Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1204: Ye Chenfeng compromises

"Wind dust, let's go dancing too!"

Good-spirited, drinking a lot of fine wine, the face of the delicate water and cold smoke with a veined look at Ye Chenfeng, regardless of his opposition, hard to pull him up.

"Water cold smoke, what do you want to do?" Ye Chenfeng asked a gloomy voice.

"I just want to dance with you!" Shui Hanyan smiled and replied: "Let's go, I am in a good mood today, don't sweep my interest, or I might say something wrong."


Under the threat of water and cold smoke, while the soft and hard are dragging, Ye Chenfeng was dragged by the cold smoke to more than ten Miaoman women.

"Cold smoke, I really can't dance!" Ye Chenfeng said with some mercy.

"It doesn't matter, you just need to stand up." The water cold smoke gently lifted the tiptoe, deliberately put the **** red lips on the ear of Ye Chenfeng, spit out a hot air, teasing and said: "I am moving ."

Speaking, the cold water smoked a smile, like a soft beauty snake, directly entangled in Ye Chenfeng.

And her bold and unrestrained move shocked the audience and made people stunned at the venue.

Because the clothes on the water and cold smoke are too thin, when her towering double peaks pass through the chest of Ye Chenfeng, let Ye Chenfeng clearly feel the softness of the curls. This intimate contact makes Ye Chenfeng feel in the heart. There was a strange look and I wanted to avoid it.

"Do not hide!"

The face of the delicate water and cold smoke reveals the color of the soul, the milk is generally floating on the skin with a layer of red, she is constantly dancing **** body, entangled Ye Chenfeng's body, teasing his whole body cell.

"Water is cold, so it will be dead!"

Feeling the hot and cold smoke of the body, smelling the crazy body fragrance, looking at her enough to fascinate the feelings of all beings, Ye Chenfeng only feels the flames of the heart rushing upwards, small heart Just want to move.

"Morning wind, this is not going to work? I just started?" The watery cold smoke said with a flirtatious eye, Miao Man's body danced more crazy.

Suddenly, the slender legs of the water-cold-smoke are tightly wrapped around the strong waist of Ye Chenfeng, and the back is tilted to the head, which drives the whole body of Ye Chenfeng to rotate, and the undulating peaks are constantly in the leaves. The morning breeze beats, like calling him to taste it.

"Water cold smoke, I ordered you to stop!"

Ye Chenfeng is also a **** Fang Gang, the temptation of the cold water to make him cold on the verge of collapse, said in a commanding tone.

"Morning wind, do you want me now!"

The cold waist smoked the lumbar limbs slightly, pulled up the body, stuck it on the chest of Ye Chenfeng, and leaned the red lips against the ears of Ye Chenfeng, asking seductively.

"Water cold smoke, I advise you not to force me again, big deal, we will die!"

Ye Chenfeng guessed that the action of water and cold smoke was done for everyone. The purpose was to borrow their mouths and spread the relationship between them, so that the church would die.

"Ye Chenfeng, you are so funny!" The water cold smoke bite the earlobe of Ye Chenfeng: "But this does not prevent me from loving you, now you can give me an answer, if Your answer will satisfy me, I will leave immediately."

"You win, your request I promise, but you must fulfill your promise!"

Ye Chenfeng knows that he really has no choice. Once his identity is exposed, the consequences will be very serious, and it will affect his plan to fly up to Tianyu. In desperation, he compromised.

"I know you will promise!"

Speaking, the face of the beautiful cold water, ignoring the surrounding eyes, kissed Ye Chenfeng's cheek, and left Ye Chenfeng's body, like a proud peacock, turned and left.

The scene just happened is too shameful, the water is cold and the smoke is gone. Ye Chenfeng does not want to stay for a long time, just want to leave.

Suddenly, the four dancers approached Ye Chenfeng with music, and wrapped around his body, twisting the **** body, and as they danced, the fragrance of a strand of people lingered, constantly Ye Chenfeng drilled in the nose.

Inadvertently inhaling a large amount of aroma, Ye Chenfeng’s reaction suddenly appeared a bit hesitant, and the whole person was suddenly alert.


The four piercing sounds of the sound broke out, and the four dancers appeared in the hands of two destructive beads with great destructive power, and they shot at the near morning.

"Not good!"

Xuan Hong did not expect that the phantom killer was so courageous that when he declared war on the phantom in the temple, he dared to sneak into the city of Vulcan, and assassinated Ye Chenfeng under their eyelids, decisively rescued.

But the timing of the assassination of the four dancers was too good, and the attack speed of the eight ruined beads was extremely fast, which made Xuan Hongzheng and others unable to help Ye Chenfeng resolve the crisis in the first time.


A huge blast sounded.

After the loud noise, the explosive force like a volcanic eruption directly swallowed Ye Chenfeng, madly destroying his body.


At the crucial time, Ye Chenfeng summoned the quasi-sacred sacred armor that the tyrannosaurus gave him, and protected the whole body against the attack of four self-explosive beads.

Resist the most powerful attack, Ye Chenfeng’s entire body erupted with a powerful force, trying to tear the storm out.

At this time, the four phantom killers who had been exposed suddenly rushed into the storm of destruction and did not give Ye Chenfeng the opportunity to break out.

The next moment, they suddenly blew their bodies and used their lives to launch suicide attacks on Ye Chenfeng.

The defense of Xuanyan Xuanjia is terrible, but it still fails to withstand the self-destructive attack of the four phantom killers, constantly damaging Ye Chenfeng's body.

Fortunately, his physical defense is strong enough to withstand deadly attacks and only minor injuries.

At this time, a great hand descended from the sky, directly tearing open the intensifying storm of destruction, forcibly insulting the space around Ye Chenfeng's body and arresting him from the storm of destruction.

Next, there was a big bell full of ancient patterns on the Temple of Fire, which hardened the storm of destruction that was vandalism.

"Wind dust, how are you?"

Looking at the Yan Yan Xuanjia, the mouth of the mouth, the blood of the morning, the face of the ugly Xuan Hong is concerned about asking.

"Mysterious master, I am fine, rest for a few days, my injury should be able to heal!" The pale pale morning wind said slowly.

But his injury is far less than his performance. The reason why he was scammed is that he was just too shameful to let him leave as soon as possible.

" During the security period, in the recent period, you have been wounded in the Vulcan world, where Nirvana is also able to hurt you." Xuan Hong apologized.


Ye Chenfeng nodded and said.

"Great elders, send the dust to the fire **** world!"

Speaking, Xuan Hong is letting the Great Elder Xuan Atrium take Ye Chenfeng to the Vulcan world, and he left behind to clean up the mess.

Soon, the temple of the Vulcan, which was just still lively, was deserted, and the major forces left with different moods.

When the konjac king left, like the Temple of Heaven promised, the Gossip God Congress helped the temple to eradicate the phantom, and let Xuan Hongzheng bring words to Ye Chenfeng, and the Eight Diagrams of Godland welcomed him at any time.

The assassination happened again, but who will be behind the scenes, the four killers who killed Ye Chenfeng are really phantom killers? No one knows.

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