Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1277: Goldworms


The uncontrollable thunderous explosions blew in the void.

The intense confrontation between Ye Chenfeng and the insects caused unimaginable destructive power.

Ye Chenfeng casts a real dragon. The attacking power of an instant burst is extremely terrible, enough to kill Nirvana's human power, but the strength of the insect is too horrible. After dozens of breaths, Ye Chenfeng’s real dragon Changed to be broken.

"Go to hell!"

The moment when the strong dragon broke, the insects slammed a sigh of relief at the chest of Ye Chenfeng, and wanted a shot to pierce his chest.

"Golden Robe, Defense!"

At the crucial moment, Ye Chenfeng, who is covered in blood, summoned the golden robes of the lower sacred robes, borrowing the defense of the golden robes, and the black guns that stabbed like bamboo.


The fire is shining on the surface of the golden robes.

Ye Chenfeng was shot by a worm, but the golden robes helped him to resolve most of the attacks, and Ye Chenfeng’s physical defense reached the level of the quasi-sacred treasure. The morning breeze was slightly injured, and even a drop of blood did not flow out.

"A terrible defense, this warfare worn by Ye Chenfeng is probably a holy garment!"

Seeing the morning wind and the hard-worms, the insects attacked with one shot, and only suffered a slight injury. The Yinjiu demon and others completely let go.

With the holy clothes, Ye Chenfeng is basically invincible, and with the burning of the flames of Ye Chenfeng, the burning of the golden worms, it can be said that the insects want to kill Ye Chenfeng, very Hard to be difficult.

"Who are you, how can you have so many treasures!"

Teaching to the amazing defense of Ye Chenfeng, the insects could not help but reveal the color of dignity, whispered.

"A dead person, there is no need to know my identity!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng summoned the ancient remnants of his repairs to ban the space in the square, so that the outside world could not see the situation with the insects.

"Although your defense is amazing, but with your strength, it is too far to kill me!" The insects snorted and said disdainfully.

"With me alone, I can't kill you, but no one tells you, can I help?"

Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly, and he would summon the swordsman, the dry and the miraculous, and the three helpers of Chaos and the beast.

"Well, space treasure!"

Seeing the sudden emergence of Sword Ling and others, the smile on the face of the worm is solidified. He finally knows **** the true thunder and three sacred forces with the strength of Ye Chenfeng’s five-level beastly realm. Kill so many Thunderfield monks.

He is not alone in fighting, he has a helping hand, and his helper's strength is terrible.

"Quick speed!"

Ye Chenfeng slammed his life and summoned eighty-one giant swords.

"Battle Form!"

The chaotic beast screams, and the momentary change becomes the strongest form of combat. Its own strength is climbing, and it quickly breaks through the strength of 200 million jins. It holds a strong bronze scorpion, such as shaking a raft. The mountain is smashing to the insects.


The gunmans that the worms smashed collided with the bronze urns of the Yiduyi, and immediately burst into the sky in midair.

The two hundred kilograms of strength in the ancient bronze scorpion, the hard-boiled, the black rifle in the hand of the worm, the horrible power passed through the half-moon shaped rifle, passed into the arm of the worm, shattered and covered. The black carapace of his arm shook him back.

"Three heads and six arms!"

Qingming waiting for the demon to be repulsed by the chaotic beast, appeared behind him, incarnation of the three heads and six arms of the ultimate form, holding six major treasures to attack his body.

When the insects fully resisted the tide-like offensive, the indestructible swordsman approached him, ignoring his fierce counterattack, holding the black dragon's holy sword to his body, and a sword flew him. Going out, broke his defense, and a lot of blood was shot.


Ye Chenfeng did not give him a chance to breathe, control the 81 swords of the Qiankun, and smashed a sword, and a horrible sword mark cracked the layers of space and smashed into the head of the worm.


The hard regrets of the Kun Kun sword attack, the insects were once again smashed out, the out-of-control body slammed into the forbidden wall, and the injury was not light.


When Ye Chenfeng joined forces to continue to attack, the worm that bleeds his mouth summoned his killer, attacked and waited for the waiter and other people, and wanted to devour the dry and other people.

"The Wrath of God!"

Overwhelmingly, the golden worms attacked, burning the holy fire, the purple beginning of the holy thunder, the two poles of ancient water spewing out of the leaves of the morning wind body, quickly gathering on his head, such as a meteorite filled with destructive power, blasted into In the golden insect population, the terrible explosive force instantly killed thousands of gold-worms, which made the insects feel distressed.

When the power of the wrath of God's wrath became more and more fierce, the sword smashed the center of the blast, approached the worm, and launched a deadly attack on him, forcing him to retreat.

"Today, I will let you know, my real card!"

The offensive was completely restrained, and the worms used the last card to summon an ancient dish depicting a large number of insects, and a buffalo-sized, paired with black wings and sharp teeth. .

Although the golden worm has not yet broken the sacred beast level, its attack power is comparable to that of the sacred beast, and it can be combined with a large number of gold worms to enhance the strength, which is terrible.

The worms that are called by the worms are also based on the worms, refining and refining the quasi-sacred treasures that have been refining for thousands of years, and can enhance the attack power of the worms by merging the golden worms.

In order to kill Ye Chenfeng and win the treasure he possessed, the worm decided to sacrifice the golden insect at any cost, and it is bound to kill Ye Chenfeng and others.

"Chaotic beast, the big bug is handed over to you, quick fix!"

Ye Chenfeng glanced at the golden worm, which was constantly fused with the golden worm, and passed the sound.


The chaotic beast nodded and raised the bronze urn, bombarded the golden worm, and fought in midair.


In the face of the fierce attack of the chaotic beast, the golden worm cracked the mouth full of teeth, spit out a lot of gold worms, biting the strong body of the chaotic beast and consuming its flesh and blood.

"Chaotic Five Elements!"

When the chaotic beast is swallowed by a large number of golden worms, it emits chaotic five elements of light in the body, such as a dazzling blazing sun, constantly penetrating the body of the golden insects like the black iron, killing them.

"Battle Form!"

When the chaotic beast madly slaughtered the golden worm, the golden worm changed into a fighting form, becoming an ugly but hot woman, holding a stick and a chaotic beast.

At this time, Ye Chenfeng, Jianling, and the triangle were surrounded by the insects, and they joined forces to launch an attack.

"Wanfan disk, give me out!"

The insect and the magical thoughts moved, and the three avenues suspended above his head did not enter the worm disk. A large number of worm-like patterns were mapped out in the worm disk, and the attack went to the three people of Ye Chenfeng. Ye Chenfeng, forced to retreat, resisted the attack of the sword.

Forcing Ye Chenfeng and others, the insects immediately shot the worm disk, such as a worm from the end, and launched a fatal blow to Ye Chenfeng, trying to break his defense and hit him hard.

"Nine maps, sleepy!"

At the crucial moment, Ye Chenfeng did not retreat, summoned the nine-figure map, and controlled the nine-dimensional map into a space black hole, directly consuming the worms of one of the killer's killer in the nine maps.

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