Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1198: Replace the wood


A large number of treasures flew out of Treasure Cliff, and Ye Chenfeng glanced at Zhubao, immediately closed his eyes, lifted the power of the brain to the limit, forcibly penetrated into a powerful prohibition, and perceived the ban. Sealed treasures.

Ye Chenfeng uses the power of the brain to sense the treasure, and the three masters of the silence also use the same method to sense the treasure.

Although the souls of the three of them are stronger than Ye Chenfeng, the existence of the brain is too far-fetched, and the perception and insight far exceed the three of them.

Under the strongest push of the brain, the soul of the strongest frequency penetrates into a strong ban, allowing Ye Chenfeng to blur the treasures of the seal.

Quasi-sacred device, top heaven and earth, grass, quasi-sacred, skyfire...

Although the treasures in the treasure cliffs are worth a lot of money, they have not reached the standard of Ye Chenfeng's heart, and the three masters of the silence have not shot, constantly suppressing the power by sensing to distinguish the preciousness of the treasure.

About half a column of incense, Ye Chenfeng suddenly opened the closed eyes, locked a treasure that just flew out of the treasure cliff, the five-way road map, the life and death map sprayed out his body, quickly gathered It became a big hand and grabbed the past.

When Ye Chenfeng took out the treasure, the three masters of the sorcerer also felt a strong banned light group, and this prohibition was sealed with precious treasures.

But they have few chances to choose treasures, so they resisted the idea of ​​fighting with Ye Chenfeng, letting Ye Chenfeng gather the dazzling hands and grasping the meteor-like treasures.


The moment the Daoyi hand grasps the ban on the treasure, this treasure immediately provokes resistance and wants to break free.

At this time, Ye Chenfeng pushed the two avenues to the extreme, and broke out with a powerful moral force. The hard-won ruined the ban on this treasure and grabbed a black lacquered iron box.

When Ye Chenfeng opened the black tin box, a scent of scented scented out in the black iron box, letting people only smell the spirit.

"Santa Dan, a holy Dan!"

Looking at the size of the longan in the iron box, holding a white medicinal medicinal herb, everyone’s sight is completely attracted, without identification, only with the naked eye, the three sages know that this white medicinal herb is An invaluable holy Dan.

Although the three have a noble and noble status in the Central Plains, only the masters of the Desolation have the ability to refine the Holy Land, and the success rate is no more than 50%. In addition, the medicine for refining Shengdan is extremely rare. Precious, so Sheng Dan is also very precious to them.

Looking at the envious eyes of the three sages, Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly, and took Shengdan into the territory of Qiankun, and continued to control the brain-sensing one piece of treasure that flew out of the treasure cliff.

It didn't take long for Master Shuiyue to take a shot and gather a powerful Daoist hand. He grabbed a treasure and got a sacred grass with a very high value to enhance the strength of Nirvana.

For this harvest, Shuiyue Master is also quite satisfied, releasing a powerful soul and continuing to find the next goal.

"Well, this treasure is..."

Suddenly, the brain has sensed a strong ban, and this prohibition is stronger than the seal of Shengdan, so that he does not hesitate to control the three avenues to squirt out the body and turn into a big hand. Go up.

Not only the leaf morning wind found that this treasure is very powerful, and the three masters of the silence have also sensed it, and they have released powerful ideas and turned into big hands to snatch.

"Bronze Sword Soul, Broken!"

Looking at the cohesiveness of the three people, the big hand entangled the ideology of Ye Chenfeng. The bronze sword soul suddenly flew out of the sea and the soul of the sea, attacking the big hands of the three people at a very fast speed.


Under the endless sword-strike attack of the bronze sword spirit, the three-handed Dao’s big hand was immediately damaged, and the Dao’s arrogant hand could not stop the grasping of the fast-moving, light-speed banned light group.

"Great power!"

The moment the Daoyi hand grabbed this speed light group, it was immediately shattered by a powerful impact. Seeing this forbidden light group will be out of trouble.

"Bronze Sword Soul, give me a break!"

Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts moved, and the control of the bronze swordsman attacked him. He slammed the ban on the outside of the light group and revealed the black iron box inside.

Seeing that Ye Chenfeng successfully broke the ban, grabbed the black iron box, and robbed the failed masters of the ruin. The three people showed their regrets, and they cast their eyes on the black iron box, wanting to know the inside seal. What kind of treasures are there.

"Well, a dead wood!"

Open the black iron box, Ye Chenfeng found a black branch lying dead in the iron box. The shape of the black branch is strange, similar to the human form.

But this black branch has no life fluctuations, as if it has already died for countless years, and Ye Chenfeng’s eyesight did not see the falseness of this black branch.

"This, this is the dead wood!"

Ye Chenfeng didn't recognize the black branches, but his eyes were so hot that he lived for tens of thousands of years. The three masters of the ancient books of the Expo have recognized the origin of this black branch and issued a scream.

"For the dead wood!"

Hearing the exclamation of the three masters of the sorcerer, Ye Chenfeng immediately searched the memory of the soul and learned the information of the dead wood in the brain.

The dead wood is not a real spiritual wood. It is a body-protecting treasure made from a lot of cherished things, which is almost extinct in the central world. Its greatest effect is to replace it.

It can be said that having a replacement wood is equivalent to adding another life. No matter how terrible the attack, it can resist the dead wood, but after a blow, the dead wood will disappear.

"Wind dust, the old man wants this for the dead wood, I wonder if you are willing to trade with the old man?" Master Dan Xin took a deep breath and looked at Ye Chenfeng.

"Sorry for Master Dan, this is also very important for me, so I can't exchange it for you!"

Understanding the value of the dead wood, Ye Chenfeng will never trade it out. After all, having a dead wood is equivalent to one more life. No one suspects that he has more lives.


Dan Xin master sighed softly, revealing a trace of regret.

And the murderous eyes of the masters of the sorrows revealed a deep jealous color, and the luck of Ye Chenfeng was even more worthy than the replacement wood of Shengdan.

The Xuan Hong on the side is seeing the harvest of Ye Chenfeng, and it also reveals a different color.

"The treasure cliff is not unusual. It contains such treasures. I don't know if there are treasures that are more precious than the dead wood, and the three main medicines for refining the heavenly sacred sacred Dan!" /

Ye Chenfeng collected the precious wood for the rest of the world, and continued to control the brain to sense a piece of meteor-like space that cut through the space, looking for the next target.

Finally, after a while, Ye Chenfeng discovered the third goal, but the goal of the master of the demise was the first to shoot, grabbed it, and wanted to win it.

"Bronze Sword Soul, give me a break!"

Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts and movements, the bronze swordsman’s soul is like a cold light, and it’s stabbed in the dazzling hands of the masters of the silence. The terrible attack directly cuts the five fingers of the Dao’s big hand and let it I can't catch this treasure that is shrouded in a strong ban.

The next moment, the three avenues once again showed the body of Ye Chenfeng, turned into a big hand, and under the gaze of the angry master, he broke the prohibition and took it away.

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