Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1200: Shentong Mirror

Don't the three main medicines for refining the sacred sacred sorcerer in the treasure cliff?

Ye Chenfeng's brow wrinkles more and more tightly. If he can't harvest the main medicine of refining Tiansheng Biandan in the treasure cliff, he only has to find a way to trade with the temple.

Fortunately, there is a desire for him in the Temple of Heaven, and he is very relieved, but he is afraid that the Temple of Heaven will not refine the main medicine of Tiansheng, and it will be troublesome.

"Well, Yangshen, the treasure in the ban is Yangshen?"

When Ye Chenfeng seized a limited time and controlled the brain to continue to sense, he finally found a Yangshen flower, one of the main medicines for refining Tiansheng Broken Dan, in a powerful ban.

After repeated confirmation, Ye Chenfeng confirmed that the ban was a yang flower, and immediately controlled the Taoist hand to grab the front.

At this time, the master of the silence also found a powerful banned light group, almost at the same time with Ye Chenfeng, grabbed another powerful banned light group.

In the case of Ye Chenfeng and the masters of the annihilation, when they seized the two banned light groups, the speeding deduction of the brains sensed a powerful banned light group, and this prohibition was almost the same. The ban on dead wood is quite similar, so that Ye Chenfeng can use one heart and two to control the bronze sword soul to block.

Under the sharp attack of the bronze swordsmanship, the banned light group was cut hard, and Ye Chenfeng got two black iron boxes at almost the same time.

At the same time, the master of silence also got a heavy iron box.

When he opened the tin box, he found that there were more than ten drops of pure deep purple spirit liquid in the iron box. From the perspective of the spirituality contained in the deep purple spirit liquid, the value of these spirit liquids may exceed the quasi-shengdan , almost near the level of Sheng Dan.

Although the value of these ten drops of deep purple spirit liquid is very high, there are still many gaps compared with the few treasures that Ye Chenfeng has obtained, especially for the dead wood, the fate of the fruit, it is impossible to compare .

When the angry master of solitude looked at Ye Chenfeng, he wanted to see his harvest, and his heart was hurt again.

Because he found that one of the iron boxes was sealed with a thick arm, half a meter high, and a dark brown tree. It was a mysterious sky that was extinct in the Central World.

The soul of the heavens can conserve the soul and reshape the flesh. It is one of the favorite treasures of Nirvana.

With the soul of the heavens, the Nirvana grotesque can borrow the triple heavenly experience of the Tianyu Gate without any scruples, and hit the higher realm, so even if their bodies are destroyed, they can also borrow the soul of the heavens and the parasitic soul. Reshape the flesh.

"Mom, how can this dusty life be so good!"

Under the unwillingness, anger, grievances, and madness, the Master of Silence was sent out by the ancient troupe.

The soul of Tianmu is precious, but it is far less important than the importance of Yangshenhua to Ye Chenfeng. Seeing that he finally found a main medicine for refining Tiansheng Broken Dan, Ye Chenfeng revealed A strong excitement.

"The soul of this dust is really so powerful. The seven treasures he has chosen are the most top treasures in the treasure cliff. These harvests, I am afraid that the gods of the gods will be envious." Ye Chenfeng, who chose the seven major treasures, Xuan Hong could not help but feel in his heart.

Although he is the master of the Temple of Heaven, the treasures in the treasure cliffs have no right to control at will, let alone the treasures of the dead wood and the fruit, so I saw the seven big ones selected by Ye Chenfeng. Heavy treasure, even he is somewhat envious.

"Reel, a reel!"

After an hour and a half-column time, the speed-deriving brain is aware of a reel in a very fast, forbidden light group that surpasses the speed of light, and from the prohibition of this scroll seal, this scroll Unusual.

"It's it!"

Ye Chenfeng opened his eyes, and the control of the number of avenues turned into a dazzling hand. After a series of fierce rebellions, forcibly broke the strong prohibition and got the ancient scroll.

"Spirit image!"

The soul penetrated into the ancient scroll, and Ye Chenfeng discovered that the ancient scroll is a powerful mysterious magical power, recording a powerful secret magical power-mirror.

Although a brief tour, Ye Chenfeng is still attracted by this powerful supernatural power. I am quite satisfied with this harvest. I am ready to have time to fully understand this magical power.

"The last chance, I don't know what will happen!"

Selected eight treasures in succession, Ye Chenfeng was quite looking forward to the last treasure, controlling the continuation of the brain and looking for the last goal.

Although when searching, Ye Chenfeng found several good goals, but he resisted the impulse and waited patiently.

At this time, when an hour is getting closer and closer, when Ye Chenfeng is ready to find a target, his powerful soul faintly feels an ancient tree vine in a group of forbidden light groups.

"This, is this ancient Tian Xuanteng!"

Ye Chenfeng immediately opened his eyes and locked a group of banned bans that were not too strong, but attracted him.

Although Wang Tianhou promised to help him exchange a ancient Tian Xuan vine, but he did not want to look forward to the days of too many people, not to mention, his harvest today is already amazing, and time is running out In the end, Ye Chenfeng controlled the Daoist to seize the forbidden light map suspected of sealing the ancient Tian Xuanteng and took it to the hands.

Just when Ye Chenfeng took the last group of banned light groups, a powerful and unimaginable ban appeared. It was swept under Ye Chenfeng's eyelids and disappeared into the black space opposite the treasure cliff.

"What treasures are there in the ban? How to seal the ban on such horror."

Ye Chenfeng did not expect that at the last moment, these terrible banned light groups would appear, revealing the color of suspicion.

But the nine treasures have been selected, he has no chance to choose, he can only watch it disappear.

"Let's go, we go out!"

Xuan Hong is slowly coming to the side of Ye Chenfeng who has selected the treasures. The control of the ancient array will send them away from the ancient array and come outside the treasure house.

"Choose the treasure!"

The old-fashioned old man feels that Ye Chenfeng and Xuan Hong are being sent out, and they have opened up the boundless eyes and looked at the Ye Chenfeng.

"The younger generation has already selected the treasures!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and said.

"Take out the treasures you picked, and I will record them." The voice of the old man who said the old man said.


Ye Chenfeng nodded and took all the selected nine treasures and suspended them in midair.

"A grain of holy Dan, Yangshenhua, Ziyunlong Huangshen, Yunshen Tianmu, ancient Tian Xuanteng, earthly fruit, colorful moon blue, magical mirror, for dead wood... no, really No, the nine treasures you selected are the best. Among them, only the small unicorn vertebral bones of Shuiyue can compare with your treasures.” Seeing the nine treasures selected by Ye Chenfeng, the dry hair The old man also showed a hint of suspicious color.

"Okay, these nine treasures are yours. In addition to these nine treasures, this temple is also given to you. With this gold order, you can let my temple do it for you." One thing." The old man who recorded the old treasure recorded the nine treasures selected by Ye Chenfeng, and gave him a golden light, inlaid with the golden order of the word of the temple.

"Thank you for your predecessors!" Ye Chenfeng said that the nine major treasures and the Tiandian Jinling were included in the Qiankun environment, thankfully said.

"This is what you deserve, but remember to give us the eight-armed sacred refining!" The old man said slowly.

"At the latest three days, the younger generation must hand over the eight-armed holy refining to the Lord!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and promised.

"Okay, let's leave!"

Speaking of the old man who has dried up and closed his deep eyes, there is no trace of life fluctuations on his body, as if he is sitting in a strange situation.

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