Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1187: Tiandian Request

"This is the triple change of the skyfire!"

Through the light, I watched Ye Chenfeng win the first place in the alchemy contest. The fire scorpion couldn’t calm for a long time. He didn’t expect that the fire sage had gotten into a monster, and a holy fire valley could not be provoked. The monster, when he found him in Ye Chenfeng, he could only smack the first fire of the Holy Fire Valley to the Ye Chenfeng.

"I hope that you will remember for a long time, don't provoke me any more, or I will destroy your inheritance."

There are two people who watched the wolf and the fire, and the father and the son, Ye Chenfeng’s eyes were slightly stunned.

"Wind dust, where did your kid come from, how could it be so powerful, even Shengdan can refine it!" Daodu and others surrounded him and looked at him like a monster, as if he wanted to He saw through.

"The younger generation is also super long play, adding a little luck, and finally refining the Holy Dan!" Ye Chenfeng looked at the faces of amazement, smiled and said modestly.

"You don't be modest, you can win the championship in the highest level of the alchemy contest in the Central World. It's not just luck!" said Tao Xiaoxiao, "We will find you alchemy in the future. You can't deny it. Not to swindle us, or I will let my apprentice find you."

"Reassure the seniors, if the four seniors need it, the younger generation will give the four seniors free alchemy!" Ye Chenfeng glanced at the cheeks red, bright and radiant, and whispered softly.

"Haha, wait for your words!" Dao screamed and said with satisfaction.

The three swordsmen also showed their smiles, and the eyes of Ye Chenfeng changed.

Although their realm has reached the limit of the central world, if they have strong support from Shengdan, their strength can be improved a lot, and Shouyuan can also increase accordingly, so Ye Chenfeng who has the strength of refining Shengdan is for them. It is extremely important.

"Let's go to the predecessors, let's go back, I want to retreat for a few days, prepare for the refining competition after three days!" Ye Chenfeng said softly.

"Why, you have to participate in the refining contest!"

Dow idiot and others widened their eyes and revealed a deep horror.

They can't imagine that Ye Chenfeng's age is not only powerful, but also profound, and the refining technique is unparalleled. He also has a powerful refining technique, which is to cultivate in the womb, and it is impossible to be so abnormal.

"Well, I also bet with the Master of the Desolation, betting on the final results of our refining contest, the color head is the reward of our alchemy contest!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and said.


After hearing Ye Chenfeng's understatement, Daoqi and others were all stupid, and petrification was on the spot.

"This, the dust, you really have the confidence to defeat the silence? He is not only a man of martial arts, but also a terrible refining technique. The entire Central World can beat people in the refining process. I am afraid that I can count a hand." Dao sighed and took a breath.

"The younger generation did not have absolute certainty to defeat him. He wanted to beat me in the refining process. It was not so easy!" Ye Chenfeng's plain voice revealed a strong confidence.

"Monster, this kid is a monster!"

Dow idiots and others looked at each other and had the same thought in their minds.

Returning to the ancient hospital of Doji, Ye Chenfeng refused the proposal of the celebration, returned to the room, laid the soundproof ban, and took a simple rest for a while, taking a large amount of refining materials from the Qiankun community, while refining At the same time, I tried to melt the purple sacred thunder and the burning sacred fire into the refinery embryo.

Although not in front of Vulcan City, Ye Chenfeng has been able to seal the purple sacred sacred and the burning sacred fire in the refinery embryo. The success rate is over 90%, but I want to defeat the master of silence. I am afraid that the sexual release attack is not enough. Ye Chenfeng is trying to seal the two holy objects twice or even three times.

Although his idea is rather bold and difficult, the evolution of Chaos Shenmu is feasible.

According to his own thoughts, Ye Chenfeng borrowed the power of Chaos Shenmu to do experiments again and again, forcing the seal of the first holy fire and the first Sheng Lei into the refining embryo.

But in the experiment, Ye Chenfeng still encountered a lot of trouble, repeated experiments, repeated failures, and self-confidence suffered.

"Where is the problem?"

Ye Chenfeng found that a seal can be successful, but when the second seal was printed, the first holy fire and the first holy thunder always lost control, tearing the seal and frying the embryo, which made him constantly ponder over the problem.

