Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1327: The thought of dying

Tianjian Mountain, one of the four famous mountains in the East China, is famous overseas. The reason why Tianjian Mountain is so famous is that Tianjian Palace, one of the four great holy places of the East China, was built in Tianjian Mountain.

Tianjian Palace has been inherited for more than 100,000 years. It is the most cherished holy place for all sword repairs in the outer world. The sword of the old sword of the old sword is Mo Xian, and it is also known as the first person attacking the East China. .

However, Tianjian Palace at this time suffered the biggest crisis since the founding of the People's Republic of China. The Donghai Palace master headed by Haidongtian raided the Tianjian Palace and tore up the heavy ban, attacking the Tianjian Palace.

In the hall of Tianjian Palace, a white robe with blood, the seriously injured old man is sitting in the center of the main hall to heal, and this old man is the main column of the Tianjian Palace, the old palace main sword Mo Xian.

"Old Palace Lord, how is your injury, not serious!"

Seeing that Jian Moxian had served several Tiandan, and woke up in the healing, the Tianjian Palace’s main sword was nervous and asked.

"I can fight again!"

Jian Moxian took a deep breath and said heavy.

"Master, that Haidongtian's strength is so strong, even you are not an opponent?"

When wearing a white martial arts uniform, the talent of the sword is extremely high, and the sword dust of the third-level beast is real. He knows the attack power of Jian Moxian, and he is almost the sixth-class beastmaster.

"The person who hurts me is not Haidongtian, but a middle-aged man wearing a robes of crepe. I am in his hands, only ten strokes, he was hit hard." Shake his head and whisper.

"What, when did Donghai Palace appear such a terrible master!"

There was a sound of resounding in the hall, and the atmosphere became more depressed and uneasy.

"If I don't have a guess, that person is not a person from the East China Sea Palace, but a master of the kingdom of God. I am afraid that the strength will reach Nirvana."


"The horrible East China Sea Palace, they even darkened the people of the Kingdom of God, I knew that this should really kill them when they were badly hurt!" Many Tianjiangong masters said with indignation.

"The old palace master, now the kingdom of God intervenes, then my Tianjian Palace is not an opponent. For the sake of the present, we only have to give up here, there is a line of life!" Tianjiangong main sword is tightly smashed Fist, not willing to say.

Although he is not afraid of death, he can't watch the Tianjian Palace disciples bury here, breaking the foundation of Tianjian Palace.

"You go, I will stay!" Jian Moxian took a deep breath and said, "I am dead, but also a painful blow to the East China Sea Palace."

"The old palace owner, we will stay with you and fight against foreign enemies!"

Several elders of the Tianjian Palace stood up together and said without fear.

"No, you will only increase the casualties, there is no meaning, only I can stay, can give them a fatal blow." Jian Moxian shook his head.

"Old Palace Lord, you are going to combine the power of the big battle, give them a fatal blow!" said Jian Fengyun.

"It's good, only with the power of the big battle, I can fight against Nirvana, and you can use my gap with them to go through the transmission array!" Jian Moxian nodded: "Okay, don't want Time is up, speed is done according to what I said, you are the hope of my Tianjian Palace, as long as you don't die, we have a day to come back."

"Master, let me stay with you!"

Sword dust is like a knife, and I look at the old man who has re-created grace for him. He wants to fight alongside him and swear to defend Tianjian Palace.

"Sword dust, remember the words of the master, there is hope in life, the master waits for you to step on the martial arts day, and personally avenge me!" Jian Moxian patted the shoulders of Jian Chen, and sweared.

"The old palace owner, I swear here that in the first year of life, I will destroy the East China Sea Palace and avenge you!"

The main sword of the Tianjian Palace squatted on the ground, smashing three heads at the sword Moxian, and promised.


Sword Moxian, the sword dust and other people are also on the ground.

They know that this embarrassment is probably a farewell, never seeing another day.

"Okay, I can't support the Tianjian Palace guardianship for a long time. You are ready to leave!" Jian Moxian took a deep breath and looked at the hope of Tianjian Palace. He said slowly.

"Call me to order, all disciples of Tianjian Palace gather at the transfer array, and leave in batches!" Jian Fengyun stood up and restored the original character of the hero, and issued the command line.

But when Jian Fengyun and others came to the main hall, they were like a blue sky, all stupid.

They found that their last hope, the space transmission array was destroyed, and lost the ability to transmit space.

"Secret, I have a spy in the Tianjian Palace!"

Sword Fengyun's face became gloomy and incomparable. He did not calculate the calculations. The Tianjian Palace actually had the spies of the East China Sea Palace. It broke the transmission array one step ahead and broke their retreat.

"The palace owner, we fight with them."

A famous man in the eyes of the elders of Tianjian Palace shines with a blazing flame and speaks loudly.

"Well, let's go back and fight with the old palace master. We are dead, and we must also give the East China Sea a painful blow!" Jian Fengyun took a deep breath and immediately returned to the main hall with Jian Chen and others.

I know that the Tianjian Palace was smashed and smashed, and the whole heart of Jian Moxian fell into the trough, and the whole person was a bit old.

Although he is not afraid of death, he is afraid that the Tianjian Palace will be destroyed, so that he will be a sinner of the Tianjian Palace.

"Fengyun, Jianchen, Lier... You are a hope for the future of my Tianjian Palace. I will try my best to open a path for you in a while. When you are all out, you can only break a few, only a few of you are alive, I The inheritance of Tianjian Palace will not be broken." Jian Moxian solemn command.


"This is the order. If you don't want me to die, just do what I said. If you are all killed, we will all be sinners of the Tianjian Palace." Jian Moxian interrupted the words of Jian Chen. An irresistible command.

"Sword dust, Lier, listen to the old palace master, now is not the intention to use things, we must keep the inheritance of the Tianjian Palace." Jian Fengyun clenched his fists, the heart said like a knife.


Jian Chen bit his lip and said, a blood oozing out of his lips, but he didn't know.

"Tianjiangong disciples are obeying, and I will kill them with me. We would rather stand up to death than never give birth!"

Jian Moxian looked at a pair of familiar, tender faces, although the heart was disappointing, but there was nothing to help, loudly ordered.

"Yes, the old palace owner!"

Although many disciples in Tianjian Palace feared, but they were infected by the atmosphere, they still clenched their teeth and sang.

"Hadongtian, today, even if the old man is dead, it will definitely make you pay a terrible price to the East China Sea Palace!" Jian Moxian, who is holding the jade and burning thoughts, reveals the true character of the killing, killing and saying: "Fengyun, will be my day." All the treasures of the sword palace are taken out and distributed to the disciples. After an hour, we and the people of the East China Sea Palace will die forever!"

When Jian Moxian and others held the idea of ​​mortal death and prepared to die with the master of the East China Sea Palace, a person who unexpectedly appeared outside Tianjianshan.

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