Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1325: Depart

A round of red sun sprayed out of the endless clouds, golden light dazzling, shrouded in the memory of Zhoucheng.

Because of the relationship between Ye Chenfeng, the Lei family, the Nangong family, and the Dynasties provided a large amount of resources to the Zhou family. Without the worries of the Zhou family, the Zhou family drastically built the memory of Zhoucheng, and every day, Zhoucheng was happening. Great changes.

Flying in the spirit boat for four days and four nights, Ye Chenfeng finally flew to the memory of Zhoucheng.

On the way to flight, Ye Chenfeng relied on absolute strength to break through the six hidden stones that he had obtained from Qianjiancheng. He got four drops of precious and precious, and he could recover the life spirit of five thousand years of life. A blood source, a drop of holy blood, a powerful fruit for him.

Ye Chenfeng left four drops of life spirit and glutinous fruit, and gave the two blood source fruits to the spirit fish and Jinqinglong blood lion, and gave the sacred blood to the worm, allowing them to accelerate cultivation and Change.

"Well, Tianyi and Nangong dump snow!"

Ye Chenfeng took up the Lingzhou, and when he landed outside the memory of Zhoucheng, the powerful soul recalled a picturesque lake outside Zhoucheng, feeling the breath of Zhou Tianyi and Nangong. The ghost went over.

"Tianyi, snow, you are developing very fast!"

Looking at each other, sitting at the lake and talking about whispering Zhou Tianyi and Nangong dumping snow, Ye Chenfeng showed a smile and snarled.

"Big Brother..."

When I heard the sound of Ye Chenfeng, Zhou Tianyi and Nangong poured snow and stood up separately, his face was reddish.

"Tianyi, snow, I am about to leave the minefield soon, I wonder if I can drink your favorite wine before I leave!" Looking at the very well-matched two, Ye Chenfeng asked intentionally.

"All by Ye Zizi!"

Nangong snow fell slightly red, looked at the expression of excitement, has long been deep into her heart Zhou Tianyi, soft voice.

"Let's go, let's go back and discuss your marriage!" Ye Chenfeng said in a good mood.

Understanding the horror of Ye Chenfeng, Nangong was thinking about marrying Nangong Snow to Zhou Tianyi, easing the relationship with Ye Chenfeng, so he received a message from Ye Chenfeng, and he did not hesitate to agree.

After consultation, the days of Zhou Tianyi and Nangong’s marriage to the snow will be held in Zhoucheng after eight days.

Although Zhou Jia is unknown in the Lei Dynasty, Ye Chenfeng’s reputation in the Lei Yu area is too great. Together with Zhou Tianyi, he is the princess of the Nangong family. On the day of their marriage, the major forces of the Leiria have come to congratulate. .

"Gen yin Zong yin yue shui to congratulate..."

"San Lei City Zhao Jialai Hehe..."

"Oriental family congratulates..."

"Lei minority master Lei Zifan, Lei Zixin, Lei Yeqing come to congratulate..."

"The big murder is coming to congratulate..."

Looking at a famous big man who came to the thunderland to come to Zhoujiafu to attend the wedding ceremony of Zhou Tianyi and Nangong Snow, Zhou Shan’s master Zhou Shanlong was excited to speak, and Nangong was equally worried.

Although Zhou’s strength is not strong now, he believes that under the care of all parties, it will not take long for Zhou to be able to rise in the minefield.

"Ye Gongzi, how is the harvest of the dead market?"

In the evening, Lei Zixin found a way to avoid the noisy, Ye Chenfeng, who was in the Zhoujia Garden, swaying **** waist, and slowly came over and asked softly.

"Not bad, got some things I want!"

Looking at the beautiful three-pointer Lei Zixin than the fairy, Ye Chenfeng put down the glass in his hand and whispered.

"What is the plan for that Ye Gongzi next?" Lei Zixin filled the wine with Ye Chenfeng, and asked softly.

