Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1283: The brave invincible

"Mirrors are real people, you are an older generation, bullying a young man, is it a bit unreasonable!"

When the war broke out, an old man in a dark brown robes and a cold, scented body came out and came to Ye Chenfeng.

"Yin and Nine demon, you want to protect him, and I am an enemy of Jingyuezong and Nangong family!" Jinghua real people are hostile and look at the Yin and Nine demon, said angrily.

"Yes, my Yinsong decided to go back and forth with Ye Gongzi!"

When wearing a black gold-phoenix dress, it will be very charming and charming. The singularity of the singularity of the singularity of the singer and the sorrowful face of the singer and the angry face of the mirror is openly expressed.

Although, her decision was very bold and very dangerous, but she saw the horror of Ye Chenfeng. After Yinrui Creek and Yinyin demon, she decided to take a risk, and in the Yinrui subconscious, she It is unlikely that Ye Chenfeng will lose.

Ye Chenfeng dared to single-handedly mirrored the moon and the Nangong family, and there were absolutely reliances for them.

"Good, Yinruo Creek, you are very good, the old man swears here, the Yinyin Zong will be the enemy of my Mirror Moon, forever, you will not destroy your Yinxian, the old man will not be a man!" The light flashed in the light, and everyone made an oath.

"You may not see that day!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng crushed a beast bag, and suddenly tens of thousands of gold insects flew out in the beast bag, surrounded by Ye Chenfeng and others, and made a harsh air slamming sound. .

"Goldworm, this is the insect worm!"

Looking at Ye Chenfeng summoned tens of thousands of gold worms, hiding in the distance to watch the drama of the major forces of the face of great changes, if Ye Chenfeng desperately urged the attack of gold insects, to worm They are afraid of ruining their destructive power.

"Kid, Hugh is in my mirror month!"

At this time, there was another unfathomable Nirvana realm in the Mirror Moon.

"Shuiyue real people, the two ancestors of Jingyuezong all appeared!"

Looking at the hand-held faucet crutches, the old man with silver hair, many people recognize that she is one of the two great elders of Jingyue Zong, the real person of the water, the strength and the mirror flower are not divided.


In order to restrain the golden worms and avoid causing more casualties, Jing Kehan ​​opened the Mirror Moon squad, and tens of thousands of lines appeared in the void, ready to isolate the space and ban the worms.

"Yellow predecessors, when you will fight, help take care of Tianyi, and leave the rest to us!"

Although Ye Chenfeng's situation is not good, but still can't see a trace of panic on his face, he said to the Yin Nine demon.

"Ye Gongzi, mirror flower, water moon strength is unfathomable, and good at joint attack, they join hands, can block the general Nirvana heaven and earth power." Yin nine demon do not rest assured.

"Reassured, the yin predecessors, they have no chance to attack!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng’s hand appeared a black and white bead,

When mixed in the crowd, the old man of the eagle who came to congratulate, when he saw the bead in the hands of Ye Chenfeng, his face changed greatly, and he could not help but step back two steps.

Not only the old man of the eagle feels the threat of destroying the holy beads, but the two real people who are ready to attack together, the two real people, also feel the danger.

"You said who should I send to **** first?"

Ye Chenfeng looked at the condensed mirror flower and the two real people in the water, revealing a playful smile, deliberately said.

"Ye Chenfeng, you don't want to be arrogant, a ruined bead can't change your destiny." The face is dark and watery, and the mirror flower that doesn't dare to come close is said to be honest.

"One can't, then two!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng took out another sacred bead and held it in his hand, shaking the two real people.

"Mom, what is the origin of this little animal, how can there be such a baby!"

Feeling the power of destroying the earth and destroying the earth, the mirror does not dare to act rashly. He has no doubt that once Ye Chenfeng detonates and destroys the holy beads, it will definitely bring them to the top. And he is more likely to be killed by alive.

"The owner of Nangong, I ask you the last time, I will bring you a kiss to my brother on your behalf. Please marry Nangong to snow, and I wonder if you are willing?"

Ye Chenfeng held two annihilation beads to capture the mirror flowers and the two real people in the water moon. They cast their gaze on the gloomy Nangongzheng and asked in a low voice.

"You are dead this heart, I have decided to marry Snow to Gaqi, will not change this decision!"

Ye Chenfeng’s card is beyond the imagination of Nangong, but at this moment, he has no retreat and can only express his scalp.

"South Palace owner, once again expressed disappointment with your choice." Ye Chenfeng shook his head and said: "I hope you don't regret it."

"Lei Shaozhu, this leaf morning wind is too arrogant, and please ask Lei Shaozhu to come out and help us to kill him together and eradicate the cancer that harms the minefield."

The mirrored eyeballs rolled and turned their eyes to Lei Zifan, whose eyes flashed, and said loudly.

When he heard the mirror, Jiaqi had to pull himself down, Lei Zifan frowned slightly, but he knew that he couldn’t retreat. He could only stand up and say: "Ye Gongzi, can you listen to the next words."

"You are..."

Ye Chenfeng looked at the handsome and extraordinary Lei Zifan and asked in a low voice.

"I am in Leizifan, my father is the current patriarch of the Lei family!" Lei Zifan said without hesitation.

"Thunder family is less..." Ye Chenfeng’s brow slightly wrinkled and whispered: "Why, the Lei family should also intervene in this matter today."

"Ye Gongzi don't misunderstand, my Lei family did not mean to intervene, but the destruction of the two beads in the hands of the son is too terrible, in order to avoid unnecessary casualties, please don't use them easily."

"Well, I gave the Lei family a face, and promised not to use these two holy beads, but if someone doesn't know what to do, then don't blame me for being ruthless!" Ye Chenfeng said coldly.

"Ye Chenfeng, if you are willing to leave now, today you are good at Mirroring the Moon, I can never forget the mirror!" Although the real life of Jinghua is coming, Shouyuan is not much, but he is still afraid. Death, do not dare to take risks.

What's more, Ye Chenfeng has two annihilation beads in his hand. Once it explodes, it will cause an incalculable loss to Jingyue.

"I want to let us go, but the South Palace must go with us." Ye Chenfeng said overbearingly.

"Impossible, snow will not go with you!" Nangong was shaking his head and vetoed.

"That's not to talk about it. If this is the case, then fight, I have to see, who can stop me today!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng’s warfare suddenly erupted, and the whole person was like a sword with a sheath, which was extremely sharp.


The chaotic beast also changed into a body at this time, and the power of the sacred beast was released without reservation, which shocked the people.

The devour of the golden worms and the large number of heaven and earth spirits, the strength of the chaotic beasts is further enhanced, comparable to the nirvana.

"The Holy Beast, the man is changed by the Holy Beast. Who is this leaf morning wind, not only has two Nirvana protections, but also the Holy Beast."

Feeling the holy power of the chaotic beast, the color of the dignity on the face of Nangong is even stronger.

It can be said that the power and foundation of Ye Chenfeng’s control is beyond their imagination, and they are caught in a dilemma.

On the occasion of the war, Zhou Tianyi glanced at the pale face, biting his red lips, and the inner palace was very calm, and he came forward.

ps: Ten, ten, and red packets!

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