Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1191: Robbery

The time is running fast, and soon, there is still one day away from the refining final.

At this time, in addition to Ye Chenfeng, and the Shuiyue Master from Tian Cang Palace, everyone else completed the refiner.

Because the Master of Silence also refines two quasi-sacred devices, and the quality is excellent, many people feel that the Master of Desolation will force the master of the heart of the quasi-sacred level to win the master. First place in the secondary refining contest.

"The game is coming to an end, the wind is dusty, you have to cheer, you must succeed!"

Pleasantly, his hands clenched his clothes tightly, biting his pink lips, looking at the image in the light, and shouting anxiously in his heart.

"Hey, believe in the dust, I feel that he will still create a miracle!" Wang Tianhou gently sighed in his arms, whispering comfort.

"I am so stupid, if I lend the Fengzheng furnace to the dust, he will not be so hard." Jiaoyu squats in the arms of Wang Tian, ​​constantly blaming himself.


When I heard Jiaoyu, I continued to blame myself, and I hoped that Tianhou would sigh gently. She also saw that the quality of Ye Chenfeng’s furnace was not enough, which affected the speed of the refiner.

However, the master of the singer witnessed the refining of two quasi-sacred devices. She felt that even if Ye Chenfeng had a phoenix burning furnace, the hope of defeating the masters of the ruined masters was minimal.

"The dust is still young and young, I hope that this lesson will make him mature!" Wang Tianhou silently recited in his heart, and felt sorry for him.


When everyone’s eyes were concentrated on Ye Chenfeng and Shuiyue Master, the water moon masters of Hefa’s children’s face quickly twisted their hands and punched several complicated handprints, hitting the hot Dan furnace continuously, forming a A lot of halos.

The next moment, a pair of portraits depicting a large number of patterns, with a pair of wings, the boots of the quasi-sacred level broke through the closed furnace in the hot fire and flew into the air.

"The speed of the sacred device, the Shuiyue master actually refines a speed quasi-sacred device!"

The speed of the quasi-sacred refining is more difficult than the defensive quasi-sacred device, and it can be compared with the sacred sacred sacred sacred sorcerer.

Farly see the feather boots suspended in the top of the water moon master, Dan Xin’s brow slightly wrinkled, although his speed is far better than the water moon master, but his refining shirt can not be with the water moon master The refining feather boots are beautiful.

It can be said that in the refining competition, he lost to the Shuiyue Master.

"Severely, the accomplishments of the Shuiyue Masters are actually deeper, and the two feather boots are refining. He does have the capital and the masters of the battle to compete for the first prize in the refining contest!"

A lot of people praised the pair of feathers refining the Shuiyue masters, and the atmosphere was also high because of the feather boots refining the Shuiyue masters.

Shuiyue Master completed the refiner, and all the contestants were left, and only Ye Chenfeng had not completed the refiner.

At this time, from the end of the game, there is still a long time left, almost no one is optimistic about Ye Chenfeng, and some people suspect that Ye Chenfeng can not complete the refiner at the specified time.

When Ye Chenfeng became the focus of discussion, the burning of the early sacred fire, the death of the skyfire in the chaos of the gods finally completed the fusion, and turned into a new holy fire burning heaven.

"burning the flames of the heavens, speeding up refining!"

Flame fusion evolution, Ye Chenfeng did not hesitate to release the burning flame, and injected it into the Suzaku Ding.

Next, he borrowed the power of the mind and continued to imitate the sacred pattern of the nine-story figure, depicting a saintly pattern in the fully formed sword-shaped embryo, maximizing the quality of the quasi-sword.

"The third flame!"

Looking at Ye Chenfeng suddenly summoned a dark gold, the blue-pointed flame melted into the Suzaku Ding, the noisy Tianhuojie and several viewing consoles suddenly became silent, a pair of shocked eyes died Staring at the light, I can't believe that at this last moment, Ye Chenfeng summoned a third kind of flame.

"God, what kind of system is that guy, with his flesh and blood, how can it fuse three flames at the same time!"

"How many secrets are hidden in this guy!"

Soon, several spectators blasted the pot, and Ye Chenfeng became the focus of their discussion.

"The Lord, you know the third kind of flame of the dust?" The elders Xuan Atrium widened his eyes and looked at Xuan Hongzheng, who was equally surprised. He whispered.

"I don't know, I didn't know that the dust still holds the third kind of flame, but he summoned the flame at the last moment, which shows that the power of this flame is more than the burning fire at the beginning of the fire!" Xuan Hong is shaking Shaking his head, guessing.

"Beyond the beginning of the burning of the holy fire, that is the real holy fire!" Xuan Zhongting took a breath: "Since he has such a terrible flame, why not use it early, have to wait until the end."

"This... I can't guess the idea of ​​this little guy!" Xuan Hong shook his head and said: "But since he left this card at the end, there must be a reason. I think the last moment, he should Can complete the refiner."


When everyone talked about it, a thunderous thunder sounded suddenly over the silent skyfire.

The endless dark clouds, like the thousands of troops, rushed in, and formed a thick layer of robbery clouds over the skyfire.


As the master of the sky fire industry, the moment when the robbery cloud appeared, Xuan Hong was immediately sensed, the pupil was enlarged, and his face was full of horror.

"This, this wind refining is not a quasi-sacreth, but a sacristy!"

Only when refining things go beyond the limits of the central world, it will lead to destruction and destruction. Xuan Hong is unable to imagine that Ye Chenfeng can not only refine the Holy Dan, but also refine the sacristy.

A short-lived loss, Xuan Hong is returning to God, and quickly opened the ban on the skyfire.

After, the people in the skyfire all felt the power of robbery, widened their eyes, and looked at the sky with dark clouds, revealing the look of a ghost.

"The robbery is actually a robbery... This dust is in the refining device!"

"God, is this guy really a human? When was the Central World born this kind of monster!"

"I said how dare he and the masters of the singer to reward the alchemy contest. It turns out that his refining technique has reached this level. I heard for the first time that someone can refine the sacristy." /

The saints of the central world, the holy treasures, are not refining from the refiners of the central world, but from the ancient ruins, or from the ruins of the Tianyu, so they witnessed the introduction of the Yechen refiner. The robbery, everyone was scared.

There is no forbidden barrier in the skyfire world. The hundreds of feet of looting clouds are more and more powerful, like the turbulent waves, sweeping into the void, just like the end of the world.

"I didn't expect that I only portrayed a saintly pattern, which led to the robbery, and the quasi-sacred formula that was inherited from the brain was decisive and powerful!"

Looking at the top of the head, the thicker the robbery cloud, Ye Chenfeng’s face showed a dignified color. He was afraid that the robbery would detonate his three seals in the holy sword, so all his efforts would be paid. The east stream.


When Ye Chenfeng was just waiting, the huge blasting sound was heard in the violently tumbling clouds. A dark robbery broke the tumbling clouds, such as a space rift that rips the sky. The cellar rushed to the burning of the gods and blood, the full force of the Ye Chenfeng.


The space where Ye Chenfeng is located trembles fiercely, and Ye Chenfeng and Zhuque Ding are engulfed by this dark robbery.

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