"I may leave the minefield!" Ye Chenfeng did not hide, frankly said.

"I really envy Ye Gongzi, you can wander in the Central World as you like!" Lei Zixin said with a longing.

"In fact, I envy you more, can have a home!" Ye Chenfeng drank the wine in the cup, thoughtfully said.

"Home... Ye Gongzi, if you want, Lei can be your home!" Lei Zixin's face is beautiful, revealing a three-point glamorous, seven-point style, with profound meaning.

Looking at Lei Zixin's charming and pretty face, Ye Chenfeng had a moment of disappointment, but his martial arts heart was strong, and he instantly recovered as usual. He shook his head and said: "I am destined to be a wandering person. Not expected."

After hearing the refusal of Ye Chenfeng, Lei Zixin, the first beauty of the minefield, showed a disappointing color, and looked deeply at the sharp face of Ye Chenfeng: "Ye Gongzi, just words, ten It will take effect during the year. If one day you are tired, you can come to the Lei family to find me at any time."

"Thank you!"

Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile. From the Qiankun environment, he took out the petals of two golden petals of fire lotus, and gave it to Lei Zixin, who made him quite affectionate: "Two petals of fire lotus petals sent You, I wish you have already broken through to Nirvana."

"金瓣火莲!" Lei Zixin is the person who knows the goods, knows the value of the golden mushroom, and reveals a charming smile: "Thank you for your gift, I like it very much."

"Ye Gongzi, we will leave tomorrow. Tonight, can you accompany me to enjoy the bright moon in the sky and see the sunrise in the morning." Lei Zixin sealed two pieces of golden lotus in the jade box, softly Invited.

"Beauty invites, of course!" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly and promised very happy.

"Zhoujiafu is too chaotic, let's go to a quiet place to enjoy the moon!" Lei Zixin gently stood up and proposed.


Ye Chenfeng nodded and left with Lei Zixin.

"Well, Zeixin not Zeidan guy, actually refused my sister, I really wanted to hit him up."

Ye Chenfeng just left, Lei Zifan, Lei Yeqing brother and sister came out, Lei Yeqing said indignantly.

"Ye Qing, Ye Chenfeng is not an ordinary person. His determination to pursue the martial arts is beyond my reach, so he will not stay in my lei for Zixin."

Thinking of the various feats that Ye Chenfeng left in the minefield, Lei Zifan still praised it.

"Brother, you said that my sister and Ye Chenfeng went out, will Ye Chenfeng not be derailed to her sister?" Think of Lei Zixin's beauty, Lei Yeqing said with some slight concern.

"You little girl, what do you think about all day!" Lei Zifan showed a bitter smile: "You can rest assured that this kind of thing will not happen."

The time of the night passed quickly. At dawn, a red sun jumped into the clouds and the earth was shining.

Ye Chenfeng glanced at Lei Zixin, who was leaning on his arm and fell into a dream. He smiled and woke her up.

Lei Zixin opened his bright eyes and looked at Ye Chenfeng in close proximity. Two attractive blushes suddenly appeared on the white cheeks.

But they didn't talk, like a pair of lovers, relying on each other, watching the increasingly high sun, admiring the fascinating beauty.

"Thank you for accompanying me to enjoy the moon, watching the sunrise, I will always remember this day."

When the sun slanted to the sky, Lei Zixin stood up and stretched out, and the beautiful curves were revealed.

"Would you like to go?" Ye Chenfeng looked at Lei Zixin's white and tender face.

"Well, I am leaving, I hope we have a good day!"

Lei Zixin nodded, reluctantly said, slowly walked behind Ye Chenfeng, suddenly hugged his body, put his head on his back, tightly dependent.

Lei Zixin left with incomparable nostalgia, Ye Chenfeng bid farewell to the Zhou family, and left the memory of the Zhoucheng with the shadow ghost.

Twenty days later, a galloping spirit boat crossed the space forbidden and appeared over the nine-fold raft.

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