Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1202: The ambition of water and cold smoke

The sun sets, the last glimpse of the afterglow disappears into the sky, the daytime hustle and bustle gradually goes away, and the quiet night comes with it. However, the entire Vulcan city is very lively.

Take the sunset, wearing a white refining suit, and the figure is as tall as a steel gun. Ye Chenfeng, who is so eager to go, went to the Temple of Fire to attend the banquet.

When the Taoist four people, they left Jiaoshen City with a sweet voice in the morning, and Wang Tianhou and his party also followed them and returned to Wangducheng.

Although Ye Chenfeng and Jiaoyu, who have made great splashes in the refining contest, have not returned to the city of Tiandu, but Wangtiange is still promoted to the Jiuxing Pavilion because of the outstanding performance of Ye Chenfeng and Jiaoyu. The scale of Tiandu City is bound to follow the expansion of Wangtiange.

"Wind dust, you are here!"

Ye Chenfeng was under the protection of many heavenly masters. When he came to dress up and live in the hot temple of Fire, he wore a gorgeous robe, a crown on his head, a scaled boots, and an extraordinary konjac king. Immediately walked out of the Temple of Fire, and put the gesture very low, personally welcome.

"Hello Lord!"

Ye Chenfeng smiled a little and said nothing.

"Wind dust, I can ask you several times, you have no time, you have to accompany me to have a few drinks tonight!" Konjac said kindly: "Yes, the cold smoke is coming, Waiting for you, let's go in."

"Well, I will drink a few glasses with the prince tonight!" Ye Chenfeng nodded, followed the konjac king into the sound of melodious music, the light shining, like a white temple in the Vulcan.

"Cold smoke, the wind is coming!"

Through a promenade, to the white jade plaza with an old wooden table, the konjac screamed at the cold water that attracted the countless eyeballs.

"Hey...Don’t dare not be so tempted!"

Looking away from wearing a tight black tulle skirt, long hair shawl, covering the white back, exudes a deadly temptation of cold water, Ye Chenfeng throat can not help but roll, eyes unconscious The drifting past.

The body of the water-cold smoke is too hot, the tulle skirt is wrapped around her body, and the devil is set off by her exquisite body.

The tulle skirt on her body is too short, just covering her pretty buttocks, making her straight and slender, the flawless legs are completely exposed to the air, and the bumpy and delicate body is more like poison. Attracting the eyes of the surrounding men.

Seeing the arrival of Ye Chenfeng, the red lips of the water-cold smoke like a fire are slightly tilted, revealing a fascinating arc, with a seductive aroma, slowly coming over.

"What, don't you know me?"

The cold water and smoke are filled with flattering eyes, and I look at Ye Chenfeng, who looks a little differently, and whispers softly.

"Cold smoke, you don't have to dress up so sexy!" Ye Chenfeng said with a smile.

"Why, I wasn't **** at first?" The smile on the face of the water-cold smoke is thicker, and the voice is charming. "In fact, I wear it like this today, for you."

"For me!" Ye Chenfeng said with a surprise.

"In order to seduce you!" Shui Hanyan reveals a smile that the dead man does not pay for his life: "How do you feel about me?"


"Wind dust, you talk slowly with cold smoke, I will find you to drink!"

It feels that the relationship between Ye Chenfeng and the water and cold smoke is not simple. The konjac king is secretly happy and walks away with great interest.

"Cold smoke, I will visit the next master of the hall, you will talk to others first!" Ye Chenfeng can not resist the charm of the cold smoke and her aggressive eyes, I want to leave quickly.

"Oh, then I will go to someone to chat, but I am a straightforward person, maybe I will reveal some of your secrets to others!" Shui Hanyan took a look at the morning breeze: "If Let the Nine Gods know that you have destroyed the inheritance of the Celestials in the mainland, and there are no powerful masters behind you that you can imagine. What do you say they will do?"

"You threaten me..."

When I heard the water and cold smoke, Ye Chenfeng’s eyes showed a chilly color and stopped the footsteps.

"Yes, I threaten you!" The cold smoke ignored Ye Chenfeng's angry eyes, and the hot and tender body clung to him, gently picking up his toes and putting seductive red lips on his ears. Sidewalk: "Ye Chenfeng, I have already said, you are the man I see, I will decide you."

Looking at the action of the cold water and the leaves of the morning, the dry king of the Qilin gods who wants to win the leaves of the morning wind frowned, and the darkness of the gossip of the gods, even thought of using the beauty to seduce the leaves. Morning wind.

"Water cold smoke, what do you want?" Ye Chenfeng resisted the annoyed words in his heart.

"I want you!" The cold smoke spit out a scent, gently in the ear of Ye Chenfeng.

"Water cold smoke, say your true purpose, don't play this trick." Ye Chenfeng did not believe in the cold water, coldly said.

"Ye Chenfeng, you really have no fun!" The cold water smoked the whiteness of the white and he looked at him: "If you want to know my real purpose, just come with me."

Speaking, the water cold smoke took the initiative to grasp Ye Chenfeng's big hand, and under the eyes of a pair of male envious eyes, he took him to a quiet garden on the east side of the Temple of Fire.

"Now, you can tell your true purpose!" Ye Chenfeng gently opened the small hand of the water, cold, white and smooth, whispered.

"Ye Chenfeng, I am not beautiful enough, still not **** enough, why do I feel that you hate me so much?" Although Ye Chenfeng's move to open her hand is somewhat rude, but the water is not angry.

"Because your purpose is too strong, I have to guard against it, lest you sell me!" Ye Chenfeng said calmly against the eyes of the cold water.

"It seems that you still know me very well!" Shui Hanyan smiled and said: "Well, I don't want to go out with you. I need your help. I wonder if you are willing to help me?" /

"Water cold smoke, are you too high for me, I have no background in the Central World, how can I help you!" Ye Chenfeng brows slightly wrinkled.

"If it is the original, you really can't help me, but nowadays, you won the championship of the refining contest in different days. Your influence and appeal will become very scary. If you want, there will be many people for you. Service, that is, I am going to gossip about the kingdom of God, and I want to win over you at any cost. Moreover, you have a good relationship with Dao, Yan Ruyu, so you can help me!"

Water cold smoke, a pair of peach blossoms, the eye waves flow, hooked the heart of Ye Chenfeng, pour the orchid road.

"What do you need me to do for you?" Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath.

"It's very simple. When I need you, go to the Gossip Kingdom and ask my father, kiss me!" The cold smoke is like a blooming rose, and the smile is like a flower.

"What, this is impossible!"

Ye Chenfeng didn't think about it, and vetoed it.

"There is nothing impossible in this world!" Although Ye Chenfeng refused to be very thorough, the water and cold smoke was still not angry, and whispered: "I have enough chips to touch you."

"Then tell me your chips!" Ye Chenfeng stared at the pretty face of the country, and thought about it.

"My first chip, keep your secret forever! My second chip, my body! My third chip, wait for me one day, sit on the top of the goddess of the gods At the time, unconditionally help you to destroy the inheritance of the Nine Kingdoms!"

Water cold smoke slowly said, the voice revealed a very strong ambition, so that Ye Chenfeng is slightly moved.

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