Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1199: Who threatens who

"Wind dust, you actually grab the treasures that the husband looks at!"

The master of silence is angry and looks at the leaf morning wind that grabs the treasure, like an angered lion, roaring loudly.

"The master of silence, you are a bit overbearing, the treasures in the treasure cliff are all things without the Lord, and they are robbed by the power of the Tao. And you have just snatched the wood with me. Why do you Can you compete with me, I can't compete with you? Can you be shameless when you are old?" Ye Chenfeng asked aggressively.


The master of silence did not think that Ye Chenfeng was so vicious, and his face was sullen, and he couldn’t wait to kill him.

"Master of Silence, although you are higher than me, but your opinion is not necessarily deeper than me, and the bronze sword spirit I practice can restrain your wishes, so I advise you not to provoke me. Otherwise I don't mind letting you get nothing!"

Touching the angry eyes of the master of the silence, Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly, and he was unceremonious.

"Kid, you have kind!"

The master of the silence is really crazy by Ye Chen, but at this moment, he knows that he really can't threaten Ye Chenfeng, he has to bite his teeth and swallow his stomach, forcibly swallowing this bad smell.

Looking at the master of the silence, Ye Chenfeng no longer pays attention to him, gently open the black iron box that he just snatched, and found that the iron box is a blood red, like Zhu Guo feels, it contains a powerful The fruit of the power of life.

"God fruit, this is a fate!"

Looking at the blood red fruit in the iron box, Ye Chenfeng recognized it at a glance. This fruit is a vintage of more than 200,000 years. It is very important to himself and can increase the fruit of life of six thousand years. .


Seeing the treasures that Ye Chenfeng snatched from his own hands, it turned out to be the result of the fate of the earth. The master of the silence of the gas directly smashed the swearing mouth, and the forehead bursted with the blue veins.

The master of silence has lived for tens of thousands of years, and Shouyuan is not much, so the fruit is very important to him. If he can get the fruit and increase the life of six thousand years, he can do a lot. A lot of things.

But now, for him, the precious spiritual thing is taken away by Ye Chenfeng, and he wants to go away.

He feels that Ye Chenfeng is the nemesis in his life, everything that should have belonged to him, and he was taken away by him.

"Master of Silence, thank you!"

Looking at the shackles of the scorpion, the masters of the smoldering smoldering, Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly, deliberately thanking the land and harvesting the fruit into the environment.

"Hey, the luck of this dust is so good!"

Master of the Water Moon, Master Dan Xin looked at each other and could not help but admire the harvest of Ye Chenfeng.

It can be said that the three harvests before Ye Chenfeng have made them feel excited and worthy of paying a great price.

After harvesting three major treasures, Ye Chenfeng continued to control the brain-sensing pieces of the treasures of the treasure cliff, looking for the fourth goal.

At this time, two pieces of treasures shrouded in a powerful ban were shot at a very fast speed and directed into the distance.


The moment when these two treasures appeared, Ye Chenfeng’s eyes in the eyes of four people shot at the same time, condensing a powerful road map, turning into a big hand and grabbing it up and robbing.

When the four men competed for these two treasures, the speeding deduction of the brains sensed a more powerful ban, and decisively gave up these two treasures, deliberately smashed the slogan of the masters of the silence. Big hand, grabbed the third treasure.

Ye Chenfeng’s intentional collision directly caused the master of the silence to lose the opportunity. He watched the master of the water moon, and the master of Danxin took away two treasures.

In his anger, he sensed a more powerful ban and immediately shifted his target. But at this time, the bronze sword spirit had already attacked the terrible ban, and the sharp attack directly tore the ban, revealing A black tin box.

"Mom, this hatred does not report, I swear not to be human!"

The master of the silence saw that the three heavy treasures were divided by the three people of Ye Chenfeng, and they had nothing to gain, the madness of the gas, the anger of the gas, the temperament of wanting to live the Ye Chenfeng who was against him everywhere.

When he saw the treasures in the tin box taken by Ye Chenfeng, he was even more angry and wronged, because the fourth treasure that Ye Chenfeng got, was a deep purple, and the roots were completely dragon-shaped. It contains a powerful spiritual purple dragon emperor.

This purple rhyme dragon is not only one of the main medicines for refining Shengdan, but also can delay aging, and it can enhance the strength of Nirvana's natural power. If it spreads to the outside world, it will definitely cause Nirvana. Fighting, you can trade from them to the unimaginable treasure.

Master Dan, the treasure of the master of Shuiyue, is also of high value, especially the master of Shuiyue, who got a small section of the spine. From the perspective of the spirituality of the spine, the spine is suspected of the spine of the top sacred beast. There are fresh bone marrow inside, which can strengthen the blood of your own blood.


Master of the Water Moon, Master Dan Xin completed the selection, and the ancient squad that was immediately opened opened the treasure house.

"Wind dust, even if you are ahead, if you target me again, I swear and you will not die!"

The unsuccessful master of silence said, staring at Ye Chenfeng, warning the anger of his heart.

"Master of Silence, you may not understand me. If you say two soft words, you will threaten me. You know that I hate being threatened. Anyone who threatens me will not let him have it. Good end." Ye Chenfeng smiled and said fearlessly.

"You... Don't be afraid of being chased by the nine-day godland." The master of the silence is about to be mad by Ye Chen, and he has to move out of the nine-day godland to exert pressure on Ye Chenfeng.

"There are more people who want to kill me, but I am living well now." Ye Chenfeng's cold and arrogant warning: "And, I advise you not to anger me, or don't blame me please My master came out to give me revenge."


When I heard the warning from Ye Chenfeng, the face of the master of the silence changed slightly, and suddenly he could not speak.

Because of rumors, Ye Chenfeng has a master who is terrible and unimaginable, and Ye Chenfeng’s rebellious technique also proves the terribleness of his master. If he really leads the master behind Ye Chenfeng, It is very likely that it will lead to a disaster for the nine-day **** country.

Thinking of this, the master of the silence has some regrets of the impulse at that time. If he did not covet the practice of Ye Chenfeng, he deliberately provoked it, perhaps it would not fall into the realm of today.

Seeing that the master of silence is finally quiet, Ye Chenfeng reveals a trace of disdain, ignores him, and removes distractions, looking for the next goal.

Soon, the high-speed deduction of the brain is in a strong ban, vaguely sensing a world of spirit grass, and this kind of grass is very similar to the colorful moon orchid that the black king is looking for.

Ye Chenfeng controls the brain and repeatedly induces two breaths. Eighty percent of the people feel that the treasure in the prohibition he discovered is the colorful moon blue. He immediately controls the Taoist hand and grabs it. He is born in his hands.

"Colorful Moon Lan, really is the colorful moon blue!"

Looking at the treasures in the black iron box, it is the colorful moon blue that the black king needs, and Ye Chenfeng has a faint smile.

However, although he has harvested five extremely valuable treasures, he has not found a main medicine for refining the sacred sacred scorpion, and time has passed, and he has a trace of anxiety in his heart.

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