Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1284: Life and death gambling

"Big Brother, since this matter started because of me, let me make a break with Jingjia!" Zhou Tianyi took a deep breath: "Mirror Jiaqi, do you dare to gamble with me?"

"Bet the life and death?" Jing Jiaqi reveals a hint of haze: "Can you do the Lord?"

"Big Brother, believe me!"

Zhou Tianyi clenched his fists and looked at Ye Chenfeng. His tone was firm.

"Have you thought about it?" Ye Chenfeng met Zhou Tianyi's deep eyes.

"Think better." Zhou Tianyi nodded heavily.

"Well, the meaning of Tianyi means what I mean. I wonder if you can represent Jingyue Zong?" Ye Chenfeng looked at the mirror and whispered.

"Gage can represent me Mirror Moon, if Zhou Tianyi can defeat Jingjia, you can take away the South Palace!"

The threat of two annihilation beads is too great, so that the mirror flower real people do not dare to take risks. Moreover, Ye Chenfeng has three super bodyguards, and they will give today’s farce to Zhou Tianyi and Jing Jiaqi to solve them. They are most happy. s Choice.

What's more, Zhou Tianyi only has three levels of beasts, and Jingjia is a master of five-level beasts. The huge realm gap makes the mirrors feel real, and the chances of Jingqi win are great.

"South Palace owner, what do you mean?"

Ye Chenfeng turned his gaze to Nangongzheng and asked in a low voice.

"Since the mirror flower predecessors have spoken, then do this!"

Although Nangong is a little angry, Jinghua is a good man, and he wants to solve Ye Chenfeng in Jingyue, but he has to compromise when he looks at Ye Chenfeng’s two annihilation beads.

Seeing that he has become a bet, Nangong is full of anger and anger, but Zhou Tianyi ignores the challenge of life and death, but fluctuates her heartstrings, making her subconsciously hope that Zhou Tianyi can win.

"If this is the case, then you will die and die!" Jinghua said: "If we win, I hope that you will not continue to make trouble, otherwise I will pay attention to all of them. The life is left."

"Reassured, I am not willing to do this kind of thing," Ye Chenfeng said faintly.

The two forces joined forces, but they evolved into a military field. This is unexpected for everyone, but Ye Chenfeng’s tyranny has penetrated into the hearts of everyone.

In particular, Nangong Zheng, it is a strong killing of Ye Chenfeng, constantly trying to find a way to how to keep his life in Jingyue.

"Since you decide to gamble on life and death, then you only have one person to live, can you think about it!"

Mirror Ke Han personally presided over the life and death gamble between Zhou Tianyi and Jing Jiaqi.

"Think better!"

Zhou Tianyi looked deeply at the complex expression, and the Nangong, which was biting the red lips, said that the snow was firm.

"I have no opinion!"

"Well, since your mind has been decided, then the trial will not end until someone is killed!" Jing Kehan ​​announced loudly.

"Small animal, Nangong snow is also something you can get involved in, today I will personally twist your head and send you back to the West!"

Gen Kehan ​​sacrificed a grade of Shangpin Taoist. The Taoist soldiers were lotus-like, and the knife was wide and the knife was sinister.

"You don't deserve to pour snow, I am dead, and will pull you to hell!"

Speaking, Zhou Tianyi, who was decisive, held the soldier of the king in his arms, closed his eyes, and waited quietly for the game to begin.

"Ye Gongzi, if Tianyi loses, will you really leave?" Yin Ruoxi walked to Ye Chenfeng, and said.

"Tianyi will not lose!" Ye Chenfeng said undoubtedly.

Zhou Tianyi challenged the mirror, but in fact, Ye Chenfeng and Zhou Tianyi had already discussed it well, and they just played a play.

"Do not lose!

Yin Ruoxi's brow gently twitched and looked at the side face of Ye Chenfeng's sharp edges and looked forward to this battle.

"The game begins!"

With the death of Jing Kehan, the life and death gambling between Zhou Tianyi and Jing Kehan ​​was staged.

