Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1326: The danger of Tianjian Palace

Donghai Palace, the first force in the East.

But the journey of Hell's ancestors, Haimingtu, Sakura Jiuyi and others all died in the hands of Ye Chenfeng, making the strength of the East China Sea Palace greatly reduced.

Fortunately, the East Palace of the East Palace, Haidongtian, because of the retreat, did not go to the land of **** in the past, but Donghai Palace has him sitting in the town, still pressing the Tianjian Palace, occupying the throne of the East China.

And in the land of hell, the loss of the grave, the master is almost dead, but gradually withdraw from the stage of the East.

Qinghai City, a large city under the influence of the East China Sea Palace, built on the east coast, is a famous trading city in the eastern continent, and the construction of the city is very prosperous.

"Ginger predecessors, white predecessors, former predecessors, Xingluo mainland will ask you, I will go to the mainland to visit you when there is time!"

Standing on the beach outside Qinghai City, Ye Chenfeng looked at the three-wheeled Jiang Xingchen who was on the sea liner and was ready to return to the mainland.

"Reassure the morning breeze, the star Luo mainland handed us three old guys, no problem."

The Nirvana people are in the mainland of the Xingluo, which is the absolute master. There are three people sitting in the town of Jiang Xingchen. It is almost impossible for the general forces to extend their tentacles to the mainland.

Sent away the three people of Jiang Xingchen, Ye Chenfeng took the shadow ghost, stepped on the sunset, returned to Qinghai City, prepared to stay here for one night, rested, and then went to the East China Sea Tiancheng where the East China Sea Palace is located, secretly controlling the East China Sea. palace.

However, when staying at the store, Ye Chenfeng accidentally learned that the East China Sea Palace is fighting with Tianjian Palace. Now the Donghai Palace master has already pressed Tianjianshan and besieged the Tianjian Palace headquarters.

"Hmm... It is reasonable to say that the strength of the East China Sea Palace is not as good as before. It should not suppress the strength of the Tianjian Palace. Is there any other force to intervene in it!" Ye Chenfeng muttered to himself, feeling that he was secretly controlling the East China Sea. I am complicated in my imagination.

"Go, let's go to the city hall!"

Qinghai City is the city controlled by the East China Sea Palace. The owner of Qinghai City is the law of the Donghai Palace. It knows the secrets of many Donghai Palace.

Ye Chenfeng went to the city's main government with a shadow ghost, and prepared to directly search the soul of the Qinghai city owner to see if the forces joined the East China.

"Bold, here is the city seat, outsiders must not be near!"

The four guards in armor and armed with spears saw Ye Chenfeng and Shadow Ghosts walking in the dark, their faces sinking and loudly warning.


Ye Chenfeng's sharp scorpion glanced at the four guards, and the soul in his brain burst into a powerful stun force. For example, the heavy hammer rushed into the soul of the four people and directly shocked the four people. gosh.

Seeing Ye Chenfeng’s eyes, he stunned four guards. The ghosts showed a shocking color, and looked at Ye Chenfeng’s eyes full of awe.

"Go, let's go in!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng stepped into the heavily guarded city seat and released a powerful soul, locking in the strongest person in the city.

In the morning light of Ye Chenfeng, he stunned a city guard who found himself. He came to the ruined building and built the extremely luxurious main house. Through the ban, he heard the sound of the house. The low voice of pleasure.

At this time, the Qinghai city owner is tumbling with his two new shackles in Xinna, doing intense sports, and the three people are constantly entangled, and the whole room is filled with suffocating air.

"This Qinghai city owner is very interested!"

Ye Chenfeng’s mouth is slightly tilted, and the fingertips shoot a sharp finger, pierce the closed door, such as scratching the window paper, tearing the forbidden in the room, pushing the door and going in. .


Two shrill screams sounded, and two people suddenly appeared in the dark house. Two faces were flushed, and they were covered in red fruits. The woman who screamed and screamed and screamed, clutching the quilt with both hands. Covering the spring of his body, curled up and hid in the bed and shivered.

"Who are you, big courage, even my city's main government dare to swear!"

The main face of Qinghai City changed slightly, and quickly pulled up the robes on the side, draped over the body, glaring at Ye Chenfeng and Shadow Ghost, angry roaring.

"Why, here is the Longtan Tiger Cave, can't you?" Ye Chenfeng said faintly.

"Give me to die!"

The Qinghai city owner’s eyes flashed, and a gleaming Taobao shot his body, like a cold star attacking Ye Chenfeng.


The ghosts saw the Qinghai city owner dare to attack Ye Chenfeng, and decisively blocked him in front of him, quickly stabbed out the sharp pointed mans, and the one-shot would be a powerful, fast-speed Taobao. A crack in the road spread on the surface of the Taobao.

"You, you..."

Seeing that his strongest Taobao was cracked by the shadows of the eyes, the Qinghai city owner was stupid.

"Protect the City!"

At this time, I heard the roar of the Qinghai city owner, a large number of city government guards rushed over, holding sharp weapons, attacking Ye Chenfeng and Shadow Ghost.

But when they were close to Ye Chenfeng, they immediately felt that the soul had been hit hard, their eyes were black and they were fainted on the spot.

"You, who are you guys?"

When the city government guards were not close to Ye Chenfeng, they fainted in the past. These amazing means completely stunned the Qinghai city owner and let him fall into deep fear.

"You don't want to be nervous. As long as you cooperate, I won't hurt you. You can still be happy in the future!"

The vertigo technique was applied, and the city guards were shaken. Ye Chenfeng slowly went to the Qinghai city owner who was so scared that he was bloodless.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Although the Qinghai city owner is a master of the four-level beastmaster, but in the face of the thrilling Ye Chenfeng, he could not produce a trace of war, the voice trembled.

"Search Soul!"

Ye Chenfeng’s palm sucked, sucking the fearful Qinghai City Lord in front of him, forbidding his body, pressing one hand on his heavenly cover, and searching for the soul with the power of the brain.

"Let, let me go, if you dare to hurt me, Donghai Palace will not let you go!" Qinghai City Lord Three Souls scared the two souls, shouting loudly.

"If you don't want to die, give me a honest point, otherwise I will break your neck!" Ye Chenfeng said with a stunned warning, and he continued to search for him.

Feeling the killing effect of Ye Chenfeng, the Qinghai city owner is timid, and dare not resist again. Ye Chenfeng, who is afraid of inner fear, searches for him.

"Sure enough, as I have guessed, the people of the Kirin Kingdom have extended their reach to the East, and it seems that they are not dying for the opportunity in the land of hell."

In the heart of Qinghai City, I learned important information. Ye Chenfeng did not open the killing ring, forcibly erased some of his memory, and wiped away the memory of all the people who had seen him. It is.

"Ye Shao, where are we going now?"

Seeing the means of Ye Chenfeng, the shadow ghost was completely impressed and asked respectfully.

"Go to the Tianjian Palace, kill the people of the Qilin Kingdom, and get rid of their tentacles!" Ye Chenfeng said overbearingly, summoning the spirit boat, flying with the shadow ghost to Tianjian Palace.

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