Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1150: We are walking around

"This day, the soul of the soul is really mysterious, I don't think I spent so much to exchange it!"

Ye Chenfeng sighed with a sigh of relief and woke up in cultivation. He felt that the soul after the transformation was more than ten times stronger, showing a faint smile.

When his eyes looked at Jiao Yu and wanted to ask her about her situation, the throat rolled unconsciously.

At this time, the sweet voice, the sweaty sweat dripping the white nightdress completely wet, tightly wrapped in the body of Miao Man, with the eyesight of Ye Chenfeng, can clearly see her slightly upright Yufeng, and two pink blushes.

And her skin at this time is more like a bubble in the hot springs, revealing a fascinating pink color, as if she can pour out water at a glance.

I found Ye Chenfeng’s eyes straight on my chest. What I suddenly thought of, the instinctual hands and chest, the ruddy face is like a beautiful flower, people can’t help but want to pick.

"Language, to consolidate the realm of the soul, I will go out first!"

I feel a little embarrassed, Ye Chenfeng did not stay for a long time, quickly left the Jiaoyu room, returned to his room, hurriedly took a cold shower, only to extinguish the flame in his heart.

"Spoken words..."

Sweet words in the eyes of the eyes, he did not find out, but a cold water smoke makes him a headache, simply do not dare to accept Jiao Yu.

In addition to the distracting thoughts in his mind, Ye Chenfeng returned to the Qiankun environment, trying to refine the burning of the early flames and the purple beginning of the holy thunder into the road, and fully prepare for the upcoming Temple of Heaven competition.

As the game approached, Vulcan City became more and more lively. Almost all the forces in the Central World sent people to Vulcan City to watch the highest-level, highest-level competition.

Finally, in the eyes of the public, the Temple of Heaven began, and the city of Vulcan was boiling on this day. Even some old monsters that could not be seen in the world came out and came to the Temple of Fire.

"Look, it’s the driving of the nine-day royalty. I don’t know if the nine-day **** country will send the sage to the game!”

"This kind of secret is not something you and I can try to figure out, but this time the temple is rewarding, I think all major forces should send the top priests to compete and win the final championship!"

Hanging the symbol of the nine-day kingdom of the kingdom, the nine-day royal family of pure dragon horses drove past the spacious streets, the gossip **** country, the unicorn **** country, the hidden world power Tiancang Palace has appeared successively, speeding To the Temple of Fire, the entire street became very lively with their arrival.

"The front is the Temple of Fire, and the annual Temple Tournament is held there!"

Take the morning light, Ye Chenfeng and his group left the inn early, and came to the center of the city of Vulcan. It was like a city in the middle of the city. It was enveloped in a strong ban, and the building color was mainly composed of fire red. The majestic Temple of Vulcan.

Today’s Ye Chenfeng and Jiao Yuyu, both of them are replaced with a symbolic identity refining suit. On their chests, they don’t have a shiny four-star badge.

Looking at Ye Chenfeng wearing a refining costume, the sleek and handsome eyes, and the sly eyes are constantly attracted to him.

"Okay, let's go in, I will go to the stadium to wait for your wonderful performance, come on!" Wang Tianhou looked at Ye Chenfeng and Jiao Yu, who had high hopes from her, encouraged a few voices. Master Du and others went to the side of the Temple of Fire, which is like a tower-shaped Guansai Pavilion.

After inspection, Ye Chenfeng three people entered the floating aura, the incomparably spacious Fire Temple, seeing the scene in the Temple of Fire, Ye Chenfeng pupil could not help but shrink.

In the Baiyu Square near the Temple of Fire, nearly 10,000 alchemists and refiners stood together and formed a terrible noise.

However, according to their chest badges, it is rare to see more than seven refiners.

"Every time in the Temple competition, the alchemy contest will be held first, and the alchemy tournament will be divided into trials, preliminary competitions, rematches and finals. Seven-star alchemists will not need to participate in the trials, but can enter the preliminary competition directly, and the Jiuxing alchemy can directly enter the semi-finals. As for the most powerful sage, it will only appear in the finals."

"So in the previous few days, few high-level refiners appeared, but some high-level alchemists will reduce their status to participate in the trials, in order to pick some ancient medicines in the ancient medicine mountain."

"And only through the trials, entering the preliminary round, will be eligible to enter the skyfire industry, but in every Tiandian competition, at least two-thirds of the alchemists participating in the trials will be eliminated." Mu Qinghuo stood in Yechen Beside the wind, gently introduce him.

"Tianhuojie? Is this Fire Temple not the main stadium?" Ye Chenfeng did not understand the game of the Temple, and asked softly.

"Yes, this Temple of Fire is just a selection of the arena. It is not the final main game. The real main stadium is in a sky-fired world that has no power to open up." Mu Qinghu nodded and said.

"Great handwriting."

Ye Chenfeng can't imagine how terrible the power of that power is. This requires the cultivation of space rules to a very high level to open up an independent space.

When talking, Ye Chenfeng suddenly felt a cold breath locked himself. Although he did not look back, Ye Chenfeng already felt who released this breath.

"We met again!"

Wearing a red-red refining suit, the chest is not covered with the ninth-level celestial badge, and there is a arrogant and gloomy fire spirit on the face, with three eight-level alchemy teachers slowly coming over.

"Do we know?"

Touching the hostility in the eyes of Huo Ling Shengzi, Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly and said carelessly.

"Why, don't you dare to recognize me?" Huo Ling Shengzi hated and looked at Ye Chenfeng, said coldly.

If it’s not Ye Chenfeng’s mouth, the holy Dan has already fallen into his hands. Every time he thinks that Ye Chenfeng has taken away the big chance that he should belong to himself, the fire spirit son will hate the roots. I want to make Ye Chenfeng a thousand knives.

"Hey... I remembered, which one are you, which fire duck is!" Ye Chenfeng said with some exaggeration.


Ye Chenfeng’s words just fell, and Jiao Yu’s words didn’t hold back. He laughed out loud and smiled at the city. In an instant, the souls of the three eight-star alchemists behind Huo Ling’s son were almost gone.

"You..." In the eyes of the fire spirit, a strong flame was ejected from the eyes of the Son of the Fire, and the morning wind was threatened. "I advise you to return the things that I have stolen to me, otherwise I promise you." Can't enter the preliminary round, so you can't advance to Wangtiange."

"Hey! It seems that you still inquired about me, but the medicinal drug has just been eaten by me this morning. If you want, you can wait for me to go to the toilet, maybe there is a harvest! "Ye Chenfeng simply ignores the threat of the Holy Spirit, and said the drama."

"You are looking for death..."

When Ye Chenfeng was humiliated in public, the three eight-level alchemists behind him were suddenly angry. Three thick murders locked Ye Chenfeng as if he wanted to tear him.

"I advised you three young people to ask him about my strength before I started. I was able to beat him like a dead dog, and you can beat you like a dead pig." Ye Chenfeng carried his hands. There is no fear of warning.

"Wind dust, I admit that your strength is good, but the test of the trial is not strength, I will let you pay for the arrogance." The fire spirit saint took a deep breath, only to hold the inner anger, cold and cold Warning.

"Then we will walk around!" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly and said: "See who can laugh at the end,"

"Let's go!"

The four sons who had touched the nose of the gray screamed at the morning wind and left with anger.

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