Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1276: Be restrained

"Yin predecessors, this insect is handed over to me, help me take care of the Zhou family."

Looking at the golden worms that cover the void like a black cloud, Ye Chenfeng’s delicate face did not reveal any fear.

Although the gold-worm has nothing to eat, it has a strong destructive power, but Ye Chenfeng’s body is comparable to the best. Moreover, he got a lower-class sacred suit from the Sword Emperor, and he is not afraid of worming. .

"Can you do it yourself?" Yin Nine demon said with no confidence.

"Reassured, the yin predecessor, I killed him like a dog!" Ye Chenfeng's mouth was slightly upturned, revealing a proud smile.

"Kid, you are very kind, you know, even the people of the Lei family, do not dare to say this to me!" The savvy eyes of the worms shot a thick killing light, said Senran.

"That is the Lei people do not want to care about you, if the Lei people really want to kill you, you think you have the opportunity to live in this world!" Ye Chenfeng carrying his hands, **** for tat.

"The tip of the tooth is hard. When I hold you and let the golden insect bite your body, do I see you still have a hard mouth?"

Speaking, the insects and the minds move, and the densely wormed gold insects grind sharp teeth like a knife, like a moving black cloud, attacking Ye Chenfeng.

"Ye Chenfeng, this golden insect is extremely terrible, you defend quickly!"

The overwhelming golden worms hit, and the yin and nine demon faces changed slightly. Immediately, they wore a warrior-level jersey to protect the whole body and loudly reminded.

"burning the flames!"

Ye Chenfeng did not wear the holy clothes, but summoned the burning fire of the heavens, covering the whole body, reflecting the night sky at dawn, and the temperature of the whole space was also raised straight at this moment.

Under the melting of the burning sacred fire, a large number of golden worms have not yet been brought to the ashes near Ye Chenfeng. The power of Ye Chenfeng to burn the sacred fire, such as a fire meteor, has torn the worms, and it is like a broken bamboo. The attack turned to the face of the worm.

"The Holy Fire, you have conquered a holy fire!"

In addition to the terrible attack power, the golden insects are as strong as the black iron, but when they encounter the burning fire, they melt in an instant, which makes the insects suspect that the flame that Ye Chenfeng calls for should be the central The most powerful flame of the world.

"The Holy Fire, how many cards do you have in the morning wind?"

Yin and Nine demons were also stunned by this scene, and they were surprised by the means of the morning breeze.

The power of the five great points in Ye Chenfeng's body broke out, activated the power of the dead spirit beads, and punched a punch at the face of the slightly changed insects. A boxing pierced the air and bombarded him to his chest.


The worm's pupils shrink, the body's strength is bursting, and a dark green handprint is quickly condensed, entwining the power of the Tao, and the power of the amazingly smashed the fist of Ye Chenfeng.

"Dragon Sword!"

The worm destroys the attack, and the morning wind is in danger. The dragon ridge sword flies out of his body under the control of his mind, draws a beautiful arc in the air, and the sword opens. Dark green handprints.

"Sword, I didn't expect a lot of treasures on you!"

Looking at six feet and six inches long, he swallowed the sharp edge, and the sword body was like the dragon ridge sword of the dragon spine. The worm eyes shot the greedy color.

"Yin predecessors, trouble you to protect Zhoujia!"

When Ye Chenfeng and the worm were in the opposite direction in the air, he again voiced to the Yin and Nine demon.

"Okay, be careful!"

Yin and Nine demon looked at him deeply and shocked him. Ye Chenfeng, who was shrouded in the burning flame, nodded and quickly returned to Zhoujiafu, summoning a large number of flags, covering the week. The family, in order to avoid the fierce battle between Ye Chenfeng and the insects, the destructive power caused by it is too horrible to directly destroy Zhou.

"Ye Chenfeng, you don't think there are a few treasures, you can fight against me. In this world, treasures are just outside the body, strength is the most important!"

The worm has put away the contemptuous heart, and will continue to be burned to death by the burning of the sacred fire. The golden worms that are unable to get close to Ye Chenfeng are summoned back to the body, condensing the map of the dead, the map of the road of the thunder and the road of the wind. Prepare to kill Ye Chenfeng with all his strength and win his treasure.


There was an ancient scorpion-level rifle in the hand of the worm. He shot it out with a shot. The three avenues instantly vented the endless lines of doctrine and melted into the tip of the gun. The terrible attack left a void in the void. Deep gun marks, such as the black dragon born, swaying the body, a shot stabbed to the chest of Ye Chenfeng.

"Three Avenues, now!"

When the worm came to the thorn, Ye Chenfeng summoned the three avenues and controlled the bronze swordsman who radiated a faint silver light into the dragon sacred sword, stabbing a sword and welcoming it. .

The black pike and the Longji holy sword collided together. A terrible colliding force burst out in the void, and the entire space appeared intensive water ripples, scattered in all directions, and the momentum was horrible.


The hard-for-money magic shot, Ye Chenfeng immediately felt that a terrible force of death passed into his body through the Longji Holy Sword, which damaged his body's meridians, and his blood was uncontrollable. Sprayed out of his mouth.

A shot stabbed the morning breeze, the insects did not like the counter-shock, because he knew the power of the gun, Nirvana's human power could not resist, and the five-level beastly realm of Ye Chenfeng Only minor injuries.

Moreover, Ye Chenfeng’s understanding of Taoism is beyond his imagination.

"I want to see if you can resist a few shots!"

A huge worm king phantom emerges from the body of the worm. When he merges with the worm king shadow, his straight body changes, and a pair of black worm wings emerges from his body. More delicate than the woman's skin, covered with black carapace, and his arm, drilled two stingers, sharp.

"The blood of the dragon, the blood of the gods, burning!"

At the moment when the insects change into the ultimate form, Ye Chenfeng burns the blood of the dragon and the blood of the gods. When the body is swollen, the surface of the skin is covered with a thick layer of dragon scales to maximize the defense. force.

Combustion of two major blood vessels, Ye Chenfeng's strength has risen linearly, almost reaching the limit of the six-level beast, and when he merged with the evil to the blood golem figure, his strength broke through the six-level beastmaster The limit has the strength of a star.

Feeling the strength of Ye Chenfeng's climbing, watching him half-man and half-dragon, red-blooded body, the shocking color on the insect's face is more intense.

"Give me death!"

The worm's pupils are shrunk, and the whole body is fused with a black pistol, which continuously launches a deadly attack on Ye Chenfeng.

The gunfire is fierce and incredible.

Every shot is like a wave in the sea, overlapping, and dozens of guns are pierced in a row. The whole space seems to have turned into a sea of ​​hustle and bustle. The world is discolored, endless, as if you want to The wind swallowed and shredded in the sea of ​​guns.

"True Dragons!"

In the face of a wave of high-pitched guns, Ye Chenfeng immediately applied the dragons to the supernatural powers, and the whole body continued to grow bigger. Under the gaze of everyone’s eyes, it became a blood dragon. The voice of fear was rushing into the sea of ​​guns.

"Dragon, this leaf morning wind is a dragon person!"

Yin and nine enchanting eyes widened, watching the turn into a blood dragon, tearing the Ye Chenfeng attacked by the insects, guessing the identity of Ye Chenfeng.

"Dragons... Too elders, not to say that the dragons are the super-ethnics of the Tianyu, how can they appear in our space?" Yin Ruoxi sucked a cool airway.

"This leaf morning wind is not a dragon, but still to be studied, but he can be transformed into a real dragon, which shows that he has a relationship with the dragon!" Yin Nine demon took a deep breath: "Maybe, he can really defeat the insect ."

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