

Although Ye Chenfeng can absorb the soul of the soul to cultivate the soul, but if you use the sweet language to nourish the soul, the effect will be better. At dawn, Ye Chenfeng came to the door of Jiaoyu. Gently slam the door.

When I heard the sound of Ye Chenfeng, Jiao Yu immediately woke up in cultivation, wearing a thin white nightdress, bare feet and white feet, opened the door and greeted Ye Chenfeng.

"Wind dust, you have to find me something!" Jiao Yu asked softly.

"Well, I have something for you!"

Ye Chenfeng looked at the delicate body in the white nightdress, revealing the white skin, seducting the ditch, exuding the intangible charm of the Jiaoyu, gently nodded and said.

"What good thing?" Jiao said with big eyes and curiously.

"I don't know if you heard the soul of the soul?" Ye Chenfeng asked with a smile.

"Tian soul liquid, the legend can change the soul of the soul of the soul!" Jiao Yu widened his eyes, said surprised.

"Yes, I have extracted some soul spirits in the chalcedony, ready to absorb cultivation with you!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and said.

"Wind dust, thank you, you have given me too much, I really don't know how to repay you!" Jiao Yu's eyes softly looked at Ye Chenfeng, said with affection.

"Take a good life with the predecessors to practice, wait for you to one day, stand on the battle of the soul of the mainland, and then repay me!" Ye Chenfeng gently scraped a little sweet nose, said a smile.

"Oh, okay!"

In fact, Jiao Yuyu prefers another way of repaying, but seeing the embarrassing relationship between the stunned stunner and Ye Chenfeng, she did not say anything in her heart.

"Okay, let's take time to practice, and strive for the eve of the Heavenly Palace competition. We will cultivate our souls to Nirvana, and our achievements will improve." Ye Chenfeng gave a fascinating ten-day soul liquid. She also contained ten drops of the soul of the soul, and she came to the big bed with a charming fragrance, holding hands to cultivate and not destroy the soul.

Under the two people holding hands and not destroying the soul, the soul of the soul spirits is brought to the extreme, and under the soul of the grinding disc, constantly nourish their souls.

As the communication between the two souls is getting faster and closer, the two are entering a mysterious mood. In this mood, they feel completely integrated with each other, a comfortable and difficult The feeling of self-suppression arises in the souls of both of them, letting them float and fascinated.

One drop, two drops, five drops...

When the two of them refining ten drops of the soul of the soul, their souls were sublimated at this moment, reaching the sanctuary of the Samsung Road.

The soul of the realm breakthrough, they are also reluctant to wake up in that wonderful, can melt people's mood.

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