Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1278: Bug's End Road (on)

"St. Treasure, you have a holy treasure!"

Ye Chenfeng has two great sacristys, which are beyond the expectations of the insects, but he did not expect that Ye Chenfeng not only possesses saints, but also has the most treasured treasure of the soul of the mainland, directly suppressing the insects.

"Bug, you shouldn't provoke me, you know, you broke the king's legs, the Lei family did not retaliate against me." Ye Chenfeng said indifferently.

When he spoke, he sprayed a stream of blood into the map, and controlled the four avenues to release powerful lines into the nine maps, condensing the spirits of nine dragons to suppress the worms.


When I heard Ye Chenfeng, the insects and the devils picked up a big wave, and the face was dignified.

With his strength, the Lei family did not dare to retaliate, and Ye Chenfeng really has the power to let the Lei people scruples, then he provokes Ye Chenfeng, no doubt looking for death.

At this time, he regretted some regrets and regretted that he had not investigated it clearly. He came to kill Ye Chenfeng, and in his heart, he even hated Nangong Zheng. If it weren’t for him, he would not be innocent. These are the big enemies.

"Golden Copper Bull!"

When the insects retired, the Mingmeng summoned the King Kong copper cattle, and the control copper cattle continued to grow bigger, swaying the chaotic space and hitting the insects.

"Thunder claws!"

The King Kong Copper Bull dragged the glaring golden light and fiercely hit, and the worm summoned the second quasi-sacred treasure, controlling a dragon like a dragon, and the claws flashing with thunder caught the diamond ox, resisting King Kong. The fierce attack of the copper bull.

"The Falling Soul!"

When the two quasi-sacred treasures were fiercely repulsed in midair, the soul of the soul floated out of the body of Ye Chenfeng. With the power of Ye Chenfeng exploding 200 million pounds, the sword of the Longji was knocked on the soul clock. The stock rang out beyond the imagination, twisting the void, such as the tidal tide, sweeping into the face of the slightly changed insects.

After being attacked by the falling soul bell, the insects are in danger. He exerts his strength and moral power to the extreme. He is armed with a black pike and fierce attack, constantly tearing the soul of the soul and approaching the leaves. Morning wind.

Suddenly, the chaotic emptiness trembled, and the sword scorpion and the black dragon sacred sword merged together, like a round of a crooked moon, and the volley slammed into the worm.


Swordsman's shackles are in the rifle of the ancient scorpion that the worms lifted up. The energy of his body burning like a volcano erupting, slamming on the body of the worm, smashing His body defense, he fell from the air to the ground, squatting on the wall of the ancient banned map.


Ye Chenfeng’s foot flashed, and the sword figure appeared. He stepped out in one step, and the amplitude of the six-fold speed appeared in the arms of the insects, and the dragon’s sword continued to him. Launch an attack.

"Popcorn, kill me!"

Ye Chenfeng is close, and the body of the fingernails is drilled in the **** body of the insects. The insects are dark green and the strangely shaped insects fly to Ye Chenfeng.

When the six blasting insects touched the surging souls in the body of Ye Chenfeng, they exploded, releasing the dark green poisonous mist, swallowing Ye Chenfeng, and wanting to poison him. .

"burning the flames of the heavens, burning!"

There was a strong poisonous fog, and the burning fire of the sky once again rushed out of Ye Chenfeng’s body, burning the dark green poisonous mist and quickly melting it.

"Go to hell, drill your heart!"

Catch the opportunity of Ye Chenfeng to burn the poisonous fog. The wounded insects launched a fatal blow to Ye Chenfeng. The quasi-Sheng Bao Lei’s claws were summoned back by him, grabbing the space and grasping the claws. Ye Chenfeng’s chest wants to crush his heart.

"Want to kill me, you are still too far!"

Chaos Shenmu broke out the body of Ye Chenfeng, shining five colors of light, swaying the five-color canopy, slamming on the Thunder claws, and directly flew out the Thunder claws.

"The ancient sword song, Jianxintongming month!"

Chaos Shenmu broke the deadly blow of the insects, and Ye Chenfeng displayed a big killing move in the near future. The mountain-like swordsman branded the imprint of the prosperous avenue, such as the bright moon, venting the infinite Taowei Pressing, squatting on the body of the insect, once again shocked him out.


When the body's out-of-control insects hit the hard-forbidden wall, Sword Spirit held the Black Dragon Sword and continued to squat, not giving the worm a chance to breathe, trying to suppress his offensive and aggravating his physical injury.


When the insects were suppressed by the combination of Ye Chenfeng and Jian Ling, the golden worms were smashed by the chaotic beasts, and they made a painful roar. In the space ban, a lot of blood flowed through its cracked body.

"Thunder claws, breaking the ban!"

Seeing today's situation, the worm is timid, and he has a feeling that if he does not break through, he is likely to be buried here, relying on absolute strength, bearing the attack of Ye Chenfeng and Sword Spirit, while controlling the thunder The claws attacked the space banned by the ancient remains.

Under the full attack of Thunder claws, there are a lot of cracks in the ancient remnants. However, the ancient remnants are very mysterious. It takes a while to attack the Thunder claws and want to completely crush them.

"Bug, don't take any effort, let's accept it!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng burned the blood of Tianzun, mobilized the power of the powerful heaven into the body, and changed into the strongest three-headed and six-armed ultimate form, with six arms moving together, and simultaneously exerting the three great holy skills of the Qingtian dynasty, Qingtian India, the road of heaven, the heavenly furnace attacked the insects and did not give him the opportunity to get out of trouble.


The golden worm screams again, and under the fierce attack of the chaotic beast, it can not support the consumption of the battle form and restore the form of the body.

"Chaotic Mountain!"

The chaotic beast also changed into a body at this time, such as a meandering mountain, which was suppressed and suppressed, and it was pressed against the body of the golden worm, and it was suppressed from the midair by a hard space ban. More than 200 million pounds of power, such as the tide of rushing, rushed into its body, destroying its body and cutting off its vitality.

In the end, under the fierce attack of Chaomu Shenmu, the body of the golden worm was smashed by the chaotic beast, and the golden worm that parasitized in it also turned into fly ash.

And its most precious demon, was swallowed by the chaos of the beast.

"Goldworms, give me a ban!"

Yu Guang discovered that the golden worm was killed by the chaotic beast, and the whole body of the worm fell into a trough. At the cost, the summoned worms, the bite of the cracked space, and the want to quickly leave the right and wrong. place.

"Taiwan elders, do you say that Ye Chenfeng can defeat the insects?"

At this time, the sky is getting brighter and brighter, watching the cracks that are constantly cracking in the void, and Yin Ruoxi and others are worried about Ye Chenfeng.

Once the morning wind is killed, the fierceness of the insects will never let them go.

"It's hard to say!" Yinyue demon shook his head and said with a dignified face: "The strength of the insect is unfathomable, and the gold-worm that he raises is extremely terrible. It is very difficult to beat him in front. However, there are so many means of the morning wind, I think that even if he can't beat the insects, the insects can't kill him."

When talking, the cracked forbidden space broke a big hole.

The next moment, a scene that shocked everyone.

It’s blood, and the extremely embarrassed insects flew out of the broken ban, turned into a **** light, and fled to Yi Zhoucheng.

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