Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1319: Big Green Robe

Fly speeds away, Ye Chenfeng finds a place where no one is, enters the environment of Qiankun, consolidates the realm, and penetrates the lines printed in the flesh and blood to enhance the power of the road map.

"Call, in the soul of the mainland, it is really too difficult to improve the artistic conception!"

Incorporating the lines in the flesh and blood, Ye Chenfeng only improved the image of the road through the ten-textion, and wanted to make the road map complete the qualitative transformation, which is too far.

But he is not in a hurry. Now he has broken through to the 6th level of the beastly kingdom. It is imperative to find Fengxuezhi and refine the Tiansheng.

But the **** phoenix is ​​too rare, and the temples that have passed down countless years, the Lei family have not, which makes him a headache.

"It seems that there is a chance to go to the ancient medicine garden in the mysterious sea and try your luck. If there is nowhere, it will be a little trouble!" Ye Chenfeng sighed softly.

Consolidated the realm and penetrated the lines imprinted in flesh and blood. Ye Chenfeng left the Qiankun environment and came to the outside world. He took out the map of the minefield, identified the position, summoned the spirit boat, and continued to the thousand. Flying in the direction of the blade city.

"Well, fighting!"

On the way to Qiandaocheng, Ye Chenfeng’s powerful soul power detected the sound of fighting in the distance. He didn’t want to do anything, but he found that several people were in danger. It turned out to be the Stuart family and the party that met the day before.

"Situ family...I figured it out, sell you a face, I hope your Situ family is useful to me!"

Hesitating for a moment, Ye Chenfeng took up the Ling Zhou and flew at a very fast speed.

"Little beauty, I don't want to hurt you. If you do me, I will give them a life."

A man in a green robes, a skinny, dry head like a sly man, split his mouth, revealing disgusting yellow teeth, looking at the delicate face of a woman in a pink dress, young and **** body, no Said with kindness.

"Miaoer, three brothers, you are going, let us resist this evil person, don't let the wonderful child fall into his hand." The three Situ family masters are dying in the color skirt women and silver armor Before, loudly urged the road.

"Just by you!"

The green robe man showed a cruel smile, sticking out the skinny and claw-like right hand, and the three Situ family masters immediately felt the space in front of him solidified, and the three sharp claws directly caught Broken their bodies and killed them on the spot.


Looking at the three Situ family masters being brutally killed, the woman in the color skirt made a cry of weeping, and a lot of tears flowed down her eyes, dyed her white face.

"Hello, we are the people of the Situ family in the Thousand-Edged City. If you kill my people like this, don't you be afraid of revenge?" The silver man did not expect the green robe man in front of him to be so terrible, and warned his scalp.

"Is the Situ family very strong?" The green robe man sneered and sneered: "The entire minefield, only the Lei people can let me back, you are not worthy."

"Who is you?"

When the green robe man was arrogant, the silver armor men were even more panicked, especially the women in the color skirts. They were even more scared and shivering. They didn’t dare to think about their next fate.

"The Green Robe of the Deity, I wonder if you have heard the name of the deity?" The green robe showed a disgusting yellow tooth and said arrogantly.

"The big green robes..."

Before knowing the identity of the person in front of him, the woman in the color skirt was scared to sit on the ground, and the silver armor was scared to death and fell into deep fear.

"Little beauty, I can see you, it is your blessing, but it is a pity, you refused me, you said how can I torture you!" Green robe licked the scarlet lips, look hot The woman who fell to the ground and showed her snowy white thighs and silky spring dress, said fiercely.

"No, you, then you have to come over!" The thought of the green robe's ferocious means, the woman in the color skirt was scared to cry out, regardless of the spring light between the legs, constantly retreating.


In the patience of the green gown, who wants to kill the silver armor and take away the green skirt woman, his keen sense of perceives a stream of light flying quickly, his brows are slightly wrinkled, and the skinny hands are empty and clawed. , intertwined with a few sharp claws, caught the speed of the morning air.


Looking at the claws of the five cracking air, catching the morning wind, a piercing sword sounds, and several sharp swordsmen fly in the body of Ye Chenfeng, with his speeding flight. The figure, smashed the claws of the green robe, and underestimated the attack of the green robe.

When the green robe was in doubt, the flash of light in front of him flashed, and Ye Chenfeng stepped on the sword and appeared in front of the two women in the skirt.

"Who are you?"

The green robe has not seen Ye Chenfeng, but the speed of Ye Chenfeng’s footsteps has surprised him, but he is not afraid of the generations. There are few people in the minefield that can make him timid. In the eyes of the green oil, the ray of the haze was shot, staring at the Ye Chenfeng.

"It's okay!"

Ye Chenfeng ignored the green robe and cast his gaze to the shiver. The clothes were messy, the white legs were completely exposed to the air, and the woman with the seductive spring dress was waiting for two people.

"You, go, don't worry about us!"

The silver armor did not expect that at this dangerous moment, Ye Chenfeng would suddenly rescue them, but in the face of the big green robes, he had no hope of a long time, and he did not want to scream at the morning breeze and shouted at him. .

"Don't be nervous, there is me, no one can hurt you, let's go."

Ye Chenfeng seems to regard the green robe as the air, watching the desperate color skirt women and so on.

When I heard Ye Chenfeng, the women in the skirts were stunned and looked at him silly, feeling overwhelmed.

"Interesting guy, I am not willing to kill you."

The green robe licked the scarlet lips, looked at the arrogant and standing, ignoring his own leaf morning wind, said fiercely.

"You can't kill me!"

Ye Chenfeng slowly turned around and looked at the green robe for the first time, and the voice of his speech was full of unquestionable meaning.

"Hello, he is a green robe, a big green robes. If you have the strength, leave quickly, don't be implicated by us!" The silver man thought that Ye Chenfeng didn't know the terrible green robe and shouted.

"You are the green robe!"

Under the identity of the green robe, Ye Chenfeng’s delicate face not only showed no fear, but a hint of war.

"Well, who are you..."

Capturing the emotional changes on Ye Chenfeng's face, the green robe perceives an unusual atmosphere, and when it comes to knowing his identity, the person who can reveal the war is not a mortal.

"If you can pick me up, I will tell you who I am."

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng burned the blood of the gods, and the tall and straight body became like a red cast of steel. When the blood of the gods increased his strength by three times, he smashed the ground and rushed to the green robe. Bounced a punch.

A fist blasted out, the space vibrated, and more than 300 million jins of force turned into a sturdy fist, dragging the stunned boxing, with unparalleled destructive power, heavy bombardment to the green robe.

Feeling the power of Ye Chenfeng's punch, the green robe slightly discolored, and the quickly thin hands of the sword overlapped in front of him, and the hard-pressed Ye Chenfeng punched.


The space in front of the green robe trembled.

A force beyond the imagination of the green robe smashed the power of his palms and slammed into his palms, shaking his arms slightly, and the whole person retreated uncontrollably.

"Well, not bad, your strength should be stronger than the insects, but compared with the broken bowel, it should be a little worse."

Looking at the green robe that was shaken by his own fist, Ye Chenfeng smiled and said proudly.

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