Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1318: Six-level beastmaster


When you wear a cloud of fissures, the sound of the nine-day alarm sounds in the thunder sea, and the monsters that inhabit the mountains are all shaken by the terrible sound waves, squatting on the ground and shivering.

The next moment, a huge blood shadow appeared in the thunderous thunderous sea, tearing open the thunder sea, and shouting in the sky.

"That, what is that?"

Looking at the blood shadow that suddenly appeared in the thunder sea, the woman in the color skirt opened her eyes and was deeply shocked by this scene.

"Is it not a monster but a human being, but the blood shadow is just like a person who condenses it. What is this in the robbery!"

The silver armor and other people are inexplicably scared, but the women in the dress are waiting to make them wait for the scalp to wait.

After the horrible blood shadow disappeared, the Thunder Sea, which was torn by the blood shadow, disappeared.

But the morning punishment of Ye Chenfeng did not dissipate. Soon, the rapid collection of the robbery cloud covering the void turned into a vivid and vivid Leilong, soaring and shouting in midair.

"Third of the dragon, this third heavy punishment has actually changed shape. Is it a dragon in this mountain that is turned into a real dragon!"

Looking at a few kilometers long, Longwei Zhentian, shocking the heart of the day, Lei Long, the women in the skirts and other people in the same mind came out with the same thoughts, a faint glow in the eyes.

If they can really conquer a dragon, it is too horrible for his Stuart family. Maybe his Situ family can borrow Longwei and become the top force in the minefield.


The terrible Thunder Dragon has accumulated enough energy, with awesome power, bombarded the blood that is covered in blood, but the high-spirited Ye Chenfeng wants to have Ye Chenfeng who has the ultimate strength beyond the realm. Kill and kill.

"God's blood, burning!"

The refining of the blood of the gods and devils, the blood of the gods in Ye Chenfeng has been successfully advanced, reaching four products. Once burned, it can increase the strength of Ye Chenfeng by three times, allowing his power to directly cross 300 million. The power of the pound reached 3.6 billion kilograms.

A fist blasted out, and there was a dense ripple of water in the space in front of him. The terrible power constantly smashed the power of the thief released by the brontosaurus and incited the huge body of the brontosaurus.

"Tian Zun blood, dragon blood, fusion!"

On the verge of breaking through the edge, Ye Chenfeng, who was in the blood of the bath, did not hide again. He instantly burned two blood vessels, the amplitude of the soul force, motivated the power of the sky, and greatly enhanced the strength, fighting with the terrible Thunder Dragon, and borrowing the power of the dragon. Baptism of the energy contained in the body, over and over the impact of the tough bottleneck of the realm.

Finally, in the morning, Ye Chenfeng disregarded his physical injury, and the blood was killing the whole night, and when he arrived at the dawn of dawn, he finally smashed the terrible Thunder Dragon.

The thundering dragon of several kilometers was immediately turned into pure energy and morality, and poured into his body. With the power of pure punishment, his tough bottleneck was broken and finally broke through. In the sixth level of the beastly kingdom, the physical strength and morality have been greatly improved, and his combat power has been increased by more than ten times, and he is fully capable of killing the Nirvana realm.

"The robbery cloud disappeared, and the demon's day penalty was gone!"

Looking at the sky disappearing in the sky, the women in the color skirt, the silver armor and others did not delay the time, and they summoned their own treasures to protect themselves. Some adventures broke into the area where Ye Chenfeng was robbed.

"Well, why not have a powerful monster!"

Slowly approaching Ye Chenfeng’s robbery area, the women in the skirts and other people did not find the monsters suspected of being dragons. When they were in doubt, they saw that they were covered in blood, sitting cross-legged in the gravel pile and healing. The Taoist morning wind reveals the color of surprise and alertness.

"How can there be a person here? Is it just that the day penalty is related to him?"

Looking at the blood, the clothes were severely damaged, the pale morning leaves, the women in the skirts and other people exchanged their voices, but the punishment was too horrible, they were more inclined to be the robbers.

"The realm of this person is not low, but the breath is not strong. I feel that the punishment for the day has nothing to do with him. He should have been trapped on the edge of the penalty and was injured by the fine."

"Well, we asked in the past to see if he saw the monster of the robbery?" The woman in the dress thought about it and proposed.

"No, you are waiting here, I will ask him myself!"

The strongest silver armor man proposes to hold the two avenues and slowly approach the Ye Chenfeng who is consolidating the realm.

"This friend, I don't know how you will appear here, do you see the monster that just robbed?" asked the silver man with politeness.

"The monster that just robbed has left, I happened to be here!"

Ye Chenfeng spit out a sigh of gas, slowly opened his eyes and said faintly.

"Leave...I don't know what a monster?"

When I heard Ye Chenfeng, the woman’s brows were slightly wrinkled and slowly came over and asked.

"It should be a dragon, but the strength of the dragon is terrible. It is only one step away from the dragon. You should not provoke it!" Ye Chenfeng made a casual speech.

"Hey, it seems that my Situ family has no chance with the dragon-shaped monster!" The silver armor and others sighed with regret, said regretfully.

"You are the Stuart family of Thousand Blades?"

Ye Chenfeng learned from the black king of the mouth that there is a central city named Qiandaocheng on the edge of the dead market, and there are three major families in the city, such as the Situ family, Caojia and Dujia.

The black king has told him that he wants to successfully enter the dead market to find the hidden stone. It is best to find three big families to help, because they are most familiar with the terrain around the dead market.

"Hello is..."

The silver man’s brow slightly wrinkled and looked at the strange face of Ye Chenfeng.

"I am just a sprawl, I am thinking of going to the Thousand Blades City." Ye Chenfeng said vaguely, ready to go to Qiandao City to make plans.

"You really want to go to Qianshoucheng, not to want to hit our idea?" The woman in the colorful dress looked at Ye Chenfeng with vigilance and was not at ease with him.

"We have never seen it, what do you think I will plot you?" Ye Chenfeng smiled and asked.

"Well, it’s a good thing, it’s the fate, let’s go on the road together..."

Deeply look at the morning wind, the silver armor man found that Ye Chenfeng's eyes are clear and not like a monk, and he subconsciously feels that Ye Chenfeng is not simple, intentionally making friends, nodding his head and agreeing.

"You better not to hit our bad ideas, otherwise I can't spare you." The woman in the pink dress warned coldly.

"Forget it, since you can't believe it, then let me go!"

Ye Chenfeng did not force, slowly stood up, and made a shadow in the air, and quickly flew away.

"Hey, let's go!"

Under the back of Ye Chenfeng’s departure, the silver armor shook his head and did not blame the woman in the skirt. He quickly came to the three injured flying beasts and fed them three medicinal herbs. Healed them seriously, and drove them away.

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