Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1279: Bug's End Road (below)

"The worm escaped, he escaped!"

The scene of the locust worms and wolves escaping, the Yin and Nine demons and others widened their eyes and could not believe what they saw.

They can't believe it, people are frightened, and the insects of one of the three murderers of the minefield have escaped like a dog.

"Bug, you can't escape, I will kill you today!"

Ye Chenfeng summoned the three helpers back to the Qiankunjing, summoned the quasi-sacred treasures, and turned them into a glaring golden light, chasing the insects who fled to the extreme speed.

"This, this morning wind is too embarrassing!"

When I heard the sound of Ye Chenfeng’s arrogant and unparalleled voice, the face of Yin’s nine demon old eyes showed a horrifying color.

He couldn't imagine how Ye Chenfeng used it to destroy the insects, and how to rely on his self-confidence to kill him. You know, the Lei family sent a lot of masters and failed to kill the insects.

"Ye Chenfeng, if you are willing to let me go, I can give you benefits, the benefits you can't imagine!"

The worm's **** flying speed is extremely fast, but it can't get rid of the leaf morning wind with the golden-winged feather. As time goes by, Ye Chenfeng is getting closer and closer to him, and the road is extremely destructive. The purple beginning of the holy thunder constantly bombarded his body, aggravating his physical injury, so that he had to lower his noble head and talked about soft words.

"Without such trouble, killing you, everything in you will be mine!"

Ye Chenfeng was unmoved, continued to fan the golden-winged feathers, and pulled closer to the distance between the insects and the demon, releasing the purple sacred thunder to destroy his body.

"Ye Chenfeng, don't you want to know, who hired me to kill you? If you kill me, you never know who the murderer is?"

Continuously attacked by the purple sacred thunder, the body damage of the worms continued to increase, and he had no choice but to think of one way, tempting Ye Chenfeng and praying that he could let himself go.

"Why, do you think it is hard to guess who hired you to kill me?" Ye Chenfeng sneered: "I just seriously injured Nangongsu, you are here. Do you think this is a coincidence?" /

"Ye Chenfeng, you really want to stay with me, tell you, push me, I will die with you!"

In the face of Ye Chenfeng, the insects have a feeling of beaming their hands. If you give him another chance to choose, he will never deal with Ye Chenfeng for 100 million souls.

"Bug, you are too high!" Ye Chenfeng was unmoved and arrogantly responded: "Today you will die, I will send your head to the Nangong family, I want them to know." , and I am the right end."


Ye Chenfeng borrowed the golden winged feathers and pulled it to a distance of ten meters. The soul of the Sanxing Taoist realm broke out and formed a terrible dizzy force. He slammed into his soul and made his soul tremble. There is a sense of dizziness in my mind.

Although the insects rely on strong strength, they have solved the dizziness in a short time, but this fleeting time has caused Ye Chenfeng to catch up with him, summoning Qiankun sword and swordsman and launching him. Fierce attack.

And Ye Chenfeng and the insects fought in midair, causing the movement to be terrible, disturbing a huge city in the distance, and a large number of masters flew out of the city to see what happened.

"That, isn't that the insect?"

Looking at the blood of the body, the offensive was suppressed by the insects, many people recognized his identity, revealing a strong shock.

Bug, in the minefield is a symbol of death, except for the Lei family, no one dares to provoke him, but now, the insects have encountered a crisis of life and death, stunned the monks hiding in the distance to watch the war.

"God, what the two people came from, did the Lei people send people to chase the insects?"

"No, those two people are not my Lei people!"

A six-level beastmaster who is not in a low position in the Lei family, looking at Ye Chenfeng and Jian Lingyu from afar, shook his head and said.

"Not a Lei nationality!" The monks took a cold breath: "When did I get these terrible masters in the minefield?"


When the insects hold the Thunder claws, and the sword spirits are hard to beat, when the body is out of control, Ye Chenfeng controls the 81 swords of the speedy revolving, and turns into a giant sword. The powerful sword, the invincible giant sword directly fell the injured insects from the air to the ground, and pulled out a large pit.


The worm fell to the moment, and Ye Chenfeng took a foot out of the air. More than 200 million jins of force spewed out, with the power of smashing hell, one foot printed on the worm that pulled out a big hole in the ground. Devil, he stepped on his mouth and spit blood, and the bones shattered.

"The Wrath of God!"

After the hegemony, Ye Chenfeng blew out the wrath of the gods and bombarded the wounded insects.


When the wrath of God's wrath blasts in the strata, the power of the explosion is earth-shattering, as if the end of the world is coming, the body defense of the worm is completely shattered, and the whole body is **** and dying.

"The power of life, burning!"

Life hangs on the line, and the worm burns a powerful force of life at all costs, suppressing the body injury and continuing to escape to him.

However, in the morning glare of Ye Chenfeng, and the obstruction of the sword, the insects are unable to break through, and they can only try their best to fight with Ye Chenfeng.

"Ye Chenfeng, if you are willing to let me go, I am willing to surrender to you!"

The worm is also a generation of genius. He only spent more than 10,000 years in the Nirvana region, so he still has a lot of Shouyuan to squander, and he is not willing to die like this. He has to ask for mercy.

"Not interested!"

Ye Chenfeng’s indifference to the road, and Jian Ling’s continued to launch a deadly attack on him.

"Ye Chenfeng, who is this leaf morning wind?"

When you hear the sorrows of the insects and sorrows, the monks who are hiding in the distance are talking about them.

"I remember who Ye Fengfeng is? If I didn't guess wrong, this Ye Chenfeng is not long ago, killing the true thunder and destroying the murder of nearly 100 monks."

"It turned out to be him!"

"It seems that the three murderers of the minefield are going to change hands!"

The monks suddenly realized that they were deeply shocked by the terrible strength of Ye Chenfeng.

"Bug, the game is over, let me send you to hell!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng summoned Jiulong Yulong, and sent the soul of the Dragon's blood to seven times the soul of the dragon into the Jiulong, and controlled the Jiulong Yulong to gather a lore dragon. The slashing of the insects, which was severely wounded and entangled by the swordsman.


Under the power of the devastating devastating dragon, the body of the worm and the wounded body is quickly crushed. Although he summons a large number of cards and fights for defense, the Kowloon Jade is the best holy treasure, not at all. He can resist under the serious injury.

The golden worm that is parasitic in his body is also attacked by the savage dragon.

The body of the worm was finally smashed by the lore of the savage dragon. His seven-hole bleed head was cut off by the morning wind and was taken into the environment.

One of the three murderers of the Thunderfield, the worm that has been a headache for the Thunderfield, was killed in the hands of Ye Chenfeng.

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