Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1190: Done?

"Call, a heavy seal is successful!"

After more than a day of refining, Ye Chenfeng finally applied a heavy seal to the slowly forming sword-shaped embryo, condensing the purple sacred thunder and the burning fire at the beginning of the flame.

When the sword-shaped embryos tend to stabilize, Ye Chenfeng continues to perform alchemy while performing eight-armed sacred refining, while looking for an opportunity to impose a double ban on the sword-shaped embryo.

After more than two days, the second heavy seal was formed, and the process was surprisingly smooth, which made Ye Chenfeng breathe a sigh of relief.

"Triple seal, condensate!"

Successfully condensed the double seal in the sword-shaped embryo, Ye Chenfeng did not stop any time, and the three seals were condensed.

Although Ye Chenfeng has the help of chaotic gods, the three seals of the condensate are still cautious, for fear of a trace of leakage, which eventually leads to a loss.

And the time was also quickly lost when Ye Chenfeng patiently condensed the triple seal, and soon, twenty-five days passed.

At this time, many refiners have completed the competition, refining a piece of the best of the best, and even the ancient device.

"Strange, what the wind is doing, how to suddenly slow down the speed of the refiner, refining at his speed, the remaining five days is not enough!"

The Xuan Hongzheng, who has been paying attention to the Ye Chenfeng refiner, has found that the speed of the Ye Chenfeng refiner has been steadily declining for a few days, and he is worried about it again.

"The dusty stove is a bit of a loss. If he has a sacred tier of the sacred treasure, his speed should be improved a lot!" The brow furrowed, and the beautiful beauty of Yan Ruyu said slowly. .

"Yes, although the wind and dust have conquered a kind of first holy fire, but his stove is too bad, can not play the power of the first holy fire to the extreme!" The konjac who sat not far away nodded.

Xuan Hongzheng and others are slowing down because of the speed of the Ye Chenfeng refiner. They are worried about him. They know that they can’t get to Ye Chenfeng, and they don’t want to kill the masters. Smile.

In their view, Ye Chenfeng dare and the masters of the gambling singer's performance, no different from looking for death. From the beginning, they did not believe that with the age of Ye Chenfeng, they can beat the refining skills in the Central World. The master of silence.


When the time came to the 26th, Ye Chenfeng finally condensed the third seal in the sword-shaped embryo, and sealed the purple sacred thunder and the burning sacred flame in the sword-shaped embryo.

"Call, there are still four days, I have to speed up!"

Although the time left is not much, but Ye Chenfeng is not alarmed, he swallowed a few drops of soul rejuvenation, and restored the consumption of soul power, while spraying a large number of burning fire at the beginning of the sacred fire. To maximize the power of the flames in the Suzaku Ding.

The next moment, he controlled the burning of the beginning of the flame and the death of the fire into the chaos of the gods, multi-purpose, control Chaos Shenmu began to fuse these two flames.

Although the power of death is not as good as that of the beginning of the fire, but the death of the sky fire has reached the limit of the fire. Once the two flames merge, it will definitely make a qualitative leap in the beginning of the burning fire, and become a true holy fire, thoroughly Solve the flaws of Suzaku Ding's lack of quality and complete the refiner in a limited time.

When the early days of the burning of the holy fire and the death of the skyfire slowly merged in the chaotic **** wood, Ye Chenfeng once again displayed the eight-armed holy refining.

The four arms condense a line of quasi-saint, blend into the sword-shaped embryo, enhance the quality of the sword-shaped embryo, and the four arms condense the pure attacking pattern, blend into the sword-shaped embryo, and raise the sword. The attack power of the embryo.

"Accelerated, the wind has finally accelerated. What did he do in the past few days, why did he accelerate near the end, do he like the feeling of this heartbeat!" Watching Ye Chenfeng suddenly speed up the speed of the refiner, Xuan Hongzheng and others showed a puzzled color.

"The main lord, can you see what level of weapon is the refining of the dust?" Yan Ruyu sipped a cup of tea, looked at Ye Chenfeng of the singer, and whispered to Xuanhong next to him. positive.

"From the perspective of his condensed stencil, the dust refining should be a quasi-sacrificial device!"

Xuan Hongzheng guessed the grade of his refiner through the eight-armed sacred refining technique performed by Ye Chenfeng and the sacred sacred sacred pattern.

"Quasi-Holy Armor..." Yan Ruyu's beautiful Liu Mei gently twitched: "Xuan Dianzhu, you said that for the remaining four days, can he complete the refiner?"

"This... the quasi-sacrificial refining is very difficult. If it is normal, the time is not enough, but the little guy can't look at it with common sense. I think he should be able to complete the final refiner!" Hongzheng hesitated and said.

Because Ye Chenfeng’s furnace level is too low, it greatly affects the speed of the refiner, and he has been pondering for a long time, and he did not expect that Ye Chen’s wind is a means of turning the tide, and his heart is full of worries.


When Xuan Hongzheng and others were constantly worried about Ye Chenfeng, endless red light illuminates in an independent space.

"The quasi-saint, someone refines the quasi-saint!"

Looking at the sudden red vision, everyone’s eyes were drawn to the past.

I saw a set of red-bloomed warplanes flying out in a burning flaming fire, suspended in the face of a slightly pale, but radiant, face-lifting Dan Xin master.

"It is Master Dan, who has produced a set of quasi-sacred level suits!"

The difficulty of refining the quasi-sacred warfare suit is far more difficult than attacking the quasi-sacred device, and the master of Danxin is the first refining of the quasi-sacred device. With this suit, he is very likely to rush into this battle. The top three in the refining contest.

After another half day or so, the master of the annihilation with Ye Chenfeng completed the refiner.

And at the moment when he became a device, a large amount of blue light was mapped out in the furnace. The two were identical, depicting a large number of patterns, and the sacred sacred sacred sacs containing tens of thousands of attacking patterns appeared in the furnace.

"God, the master of the sorcerer has refined two quasi-sacred devices, and the sacred vestments of the masters of the sacred heart have been compared with him!"

"It's too powerful. The master of silence is the most powerful sage in the Central World. It is estimated that this first place has no suspense!"

When the two sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacs appeared, they suddenly stunned the audience and listened to the voices of the people. The gods, the emperor's face showed a proud smile.

"Hey, I don't know the tall and thick boy, I really thought that I won the first place in the alchemy contest, I can challenge the status of the master of the silence, and when the game is over, when you cry!"

Wearing a gorgeous long dress, revealing noble temperament, like a proud peacock, the mouth of Emperor Mingyue is slightly upturned, revealing a sardonic smile, silently in his heart.

Not only did she feel that Ye Chenfeng had lost, and witnessed the masters of the silence to refine two pieces of quasi-saint in the prescribed time. Almost no one would be optimistic about Ye Chenfeng, even Xuan Hongzheng felt that Unless there is a miracle, Ye Chenfeng loses.

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