"Is it the first holy fire, the power of the first holy thunder is too strong, and the strength of the refining class of my refining is not enough. It is not enough to seal the first holy fire and the first holy thunder, which will eventually lead to failure!"

Thinking for a while, Ye Chenfeng thought about where the problem might be, but the three-day time was too short, and the time for refining the quality of the product was so long that he had no time to confirm his guess.

When Ye Chenfeng was in distress, a slamming sound rang, and a soft voice rang out loud outside the house.

"Wind dust, the Lord of the Temple is coming, I want to see you."

"The main hall!"

When I heard the voice of Jiao Yu, Ye Chenfeng immediately stopped the experiment, opened the door, followed her to the main hall, and saw Xuan Hongzheng, who was chilling with Dao.

"Wind dust, don't bother you to practice."

Looking at the golden boy and the girl-like Ye Chenfeng and Jiao Yuyu appeared in the main hall, Xuan Hong was putting down the tea cup in his hand, with a faint smile, whispered.

"No!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and said: "Mysterious master, I don't know why you came to me so late, what's the matter?"

"Morning wind, can we talk alone?" Xuan Hong was asking.

"Of course!" Ye Chenfeng said very cheerfully: "If you don't give up, the main hallkeeper will go to my room."

"Wind dust, I am coming to you today, there is a very important thing to ask for your help!" came to Ye Chenfeng's room, Xuan Hong is opening the door and saying.

"Please ask the main hall!"

Ye Chenfeng personally gave Xuan Hong a cup of mellow tea and said.

"I think after the game is over, please help us to refine one of the medicinal herbs!" Xuan Hong is taking a sip of tea.

"The main lord, I don't know what grades of medicinal herbs are you going to refine?" Ye Chenfeng brows a little, and asked in surprise.

The Temple of Heaven represents the highest level of refining in the Central World. It is also the holy place of the alchemy teacher and the refiner. Even they are not sure of the refining medicinal herbs.

"Ten Dan under the ten-grain!" Xuan Hongzheng said.

"Ten pattern..." Ye Chenfeng took a breath.

A sacred product of Shengdan has exceeded the limit of the soul of the mainland, and the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred.

"I know that this request is a bit difficult, but the refining of this ten-grain product, Sheng Dan, is very important to my temple!" Xuan Hongzheng said.

"The main hall of the main hall, so many holy teachers in the central world, why did you find me?" Ye Chenfeng did not immediately agree, whispered.

"No matter the master of silence, Master Danxin or Master Biliu, they all have blood of aliens, and you, like us, flow the blood of the human race, plus the alchemy that you show today. So we feel that you are a good candidate and trustworthy."

"But you don't have to have too much burden on your heart. Whether it is success or failure, we will appreciate you and offer a gift!" Xuan Hongzheng said the original reason.

"Well, this is helping me to help!"

I know that the Temple of Heaven is a human race, and Ye Chenfeng did not think much, and promised.

"Thank you! Wind dust, I don't know what you want, as long as my temple can be taken out, I will give it to you!" Xuan Hong is revealing a grateful color.

"The younger generation is not welcome!" Ye Chenfeng thought for a moment and said: "The younger generation wants three upper-quality embryos, three excellent embryos, a quasi-sacrificial embryo, and a master of remnants. The Emperor Shengdan, and the 81-point sword of the top grade."

"Well, tomorrow morning, I am going to send you these things!"

Although the value of the things that Ye Chenfeng requested is immeasurable, the holy places can not be taken out, but Xuan Hong is still happy to agree.

"For the wind dust, because of the outstanding performance of your refining contest, the preliminary competition of the refining contest, you do not need to participate in the rematch, you can directly participate in the finals!"

When leaving, Xuan Hong is giving Ye Chenfeng a heavenly order. With this heavenly order, Ye Chenfeng can directly participate in the finals.

"Thank you, Lord Hall!"

Ye Chenfeng’s heart is overjoyed. What he lacks now is time. With this heavenly order, he can experiment more than ten days.

"It's good, dust, you have a good rest, I am leaving."

When finished, under Ye Chenfeng's congratulations, Xuan Hong was leaving the ancient court and returned to the temple.

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