Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1209: Oneself, turn the tide 澜

"The two elders are too elders. The power of Dan robbery has risen too fast. With our strength, it has been difficult to effectively control the power of the robbery. According to this development, there is a high probability that an accident will occur. Cheng Dan!"

The old man’s face showed a pale smear, and Xuan Hong, who was under tremendous pressure, asked Xuan Fengruo, Xuanfeng 曦 two elders.

"Forced into a Dan!"

At this time, Xuan Fengruo had already seen the hope of refining the ten-patterned fire and reborn Dan, but they did not control the power of the Dan, and continued to refine the refining, two nine-patterned rebirths. Dan really may be destroyed by the Dan.

"The main lord, if you can trust me, these two resurrections will be re-educated by me, and you will fully resist the tyrannical, and limit the power of the slain to about 20%!" Taking a deep breath, he suddenly said.

"No, this is too risky!"

Xuan Hongzheng and others shook their heads and vetoed one by one. At these moments, they did not dare to take risks, lest they fall short.

"Predecessors, we are only the last step, we can condense into a ten-patterned fire and reborn Dan, so it is a pity to give up!" Ye Chenfeng said.

"Wind dust, we want to re-birth the reborn Dan to the ten-grain than you, but the consequences of failure, my temple can't afford it!" Xuan Hong was taking a deep breath and said with a heavy tone.

"Predecessors, if you can control the power of the Dan robbery well, the younger generation has a 90% grasp, you can refine the ten-patterned fire and reborn Dan alone!"

Ye Chenfeng knows that the fire of the reborn has a meaning to the temple, and he wants to sell the heavenly people's feelings, and he said firmly.


Xuanfeng Ruo, Xuan Fengqi and others looked at Ye Chenfeng incredulously.

"Well, I believe that the younger generation, at this time, I will never make fun of these big things, I really have the confidence to refine the ten-patterned fire and reborn Dan!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and said solemnly.

"That's good, then we will give you all the hope, I hope you can create a miracle again!"

Although this bet seems to have a low success rate and is even more ridiculous, Ye Chenfeng can make a miracle in the refining contest, which is enough to prove his extraordinary, plus his pledge to let Xuanfeng wait for others. Finally made up my mind and bet the last time.

After the decision, Xuan Zhongting and others gnawed their teeth and stopped to condense the dandelion. However, if Xuanfeng still has some reluctance, he still condenses the sage, and wants to see what the morning wind is doing, and at the same time condense Two nine-patterned bath fires reborn Dan.


Ye Chenfeng took a deep breath and swallowed the resounding liquid contained in his mouth. He used his hands and clouds to create a sacred sacred pattern, which quickly melted into the Jiuzhong Ding Ding.

Under Ye Chenfeng’s control of the holy sacred pattern, the raging ancient sacred flame circumvented, forming two flame vortexes, directly condensing the two shards into nine lines, and constantly accepting the baptism of Dan. The resurrection of the fire of the bath was swallowed up.

"What is this alchemy technique!"

Seeing the flame changes in the Shengdan Ding Ding, if the Xuanfeng has set off a big wave in the hearts of the people, these mysterious alchemy techniques, they don’t say they have seen it, they have never heard it.

"Listen to my orders, everyone stops condensing the sage, and fully resists the tyrannical, and controls the power of the robbing to 20%!" Xuanfeng looked at him with great thoughts. Ye Chenfeng, taking a deep breath, ordered.

Xuan Feng, if the San Dan pattern played by the people disappeared, Ye Chenfeng immediately felt the pressure. The two re-enactment of the re-enactment of the baptism of the robbing of the robbing of Dan was a spurt, and there were signs of loss of control.


At this time, Ye Chenfeng continuously squirted two bloods, and melted into the Jiuzhong Dingzhong. By the force of blood, he forced the two swaying fires to reproduce Dan.

At this time, if Xuanfeng waits for people, regardless of the consumption of the soul, the power of a piece of holy treasure will be maximized, completely blocking the space of the Jiuzhong Grotto, and will be descended from the sky through a layer of peeling, such as The dragon's general power of the robber is controlled at 20%.

"Fire old, increase the power of the flames in the nine-fold holy tripod!"

The leaf morning wind that constantly condenses the vortex of the holy sage is multi-purpose, and shouts at the fire of the nine-point fire.

"Okay, hand it to the old man!"

The old man nodded, and immediately controlled the black and white flames to melt into the nine-fold sacred body pattern, constantly improving the flame power of the ancient sacred fire.

About a fragrant time, the two baths were reborn and swayed, leaving Ye Chenfeng under tremendous pressure.

"Fire old, speed up the open Dingding!"

Ye Chenfeng gritted his teeth and continued to shout loudly at the hot.


When I heard Ye Chenfeng’s shouting, I looked at the old man and looked at Xuanfengru.

"Fire old, listen to the dusty little friends, open the holy Ding!"

Although the mysterious wind can't figure out, the medicinal herbs are not in front of Dan, and why Ye Chenfeng opened the holy Ding, but at this moment, they can't let them think more, if Xuanfeng shouted.


The old man took a deep breath and opened the hot Sanding, and swallowed a large number of flames in the Jiuzhong Shengding.

At this time, the two swaying resurrection of the fire will also spurt the nine-fold holy ding with the continually emerging ancient sacred fire, and once the two unformed bonfires re-emerge from the nine-fold sacred, they are contaminated by the outside air. There will be no suspense of the explosion.

When Xuanfeng Ruo’s heart almost jumped to the eyes of the blind man, Chaos Shenmu flew out of Ye Chenfeng’s body and directly fell into the raging nine-fold holy Ding, suppressing two stunned bath fires. .


Chaos Shenmu successfully entered the Jiuzhong Shengding, and Ye Chenfeng immediately shouted.


The old idea is moving, the heavy Shengding cover is re-closed, and then it continues to control the black and white flame into the Jiuzhong Shengding, helping Ye Chenfeng to reduce the pressure of alchemy.

With the chaos of Shenmu, the two baths were reborn a lot quieter, and the pressure of Ye Chenfeng was also reduced a lot. Continue to condense the sacred lines that blended with the power of life, refining Two bath fires reborn Dan.

The refining of two baths and reborn Dan is too expensive, and Ye Chenfeng’s powerful soul is quickly consumed. Soon, a whole bottle of rejuvenating liquid was drunk by him.

At this time, Xuanfeng waited for someone to introduce a large amount of Huishui into his mouth in time to restore his soulpower.

Slowly, time passed three more days.

After Ye Chenfeng's continuous efforts, he succeeded in condensing nine and a half sacred sacred lines, only the last half of the way will be able to condense the complete ten-patterned fire re-enactment.

"Refueling, be sure to succeed!"

Xuanfeng Ruo et al. looked at the body that Ye Chenfeng was constantly shaking, and a heart mentioned the eyes of the blind man, especially seeing his face getting paler and paler, without a trace of blood, to Xuanfeng Ruo et al. The heart is even more nervous, and a lot of sweat is on the forehead.


At this time, hundreds of feet of robbery clouds rang the thunder of screaming screams, and the huge robbery clouds that shrouded the entire city of Vulcan quickly circulated. The last banter broke through the center of the vortex, like a road. The power of the world has shattered the vast void of large pieces and directly penetrated the Jiuzhong Grotto.

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