Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1203: Water cold smoke forced marriage

"Water cold smoke, you should not want me to help you take the position of the gods of the gods!"

Ye Chenfeng didn’t think that the water and cold smoke ambition was so big, he wanted to be the emperor of the Eight Gods.

"If I say yes, are you willing to help me?" The cold cold smoked with beautiful big eyes, looking directly at Ye Chenfeng, asked.

"Water cold smoke, are you too high for me, just rely on me a small person, how can I help you win the throne?" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and said: "And the gossip **** should be your father, you Really want to overthrow your father?"

"Although the Emperor of the Eight Diagrams is my father and my enemy who killed my mother. At the moment my mother died, I secretly vowed to ruin everything he owned."

"And, he didn't see me as a daughter at all, just cultivated me into his tools. In order to improve the overall strength of the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God, he was prepared to let me marry the son of the lord." There is a trace of sadness in the beautiful eyes.

"You don't want to marry the son of the lord, so let me ask your father!" Ye Chenfeng frowned and said.

"Yes, you won the double championship of the refining contest, but the citron, if you give my father a kiss, he will promise." Shui Hanyan nodded and said: "And I don't hate you, still I like you a bit, so I found you!"

"You are so confident, I will listen to you to mention the relatives?" Ye Chenfeng looked at the charming face of the cold water.

"Ye Chenfeng, you married me, there is no harm in the benefits. If you are willing to marry me, I must do everything I can to improve your strength by using the resources of the Eight Gods, I can make you have a man." Everything you want, people and money are not what you guys most want to have?" The water and cold smoke is tempting.

"Water cold smoke, you really find the wrong person, I really can't do it!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and euphemistically refused.

"Ye Chenfeng, do you know what a woman will do when she is desperate? She will go crazy, she will lose her mind, she will desperately destroy, if I am really forced into the road, maybe I will destroy everything Good things, including you." The water cold smoke slowly said, the sound of the decisive taste.

"Are you ready to threaten me?" Ye Chenfeng frowned and asked in a low voice.

"Ye Chenfeng, you don't care about my life and death, why should I care about you!" In the face of Ye Chenfeng's angry eyes, the water and cold smoke said fearlessly.

"Water cold smoke, I don't want to help you, but really can't help."

Thinking of the end of his own identity exposure, Ye Chenfeng has a feeling of being pinched by the cold smoke, but helplessly sighs in the heart.

"You can help me, but you don't want to help now!" There is a hint of sorrow in the eyes of the cold smoke: "If I guess correctly, you come to the Central World for two purposes, one The purpose is to tear through the gates of the Tianyu area and fly up to Tianyu. Another purpose is to break the inheritance of the Tianzu."

"If you don't have a strong confidence in your strength, do you dare to think about these two things?"

"Water cold smoke, I advise you not to force me, I am not as good as you think!"

Ye Chenfeng didn’t think that the cold smoke had guessed a lot of secrets, and it was tricky for her aggressiveness.

"Ye Chenfeng, why don't you understand, if you are willing to marry me, I vow to do my best to help you."

Water cold smoke saw Ye Chenfeng repeatedly refused himself, and his self-esteem was hit hard, and some angry said.

"Water cold smoke, I already have a wife of Ming Media, I can't marry you!" Ye Chenfeng still refused, but the words of the cold smoke made him feel a little moving.

"Ye Chenfeng, you can rest assured that even if you marry me, I will not stalk you. We can only count as dew couples, and each one needs it. When you fly to Tianyu one day, we will squat. Break all relationships, never tie you!" Water cold smoke guarantees.


"Ye Chenfeng, I ask you the last thing, will you kill me?" Water cold smoke lost patience and met Ye Chenfeng's eyes.

"Should not."

Ye Chenfeng looked at the beautiful face of the water and smoke, thought of her help to herself, shook her head and said frankly.

