Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1208: Dan robbery with the power of the world

"Fire old, block the nine-strong cave, isolate the breath of the fire, and delay the time of the Dan robbery!"

Although the quality of condensed medicinal herbs is better by baptism of dan dan, the risk of alchemy in Dan robbing is too great, and it is very prone to some minor flaws.

And refining the fire to reproduce Dan, such a remedy, any minor mistakes may lead to the failure of alchemy, so if the sacred wind completely ignites the nine-point grotto, isolate the space, try to gain time and continue to enhance the bath. The quality of fire reborn Dan.

"The Spirit of Life, accelerate the power of falling down!"

Time is urgent, Ye Chenfeng spares no effort to control the spirit of the soul of the madness of the dying, condensed into a sacred pattern, into the Jiuzhong Sheng Ding.

Under the accelerated condensing of the crowd, the sixth dans appeared in the two resurrections.

"Sure enough, the prescription of the dust master is complete!"

The sixth dan will appear. If Xuanfeng knows that he is gambling, the hanging heart is falling, and his heart is full of gratitude to Ye Chenfeng, and he is very fortunate to find him to help.

If there is no complete Danfang, Xuanfeng and others will know that even if they work harder, it is impossible to refine the fire to the quality of the six lines.

"Fire old, nine-fold grotto can seal the space for a long time, do not let the Dan robbery down?" Condensed the sixth damask, if the Xuanfeng immediately passed the sound to the old, asked.

"The quality of the re-birth of the bath fire is getting higher and higher, and the difficulty of sealing is correspondingly larger and larger. As far as I can estimate, I can only delay the time of about five days." The old voice said solemnly.

"The five-day time should be able to re-boil the fire to the eight-grain or even the nine-grain quality!" Xuan Feng calculated in the heart, muttered to himself.

"Everyone is trying to condense the dandy, try to improve the quality of the two rejuvenating dans before the slain is lowered!" Xuanfeng sneaked a small mouthful of resurrection, restored the soul of consumption, and transmitted With a slam, all the distractions are removed, and the speed of condensing the dandy is accelerated as much as possible.

The breath of two rejuvenated Dans was forcibly isolated by the fire and the strength of the nine-crown caves. However, the robber clouds above the Jiuzhong Grottoes grew thicker and thicker, and the power of the robbers became stronger and stronger. Surging like a tidal wave, the rapid gathering, the terrible power has put tremendous pressure on the entire city of Vulcan.

"What happened in the end, who is so bold in the city of Vulcan?"

A lot of unidentified residents of Vulcan City, watching the sky violently rolling, there are hundreds of feet of robbery clouds, face changes, and there are many discussions.

"It should be that no one is robbing, but someone is alcheming in the Jiuzhong Grotto."

"The nine-point fire cave alchemy, is it the master of the temple, do not know what the quality of the medicinal herbs they have to refine this time, even led to such a terrible tyrannical!"

Looking at the intensifying robbery clouds in the sky, the residents of Vulcan City became excited, and almost everyone appeared on the street, trying to witness the shocking scene of the Dan.

"Two days of condensing the seventh dandy, the eighth dan will be almost the same in five days, but the remaining two dans, I am afraid to condense under the destruction of Dan!"

Feeling that the Jiuzhong Grottoes are getting more and more trembled and more and more, Xuan Feng and others have guessed that the two robbings brought by the two fires are not ordinary, the face becomes more dignified, the final success or failure .

"The eighth dandy!"

After the fifth day, Ye Chenfeng and others succeeded in condensing the eighth dan, but at this time, the nine-point fire ban could not withstand the increasingly strong tyrannical oppression, full of criss-cross cracks. .

"The ban on the nine-point grotto is about to be broken, and you are ready to defend against this first sacred baptism."

"Because the accumulation of foreign tyrannical catastrophe is too long, the power of this first tyrannical tyrannical power is probably very powerful, but I will do my best to help you weaken the power of the tyrannical tyrannical, but you must also greet the tyrannical tyrannical Preparation!" The old and heavy voice of the fire sounded in the ears of everyone.

