Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1316: God's Blood

"Predecessors, I don't know where this stone is from?"

Ye Chenfeng has a strong interest in the unique resources of the minefield, and he wants to find their source and explore.

"It turns out that there are a lot of stone mines in minefields. However, because of excessive development, the mines in the minefields have long since disappeared. Now only the dead market can be found, like the one you just got. It was obtained at the Dead House!"

"Dead market! Seniors, where is this dead market, I want to see!" asked Ye Chenfeng.

"This dead market is not a general place. The dead market claims that I am the first dangerous place in the minefield. It is very dangerous. There are many restrictions on it. There are hidden dangers and opportunities. Even if I am, I dare not go deep into the center of the dead. "The black king said.

"Predecessors, this center of the dead market also threatens the existence of Nirvana's natural power?"

Ye Chenfeng reveals a strong sense of shock. You must know that the speed of the black king is unparalleled. Even in the power of Nirvana, there are very few people who are better than him.

"Well, it is said that the dead market has suppressed a terrible existence, so the prohibition in the depths of the dead market is extremely terrible, because once the existence is out of trouble, it can destroy the entire minefield, the central world of crisis!" Nod, revealed a terrifying secret to Ye Chenfeng.

"Predecessors, is this rumor true?" Ye Chenfeng frowned, and his heart picked up a big wave.

"Is it really unclear whether the sound is true, but the center of the dead market does seal a strong ban. I ventured into it in the past, but the realm was suppressed to the realm of the Beastmaster, scaring me not to go deeper!" "The black king said: "So I don't recommend you to the dead market."

"Reassure your predecessors, I will go to the outside of the dead market, and will not venture into the center of the dead market!"

Although the dead market is very dangerous, Ye Chenfeng decided to go to the first dangerous land of the minefield and look for some hidden stones that have not yet been excavated.

"Would you like me to accompany you!"

The black king does not worry that the morning wind is safe, and he meditates and said.

"Predecessors, now that the Lei family is in the most chaotic time, you still stay in the Lei family!" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly: "Dead market, I will go on my own."

"That's okay, then you are all careful!" Thinking of Ye Chenfeng's strength and heritage, the black king gave his heart a little: "Morning wind, you have no reason for my Lei family, I don't think it will be reported in the future." If you have difficulties, be sure to tell me that it is absolutely unambiguous to go to the top of the mountain."

"Thank you for your predecessors!" Ye Chenfeng said with a smile: "Is it good for my predecessors?"

"The language is very good, she has been following the practice of the big brother, if you see her again, her strength will definitely surprise you." The black king told Ye Chenfeng about the situation.

"That's good, then I can rest assured!" Ye Chenfeng said: "Predecessors, Lei people have already gone, I am ready to leave."

"Well, I will not retain you. Walking in the Central World is all careful. If you are in danger, please remember to inform me. No matter how far, I will arrive in the first time!" The black king nodded, solemnly Said.

Farewell to the black king, Ye Chenfeng left the Lei family forbidden, just as he was preparing to leave the Lei family, a sweet female voice passed into his ear.

"Ye Gongzi, are you ready to leave?"

Wearing a long red dress, like a blooming rose, the beautiful and beautiful Lei Zixin suddenly appeared, and behind her is still a broken heart, Lei Zifan and the same beautiful Lei Yeqing.

"Well, the matter of the Lei family is gone, it is time to leave!" Ye Chenfeng nodded.

"Ye Gongzi, if you are not in a hurry, it is better to stay in Shenglei City for a while, let us do the friendship of the landlord, thank you for the great grace of my Lei family!" Lei Zixin saved.

"Sorry, I do have important things. I will come to Shenglei City again if I have the chance!" Ye Chenfeng looked at Lei Zixin's beautiful face and euphemistically refused.

"Ye Chenfeng, where are you going to go?"

The charming, heartbroken, with a long curly hair, asked softly.


Ye Chenfeng from the name of Lei Zifan to her, vaguely guessed her relationship with Lei Zhongtong, did not want to have deep communication with her, vaguely said.

"If you don't want your sister to accompany you, my sister is very interested in you now." The broken heart showed a fascinating smile, tempted to say.

"No need."

Ye Chenfeng shook his head and refused without hesitation.

"The more you don't want, the more I will accompany you!"

Speaking, the bold and unrestrained broken intestine went to Ye Chenfeng, took the initiative to roll up his arm and placed it on his full softness, making Ye Chenfeng quite uncomfortable.

"Don't make trouble, I still have things, go first!"

Ye Chenfeng immediately took his arm away from the fullness of the broken bowel. In the heartbroken laughter, the footsteps quickly left.

Leaving the city of Shenglei, Ye Chenfeng summoned the spirit boat and flew in the direction of the dead market according to the map given to him by the black king.

On the way to the dead market, Ye Chenfeng, who had adjusted his interest after a day to recover his injuries, took out the three treasures he got from the Lei Tibetan Treasure Hall.

"Wanli transmission stone, with this treasure, Nirvana heaven and earth can not kill me!"

The reason why Ye Chenfeng chose Wanli Transmission Stone is to prepare for going to the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God. He has a feeling that going to the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God is not too peaceful, and he must be well prepared.

"I don't know that Sword Spirit combines this top quality Tianjing, can you cross the realm of shackles, and has the strength of Nirvana."

Ye Chenfeng melted the top grade of the goose egg in the hands of the sword into the body of the sword, and felt the strength of the sword spirit climbed.

Between the blink of an eye, the strength of Sword Spirit has crossed the limits of Nirvana's land and has the strength of the early days of Nirvana.

"Sure enough, as I expected."

Feeling the power of destruction in the body of the sword, Ye Chenfeng showed a satisfied smile, but because there is only one top quality in the sword, the sword can not play Nirvana for a long time. power.

Incorporating the sword into the body, Ye Chenfeng took the half-man high, causing the hidden stone to be taken out, and holding the dragon sacred sword to forcibly crack the hard stone shell of the stone surface. .

Because the volume of this stone is too large, Ye Chenfeng’s power is worth a hundred pounds, and it takes a lot of effort to break the stone and find a drop of dark red blood in the deepest part.

"The Blood of the Devil!"

Looking at the blood contained in the stone, Ye Chenfeng’s heart picked up a big wave, and he was pleasantly surprised to find that it turned out to be a precious blood of the gods.

"How can there be blood of the gods in the stone? Is it true that the dead in the dead market is the demon!" Ye Chenfeng browed, and there was a bold guess in his heart.

"I don't know how to refine the blood of this **** and the one-story holy Dan, can you let me break through to the six-level beastly kingdom!"

A battle with Lei Yi, let Ye Chenfeng deeply understand the lack of strength, and very urgently want to enhance the realm and increase the combat power.

"First find a place to refine the blood of the gods, then go to the dead market!"

After the decision, Ye Chenfeng sealed the blood of the gods, released a powerful soul to cover all around, found a mountain stretching for hundreds of miles, put away the speeding boat, and flew into the mountains. In the depths, find a quiet mountain, prepare to refine the blood of the gods, and attack the six kingdoms of the beasts.

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