Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1197: Mysterious treasure cliff

"This, this floating in the world of Vulcan is the aura of heaven!"

Flying into the Vulcan world, Ye Chenfeng feels that there is no aura in the world of Vulcan, but a higher level of aura.

And this kind of heavenly aura, Ye Chenfeng once found in the ethereal fairyland, absorbing this kind of heavenly aura cultivation, can do more with less, and greatly improve the cultivation speed.

After passing through a mountain forest under the ban, Ye Chenfeng and others flew into a huge ancient array, and in the center of the ancient array, three cliffs appeared.

In the hugs of the cliffs, there is a dozens of feet high, and the whole body is red, and the top of the pavilion is inlaid with a red temple.

On the pavilion, there is an extremely old plaque hanging on it. You can see three ancient characters that have experienced the vicissitudes of life on the plaque.

Although the Treasure House was enveloped in the ancient array, but through the thin prohibition, Ye Chenfeng clearly felt that the three on the plaque did not know how many years of old characters appeared in the terrible mood.

He has a feeling that the artistic conception contained in these three ancient characters has completely erupted, enough to kill Nirvana.

"Forbidden, open!"

Flying to the treasure chest, Xuan Hong is summoning an ancient token, injecting a lot of moral power into the token, awakening this ancient order, and opening the ancient envelope of the treasure chest. The array, with Ye Chenfeng four people entered inside.

In the moment of entering the ancient array, Ye Chenfeng’s pupil immediately shrank into the most dangerous pinhole shape. He found that one of the old robes was sitting on the knees outside the treasure chest, and there was a lot of dust on the robes, as if it were sculptures. A motionless old man.


Although the old man did not have any breath fluctuations, when Ye Chenfeng saw him, he felt a strong danger from him and the power contained in his body to destroy the heavens and the earth.

"Taiwan elders, the four of them are the top three in the refining contest. I took them to Treasure Cliff to pick up treasures, and also asked the elders to open the Treasures and let them in!"

The owner of the Temple of Heaven, Xuan Hong, who is in the same position as the Emperor of the Kingdom of God, bowed deeply to the old man, and said respectfully.

When I heard the voice of Xuan Hongzheng, the old man opened his eyes, and the moment he blinked, as if the billions of rays shone, the leaves of Ye Chenfeng and others had a feeling of not opening their eyes. .

"A terrible look!"

Looking at the dark-painted eyes of the old man, Ye Chenfeng has a feeling of ups and downs, as if the world is in his hands.

"Wind dust... I saw your alchemy and refining process, very exciting." The old man looked at Ye Chenfeng's eyes, and the face of Gujing's waveless face suddenly showed some stiff smile.

"Thank you for your compliments!" Ye Chenfeng smiled a little and said nothing.

"Wind dust, I took the Temple of Heaven to ask you for the eight-armed sacred refining technique. I wonder if you are willing to leave this technique in my temple?" The old voice of the old man said.

"The younger generation is willing!" Ye Chenfeng didn't even think about it. He agreed very quickly: "But the younger generation needs a certain time to copy the eight-armed holy refining to the jade."

Eight-armed sacred refining is precious, but for Ye Chenfeng, it has little value. Ye Chenfeng can refine the sacristy. The greatest credit is the engraving of a mysterious saintly pattern.

And the Temple of Heaven is the inheritance force of the Terran. In the future, Ye Chenfeng wants to fight against the Three Kingdoms of God and break the foundation of the Three Kingdoms. It is necessary to rely on the power of the Temple of Heaven, so he hopes that the Temple will grow stronger.

"We can wait!"

"In order to thank you for your selflessness to the Temple of Heaven, if you are in trouble in the future, my temple will help you once!" The old man promised: "And, these two holy beads are given to you, they It was the destruction of the old man’s refining in his early years. It took me a lot of effort in refining. Once it exploded, it was enough to reinvent Nirvana’s great power. With him, you can protect yourself by walking in the Central World.”

"Thank you for your predecessors!"

Ye Chenfeng took two seals in the black box, and thanked him from the heart.

Although he has the protection of the sword, but in the face of the strength of Nirvana, the sword is not an opponent, but now he has two annihilation beads, with his many cards, maybe there will be Opportunities can kill Nirvana's natural power.

The master of the silence of the side saw Ye Chenfeng actually got two annihilation beads from the old man who had died. The corner of his eyes jumped unconsciously.

Ye Chenfeng has two annihilation beads, so that he will retaliate against Ye Chenfeng in the future. With his strength, once he is hit by the holy beads, I am afraid that there will be no bones.

"Well, you are ready, I am now opening the treasure chest, what treasures can be taken from the treasure cliff, you can see your skills."

Speaking of the old man, the old man found out two thin old hands, quickly printed, and condensed into a key to the heart, inserted in the groove under the gate of the treasure head.


The key to the idea slowly turned, and the huge door of the animal's head trembled fiercely, cracking a huge gap, and an invisible force poured out in the dark treasure house.

"Go, let's go in!"

The gates of the Treasures Court opened, and Xuan Hong was rushing to the old man who had passed away, and went to the treasure chest with Ye Chenfeng and others.

"A lot of bans!"

Into the treasure chest, Ye Chenfeng found that the treasure chest was full of prohibitions. He felt that the treasures in the treasures of the treasures were not the same. He was full of expectations for the heavily guarded treasure cliffs.

Ye Chenfeng followed the Xuan Hongzheng and passed through more than ten bans. He came to the deepest part of the treasure house and found himself standing on a huge cliff. On the opposite side of the cliff, there was a shrouded in the fog. Light.

"In front of you is the first baby cliff of my temple, which contains the most precious collections of my temple for millions of years. These collections have heaven and earth spirits, holy herbs, secret magic, and holy Animal blood."

"But these treasures have been banned and will fly out in the treasure cliffs by ejecting, and you can only control the Tao to steal. The more precious treasures, the more difficult it is to capture, so you can get that one. Treasures, you need to test your eyesight and strength." Xuan Hong is standing on a steep cliff, slowly introducing.

"The treasures in this treasure cliff are not just picked, but are obtained in this way!" Ye Chenfeng did not think that Baoji Cliff had such a mystery, and muttered to himself.

And the master of silence, the master of Shuiyue, and the master of Danxin did not raise objections. Obviously they already knew the rules for obtaining treasures of treasures.

"Well, you are ready, the opening time of the Treasure House is an hour, the dust has nine chances to choose, the Shuiyue Master has two chances to choose, the master of the silence, the Master Dan has a chance to pick."

"Remember, the treasures selected should not be repented. Once you have selected the treasures, they will be sent out by the ancient array in the treasure chest!" Xuan Hong is looking at the words, Ye Chenfeng, etc. People, slowly said.

After finishing, he merged the ancient order in his hand into the Middle Ages of the Treasure House and opened the ancient array.

When a powerful array of people enveloped Ye Chenfeng and others, they were covered by fog, and the unspeakable treasure cliffs reflected the endless light, reflecting the end of the treasure.

The next moment, the glorious treasure cliffs are distorted, and a piece of treasure shrouded in a ban, such as a meteor that has been cut through the sky, and crossed in front of Ye Chenfeng and others.

ps: WeChat public number is more than 1000 people plus one more chapter, and it is still 300, everyone is enthusiastic: ylty83

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