"Good! Fire old, open the nine-point fire cave ban."

If Xuanfeng is ready, he will gather powerful maps, summon the holy treasure, and prepare to forcibly resolve the first attack.


The ban disappeared, and the sound of the blast of Huang Zhong Da Lu blasted in the sky and rang through the sky. Many of the incompetent Vulcan city residents heard this horrible voice, scared their legs and shivered. On the ground.

The accumulation of a few days, the power to reach the extremely horrible realm of the robbery, like an irritated mad dragon, broke through hundreds of feet of robbery clouds, with the power of extinction, bombarded to the nine holy Ding, want to destroy the Ding Ding, to achieve eight Dao Dan, this should not be bred in this world of the resurrection of Dan.

"Nine heavy fire caves, flame attack!"

The five elements of each other, Huo Kejin, enough to kill Nirvana, the power of the Dan, when the robbery fell, the fire immediately controlled the strength of the nine-point grotto.

The endless flames are brought together and turned into a towering pillar of fire, blocking the space of the cave and dissolving the power of the Dan.

But the power of the Dan robbery accumulated over a few days exceeded the imagination of the old man, and the dragon-like tyrannical smashed the smashing of the towering fire pillar, tearing the nine-pointed grotto, and Yu Wei’s unsinking bombardment to the nine-fold Sheng Ding.

"Not good!"

Xuan Fengruo and others did not think that the tyrannical tyrannosaur brought by the resurrection of the fire was so terrible that it easily tore the blockage of the Jiuzhong Grottoes and summoned a piece of powerful holy treasure, blocking the space and forcibly weakening Dan. The power of robbery.

The sacred treasures of Xuanfeng’s summoning are super-high, and they contain the power of destroying the earth. But at this moment, they can only use their own holy treasures to attack them.

Between the blink of an eye, the sacred treasure that Xuantu called when he was summoned was smashed by the terrible tyrannical snarl, and the remaining 40% of the powerful tyrants slammed into the Jiuzhong Ding Ding, wanting that this should not exist. In the world of the eight-line bath fire reborn Dan destroyed.

"The power of the world, the power of a terrible world!"

The moment when Dan robbery fell, Ye Chenfeng’s keen sense of feeling felt the power of the world in the Dan robbery. Hesitated a moment and summoned the indestructible sword spirit to appear on the Jiuzhong Ding Ding. The body is against the attack of the power of the world.


Four Cheng Yu's Dan robbery bombarded the body of Jian Ling, quickly consuming the energy of the sword, and the terrible Dan robbery was resisted by the sword, and the attack power plummeted, leaving only 20%. More power, through the Jiuzhong Sheng Ding, drilled into the Dingzhong.

"Refining and destroying Dan!"

Xuan Fengru waited for amazement and looked at Ye Chenfeng, but at this moment, they could not tolerate their distraction. They constantly condensed a sacred sacred pattern, refining and smashing, and raising two bath fires. The quality of reborn Dan.

A Dan robbing was solved by all the people together, and the violently rolling robbery cloud continued to drop a terrible ban.

However, the first tyrannical release of a large amount of accumulated world power, so that the power of the next banter has declined, everyone together, well controlled the power of Dan robbing, borrowing about 10% of the power of Dan The robbery continued to sublimate two baths and reborn Dan.

Finally, everyone was under tremendous pressure. After the mad attack of Dan, it took half a day or so, and finally two rejuvenation of the two fires to the quality of the nine lines, and the last one, to reach the perfect ten. Dan pattern.

But with the rejuvenation of the two baths, the quality of the Dan has reached a nine-grain, and the power of the Dan robbery has also increased, especially the power of the ever-increasing world, which has brought a deadly threat to everyone.

At this time, the swordsman who continues to bear the attack of the Dan robbery has little power left, and the situation of everyone has become dangerous again.

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