"I know you can't bear to kill me, but you don't kill me, you will lose all the bargaining chips with me!" The tempting red lips of the water and cold smoke slightly upturned, revealing a beautiful curve: " Today, I have to ask you a satisfactory answer. Otherwise, I will go outside now and publish all your secrets. I think there are many people who want to see you fall into the altar and appear to be chased."

"Water cold smoke, don't force me to kill you." Ye Chenfeng was somewhat annoyed.

"Well, if you want to kill, kill it. Anyway, I am a little girl, I will not fight back!"

When finished, the water cold smoke left a beautiful shadow, carrying slender legs and walking outside the pleasant garden.


In the case of unable to kill the cold smoke, Ye Chenfeng compromised and grabbed her arm.

"Why, finally figured it out?" The water cold smoke slowly turned around, and asked with a charming look.

"Cold smoke, can you let me think about it?" Ye Chenfeng sighed softly in his heart and said bitterly.

"Okay, then I will give you a few hours to consider. At the end of the banquet, you must give me a satisfactory answer, otherwise we will break the net!" The cold smoke reveals the smile of the winner.

"Can you be more than a few days wide?" Ye Chenfeng said helplessly.

"What do you think?" Shui Hanyan took the initiative to hold Ye Chenfeng's arm, letting his arm squeeze the two groups of soft, Jiaoxiao said: "Okay, don't be so bitter and deep." You know how many people want to marry me, how many people will envy you."

When Ye Chenfeng chatted with the water and cold smoke, the grand banquet held in the Temple of Heaven had already begun.

"Where did the dust go?"

Xuan Hongzheng sitting on the chairman, saw the first protagonist Ye Chenfeng did not appear, his brow slightly wrinkled, and whispered to ask the big elders Xuan Atrium around him.

"The wind and dust seem to go to the back garden with the cold water of the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God!" Xuan Zhongting put down the wine glass in his hand: "Look at their relationship, it seems a bit embarrassing."

"Water cold smoke... I didn't expect that little girl woman is so good!" Xuan Hong is showing a faint smile.

When he spoke, the morning breeze and the cold water of the show appeared, and suddenly attracted a lot of attention.

"Wind dust, your location is here!"

Seeing the appearance of Ye Chenfeng, Xuan Zhongting immediately shouted him, and the cold water smoked his arm tightly. He walked over with a happy face and sat with him on the chairman.

"Wind dust, you are this..."

Looking at the actions of the two people, Xuan Hongzheng revealed a strange color in his eyes and asked.

"The main hall of the hall, we have just confirmed the relationship, the wind has agreed, go to the gods of the Eight Diagrams of God to my father!" Before the leaves of the morning, the sweet water and cold smoke prevailed.

The words of the water-cold smoke have just fallen, and the eyes of all the people on the chairman’s eyes have been painted to the face of the morning.

Among them, the konjac king showed a thick color of surprise, he did not expect that the means of water and cold smoke is so powerful, just a short time, it will conquer Ye Chenfeng.


Xuan Hong is asking a bit strangely. In his impression, Ye Chenfeng is not such a casual person.

"I have known cold smoke and I have always had a good relationship!" Although Ye Chenfeng was annoyed, he did not dare to refute it. He could only swear on his scalp and said ambiguously.

When I heard Ye Chenfeng’s answer, many of the powers that wanted to win him were desperate, and the konjac king showed a smile. Pulling Ye Chenfeng to the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God will definitely improve the overall strength of the Eight Diagrams Kingdom. And influence.

"Wind dust, you are the main character of the banquet today, you must drink a few more cups!"

The eyes of the old Xuan Hong are seeing that the relationship between Ye Chenfeng and the water cold smoke is not simple, and there is no deeper question, frequently toasting and drinking.

At this time, the melodious music sounded, more than ten wonderful women wearing tulle appeared, interspersed in the **** dance of the table, the atmosphere of the banquet was also stimulated by wine and beauty, more and more high.

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