As soon as they came up, the two men tried their best to launch a deadly attack on the other side, trying to suppress the opponent with a tide-like offensive.

"Chemical blood, true sun, fusion!"

Served the yin and yang shengsheng spirit, Zhou Tianyi's body yin and yang power is fully integrated. When he burns the blood and activates the true yang body, his own strength climbs and he quickly crosses the third-level beast. The Emperor's limit has the strength of the four-level beast and kingdom.

But Gucci is a master of the five-level beastly kingdom. He is also known as the first genius of Jingyuezong. His strength is extremely strong. Zhou Tianyi burns blood and activates the real body. He is not his opponent, and he is quickly suppressed by her. Offensive, dangerous.

"Five swords, 暮云剑典!"

In the face of the tide-like offensive launched by Gaiqi with a sword, Zhou Tianyi will realize the five-way kendo of the comprehension to the extreme, and display the 暮云剑典 that Ye Chenfeng gave him, interweaving a fierce sword Cut the space and resolve the offensive of the mirror.

"Go to hell!"

Rely on the absolute strength, to withstand the 暮云剑典 exhibited by Zhou Tianyi, the Mirror Jiaqi leaped into the air, and the whole body was merged with the sword, and a knife was cut off.

A knife smashed out, the wind raged, the thunder and the horrible knife made Zhou Tianyi smell a strong death threat.


The knives of the Jiaqi people are united in the sword of Zhou Tianyi who is struggling to block the king of the head. The horrible knives are like boiling water, crazy surge, tearing Zhou Tianyi’s body defense. Aggravated his physical injury and shocked him to retreat.

And every time he stepped back, there was a lot of blood sprayed in Zhou Tianyi’s mouth.

Obviously, this knife, which was shot by Jing Jiaqi, hit Zhou Tianyi’s body.

Looking at the horror of Zhou Tianyi, Nangong poured snow suddenly felt distressed, Zhou Tianyi's fearless eyes, **** figure, deeply imprinted in the depths of her soul, constantly fluctuating her heartstrings.

"Ye Chenfeng, you are still too big, waiting for Jiaqi to kill the little beast, I would like to see how you end, if you go back, for the little beast to get back, I think the Lei should Will not sit back and watch it!"

The reason why Jing Qiqi promised Zhou Tianyi's proposed gambling life and death is mainly to pull the Lei people into the water. If the Lei family intervenes, Ye Chenfeng will have the ability to go through the sky, and it will be a disastrous defeat.

But he doesn't know, it's all under Ye Chenfeng's control.

A knife hit Zhou Tianyi, Jing Qiqi took the victory and pursued, constantly launching a fierce offensive, suppressing Zhou Tianyi, not giving him a chance to breathe.


On the forbidden wall behind Zhou Tianyi who was defeated at the festival, when there was no retreat, Jing Jiaqi showed a cruel smile, inspired the blood, and promoted the Taoist sect. Skill, launched a fatal blow to Zhou Tianyi, want to kill him with a blow.


At the crucial moment, Zhou Tianyi, who has been crushed by Jingqi, has displayed the killer that Ye Chenfeng taught him. The soul of the brain broke out instantly, like a heavy hammer, and rushed into the sea of ​​the mirror, let him The reaction appeared a bit slow.

Although in the blink of an eye, the mirror is restored as usual, but this fleeting moment is fatal.

"Sword Heartbreak, 暮云剑典!"

Zhou Tianyi activated the sword heart, hardened his own attack power several times, and displayed the best of the road skills, Yun Jiandian, and nearly stabbed the mirror.


A large number of blood-splatter splashes, the mirror Gucci was broken by the sword of Zhou Tianyi, and pierced the heart.

Next, Zhou Tianyi shook his wrists, and a large number of swords were shot out, such as the swords of the sky, cutting to the head of the mirror, and cutting his head directly.


Mirror Jiaqi's eyes wide open, and the seven-hole **** head fell to the ground. Until the moment of death, he still could not believe that Zhou Tianyi actually killed him.

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