Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1317: Impact on the realm

The clouds are misty and fluttering...

Ye Chenfeng was sitting cross-legged in the foothills, quietly adjusting his time for a long time, adjusting his own state to the best, and taking out the only remaining Shengdan, swallowed his stomach.


Sheng Dan melted and immediately released the majestic power in Ye Chenfeng's body, which was integrated into the body's meridians and the internal organs of the leaves.

Cultivating to the corpus callosum, Ye Chenfeng's physical endurance has been greatly improved, and he has withstood the power of Shengdan's release. He quickly runs the Soul Eater to refine and refine his own strength.

In the nourishment of Shengdan's medicine, Ye Chenfeng's strength is slowly improved, but his foundation is too deep, comparable to Nirvana's humanity, and a holy Dan is not enough for him to cultivate to the fifth-level beastmaster limit.

"Zha Dan Yuguo, Huayuan Amakusa..."

Completely refining the power of Shengdan, Ye Chenfeng will kill Jing Kehan ​​and others, and the heavens and the earth will be swallowed up in the belly, quickly refining and improving the strength.

Soon, one month passed, and after a month of refining and cultivating, Ye Chenfeng’s strength has been greatly improved, and there is only one line away from the cultivation of the five-level beastly kingdom.

"The two broken yuan quasi-sacred Dans should be allowed to break through to the fifth-level beastmaster limit."

Ye Chenfeng will kill Jing Yuezong master, and the most precious two quasi-Sheng Dan will be taken out, all swallowed in the belly, and the rapid refining will enhance the strength.

"Resistance to medicine, my body has developed resistance!"

When Ye Chenfeng was operating the Soul Eater and refining two quasi-sacred Dans, he found that his strength was stagnant, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he took out a bottle of precious and precious Wanlingling milk and poured a big mouth. With the natural spirituality contained in Wannian Lingru, it washes the body and reduces the resistance of the body.

Finally, Ye Chenfeng drank more than 20 kilograms of Wannian Lingru, refining two of the quasi-Shengdan nearly half of the potency, and upgrading his strength to the fifth-level beastmaster limit.

The time is ripe, Ye Chenfeng will take out the precious blood of the demon, and untie the seal and **** it into the body.

God devil is one of the most powerful races in the universe. The energy contained in the blood is extremely large, more than the general lower product.

But when the blood of the demon vents the blood of the body in Ye Chenfeng's body, a powerful demon appears quietly and quietly, infiltrating into his internal organs and soul sea.


Feeling the terrible demon in the blood of the demon, wanting to occupy his body and consciousness, Ye Chenfeng does not hesitate to control the mind and chaos, suppress the soul and the body, and swallow the blood of the demon The demon in the middle, continue to refine the blood of the gods, enhance the ranks of the blood of the gods, and impact the six kingdoms of the beasts.

As the blood of the demon is constantly refining by Ye Chenfeng, the strength of Ye Chenfeng is extremely fast. When he hits the bottleneck of the real world again and again, the robbery cloud appears, covering the void, and the whole world is dim.

When Ye Chenfeng refines the blood of the gods, and draws terrible punishment for the robbery, the three dragged their long tails, their wings spread more than eight meters, and the spirits that radiated with a touch of light flew to the mountains. Over the sky, slowly approaching the area where Ye Chenfeng was robbed.


The three soul birds felt the temperament of the punishment, and they were so irritated and screaming that they did not dare to approach.

"What happened, how suddenly the sky was dark!"

Before the Spirit Bird, a woman wearing a long colored dress with fair skin and good looks looked at the dark sky, violently rolling over the clouds, her brows wrinkled and whispered.

"Miaoer, this black cloud seems to be a robbery cloud, there may be powerful monsters in this mountain to rob!"

Women in silver armor, burly, black long hair casually scattered on the shoulders, giving a feeling of bohemian, middle-aged man of the six-level beastly kingdom, standing on the other soul bird, watching the distant and fierce Rolling, as if roaring the clouds in the sea, whispered.

"The beast of the beast!" The beautiful woman's brow wrinkled more tightly, and whispered, "What is this monster, which has led to a penalty."

"It's hard to say, but the monsters that can attract the punishment of the day are not the same. I suggest that we should not blindly approach, or go around the past!" The silver man's voice was dignified.

"Three uncles, if it is really a beast, it may be a chance for us. After the monsters are robbed, there will be a period of weakness for a long time. Maybe we can take advantage of this opportunity. It was conquered for my Situ family!" The woman in the color skirt pondered, boldly proposing.

"This..." The silver man was hesitant.

"Three uncles, seeking wealth and wealth, with our strength, even if it is dangerous, it is enough to protect themselves, and if we can really accept a powerful monster, it will greatly enhance the overall strength of my Situ family." The color skirt woman looked at the robbery cloud that was about to fall, whispering.

"Okay, then we will bet once, but if it is dangerous, we will leave now!"

The silver armor exchanged with the three companions, and finally made up his mind to stand on the three soul birds, waiting for the penalty to fall.


A thunderous sound of earth-shattering sounded in the thick robbery cloud. A five-day sniper broke the robbery cloud. For example, Optimus Prime descended from the sky, bombarded Ye Chenfeng in the depths of the mountain, and swallowed him in an instant.

"This, is this the legendary Five Elements!"

The five-day penalty was lowered, and the eyes of the silver armor and other people almost fell out, and breathing became difficult.

For a time, the whole mountain range trembled, and a large piece of ancient wood and gray smoke flew out. The center of the morning wind and the robbery area was centered, and the cracks spread rapidly around, and the whole space became chaotic.

"God, this is what the monster is in the robbery, it is too horrible to move."

The silver armor and other people were stunned by this scene, and their hearts became more and more fearful.

But the beautiful eyes of the woman in the color skirt show her brilliance. She has a feeling that if she can conquer this monster of the robbery, the overall strength of the Situ family can be greatly improved and enhance the status of his family.

The terrible five elements of the day have been squandering for a long time.

Afterwards, there was an unfathomable Thunder Sea in the fast-revolving robbery cloud. The terrible power scared the three spirit birds to lose their ability to fly. They fell directly from the air into the mountains and fell seriously. And the woman in the color skirt was scared almost out of control, and the wolf's emptiness stood in midair.

"Miao Er, I think we will leave as soon as possible, I think the strength of the monster that is robbed is beyond our imagination!"

Looking at the robbery cloud will fall into the Leihai, the silver armor and other people are scared to face bloodless, they want to leave quickly.

"Three uncles, the beast is more powerful, can you become a holy beast? After being attacked by such a terrible Thunder Sea, the monster is not dead, I am afraid that there is only one breath left, absolutely the best to conquer it. Good time. Even if the service fails, we can kill it and win the baby on him." The woman in the dress said persistently.

"Miao Er is right, such a terrible punishment, that monster can not easily pass, this risk is worth it!" Another Situ family master echoed.

"Okay, then we will gamble once, hoping not to have an accident!" The silver man took a deep breath and finally made up his mind to fly to a mountain of more than a thousand meters high, watching the violent tumbling from a distance. Lei Hai, who destroyed the land, patiently waited.

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