Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1188: Triple Seal

In the morning, a morning light penetrates the mist and falls on the city of Vulcan, awakening this ancient city with a long history.

In the early morning, the master of the temple will send the embryos that Ye Chenfeng asked for, and the emperor Shengdan, 81, sent the best sword.

The reason why Ye Chenfeng wants Huangji Shengdan is that he wants to borrow this rare quenching body, and he will transform the gods into the third change and further enhance the body.

The eighty-one best swords, Ye Chenfeng is coming to form the Qiankun sword array. With his current soul realm, he can simultaneously control 81 swords of Qiankun.

And he upgraded the sword of the Qiankun to the best sword, which greatly improved the power of the Qiankun sword array. The strongest strike definitely surpassed the lower product, and became one of Ye Chenfeng's biggest killers.

Get the desired things, Ye Chenfeng immediately retreats, took the embryos of the Shangpindao, and put them into the Suzaku Ding, while burning and refining, while borrowing the power of Chaos, the purple and the holy thunder and burning At the beginning of the day, the holy fire was sealed into the embryo.

When Ye Chenfeng hid in the room and kept experimenting, the entire Central World set off an uproar because of Ye Chenfeng’s stunning performance in the Alchemy Contest, and his name rang completely in the Central World.

The Gossip Kingdom is in the house of the city of Vulcan.

"Cold smoke, what is the relationship between you and the wind?"

When wearing a black robe, the body exudes a faint magical spirit, like a demon-like konjac king shouted into the room and whispered.

"Wang Shu is trying to let me pull the dust into my gossip camp!"

Wearing a black long skirt, the proud body is full of enthusiasm, the facial features are exquisite and enchanting, and the fascinating water and cold smoke on the body gently play with a long hair hanging down on the chest, softly Said.

"Yes, this dust is the most terrible young man I have ever seen. What's more, he is unparalleled in his refining skills. It is a treasure that can't be dug. If he can pull him to my gossip, it will definitely grow. The strength of my country of God will be one of the pillars of my gossip in the future." The konjac nodded and said.

"Wang Shu, I want to have the same thoughts as you, not a few!" The sound of the cold smoke said plainly, people can not figure out the true thoughts of her heart.

"Yes, the results of the alchemy contest were announced. This dust immediately became the hottest person. The people of Jiutian Shenguo and Qilin Shenguo are also trying to win over him!" The konjac nodded and said: Cold smoke, I wonder if you are willing to help this?"

"Help? Use the beauty?" The mouth of the water-cold cigarette was slightly upturned, revealing an intriguing smile, not sorrowful.

"Cold smoke, I know that your eyes are high, but this dust is worthy of your appearance, regardless of appearance or talent. You still have to think about it. If you miss him, you will most likely be matched by the Emperor. To the tens of thousands of robberies, Li Tianyi." The konjac king persuaded.

" Li Tianyi, that guy is really a little annoying!" Shui Hanyan eyes shot in the eyes and said: "Well, since Wang Shu has a life, then I will try it, but there are many beautiful women around the wind." You have to find a way to create opportunities for me."

"Reassure, the refining game is over, the Temple will hold a grand banquet, and I will come to you to create opportunities." The konjac king saw the water and the smoke agreed, and he was very happy, and said quickly.

"Ye Chenfeng, you said how can I seduce you, can you let me go with me?" The cold smoke reveals a charming smile, and the beautiful expression makes the heart of the konjac tremble.

The konjac king racked his brains to win the leaves of the morning wind, the nine-day **** country, the unicorn **** country, and even the occult forces Tianneng Palace are trying their best to win the Ye Chenfeng. Among them, the Qilin Shenguo is visiting the door, but They were driven away by the Tao’s retreat with Ye Chenfeng.

Soon, three days passed and the refining contest began.

At this time, Ye Chenfeng, but hiding in the room, is constantly experimenting.

Finally, after his repeated efforts, he added two seals to the Need for the Great Road, sealed two times at the beginning of the purple and the beginning of the flame.

"Surely, I guessed it in the early stage. The power of the purple sacred thunder and the burning of the early sacred fire is too great. The general trajectory cannot withstand their two forces, so it causes a puncture."

Successfully sealed the two purple early Sheng Lei and the burning of the early holy fire in the best of the embryos, Ye Chenfeng sighed with a sigh of relief, showing a faint smile.

"I don't know if the quasi-saint can withstand the power of the triple purple sacred thunder and the burning of the early sacred fire!"

If you want to defeat the master of silence in the refining contest, Ye Chenfeng knows that the ancient road device is not enough, and he must refine the quasi-sacred device to have hope.

And if he can apply a triple seal in the quasi-sacrificial, his chances of winning will be even greater.

"I hope it will succeed!"

Ye Chenfeng simply took a break and threw the quasi-sacred embryo into the Suzaku Ding. After three days of experimentation, he succeeded in using the power of Chaos Shenmu to apply a triple seal in the embryo of the quasi-sacred device.

"Zi Lei at the beginning of the purple, burning the beginning of the holy fire, melting!"

Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts and actions forced the two holy spirits into the triple seal. Although there was still a small deviation during the integration, it almost caused failure.

However, after the transformation, the Chaos Shenmu was extremely against the sky. Under his influence, Ye Chenfeng finally succeeded in integrating the two holy spirits into the triple seal.

Three seals succeeded, meaning that after the quasi-sacrificial refinement, the power of the first holy fire and the first holy thunder could be used continuously during the attack. In the fierce battle, these three Holy Spirit attacks were enough to turn the tide.

"I don't know the distance to the final of the refining contest, there are still a few days!"

The experiment was successful, and Ye Chenfeng, who was in a good mood, stretched out a big lazy waist, soaked in the tub for a while, solved the problem, summoned the nine maps, and began to explore the saints in the map. Grain, the final preparation for the refining final.

After about three days or so, the soft voice of the singer sounded outside the house.

"The dust, the messenger of the temple let me inform you that tomorrow is the final of the refining, let you prepare well, participate on time!"

"The final is finally over!"

Ye Chenfeng opened his closed eyes and woke up in the retreat. The deep eyes of Wang Yang revealed the color of expectation.

"Wind dust, do you want me to help you recover your soul consumption tonight?"

Wearing a white floral dress, like a fairy, a beautiful singer, a delicate face with a faint blush, a soft look at Ye Chenfeng, like a seductive criminal demon. Said softly.


Looking at the beautiful things, the temperament is dusty and the charming and charming words, Ye Chenfeng is in his heart, holding her silky little hand, sitting on the soft big bed, releasing the soul without reservation. Blend together, regardless of each other.

In the mood of being fascinated and swaying, cultivation does not destroy the soul.

Soon, the night passed.

After a wonderful night of cultivation, Ye Chenfeng’s soul state reached its best. Under the service of Jiao Yu, he put on a brand new dress and left the ancient courtyard and went to the Temple of Fire.

The final of the refining contest, starting.

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