Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1328: No one can stop

"Bold, Tianjian Palace has been blocked, and you are close to killing innocents!"

The Donghai Palace master who blocked Tianjianshan saw Ye Chenfeng and the shadow ghosts fly, and his face sank and loudly warned.

"The third child, and they do so much nonsense, two ants ant, kill it!"

A Donghai Palace master wearing a water blue robes and a three-level beastly kingdom, Senran looked at Ye Chenfeng and the shadow ghost, summoned a hammer-shaped quasi-horizon, and killed him.


Looking at the ever-increasing hammer-shaped quasi-horizon bombardment on the body of Ye Chenfeng, Ye Chenfeng’s big hand explored, and the force of more than 100 million pounds broke out, condensing a powerful hand and grasping the hammer-shaped quasi-horizon Under the horror of the eyes of the East China Sea Palace masters, they were crushed into pieces.


In front of the scene, a famous Donghai Palace master’s throat rolled, and the whole body’s hair was straight up, and it was cold from head to toe and caught in panic.

"Shadows, we go into the mountains, stop me, kill!" Ye Chenfeng's eyes flashed in the cold, commanding.

"Yes, Ye Shao!"

The ghosts are dying, the sharp nails are constantly growing, turning into an illusory afterimage, and attacking the stunned Donghai Palace master.

Between the blink of an eye, several Donghai Palace masters fell into a pool of blood. Their bodies were directly torn by the shadows of the ghosts like swords, and the blood of the explosions was red on the ground.

"Stay, who are you?"

After hearing the screams from the foot of Tianjian Mountain, several Donghai Palace masters rushed over and surrounded Ye Chenfeng.

"Kill your people!"

The ghost showed a fierce smile. The thin body suddenly turned into a shadow, appeared in the air, and directly shattered the blocked Donghai Palace master.


The ghosts killed the Donghai Palace masters. When they went deep into the Tianjian Mountain, a thunderous thunder sounded. A thundering light flashed with thunder and pressure. Leishan fell from the sky, crushing a large area of ​​ancient wood and releasing thousands of The strength of thousands of pounds, the suppression to the Ye Chenfeng two.


Although Leishan is terrible, it is only a treasure, and there is no threat to Ye Chenfeng.

Ye Chenfeng grabbed a palm before the ghost shot, and the strength of the pearl of death was mixed with a hundred pounds of force, forming a powerful handprint that swayed a few miles, a palm print On the Daobaolei Mountain under the suppression.


The chaotic emptiness sounded a blasting sound of landslides, causing the whole void to tremble.

After being attacked by Ye Chenfeng, Daobao Leishan was beaten out by hard and hard, and rolled for a few weeks. He suddenly burst open in midair and turned into a fragment of the sky.


Seeing the scene of Ye Chenfeng’s breaking the Taobao, the Donghai Palace masters who have come to the scene are deeply shocked, and the eyes of Ye Chenfeng become fearful, and they are scared to retreat. they.


When they were afraid of Ye Chenfeng’s horrible strength and wanted to retreat, the ghostly sharp claws of the shadows tore the void and caught them. They easily broke their body defenses and killed them directly. Blood and broken bodies fell to the ground in midair.

In an instant, the whole mountain forest became a **** on earth, and the blood stream was flowing, making people shudder.

"Who are you, why are you an enemy of my Tokai Palace?"

When the East Sea Palace master fell into despair, when he was desperately trying to escape, Dongdong Palace’s old palace owner, Haidongtian, appeared with several high-rise members of the East China Sea Palace, and the one who followed him, and the famous sword Mo Xian, It is suspected that the Nirvana of the unicorn godland is powerful.

"You may not know me, but Hemingu knows me, but it is a pity that he is dead!" Ye Chenfeng carried his hands and looked at Haidongtian and other people indifferently, coldly.

"Who are you?"

Haidong Tian brows slightly wrinkled, looking at the arrogant Ye Chenfeng, constantly searching for memories.

"Ye, Ye Chenfeng, you are Ye Chenfeng!"

Haidongtian, who had been shutting down in the past, did not know Ye Chenfeng, but some people in the East China Sea Palace recognized him, showing the color of horror and shouting.

"I didn't expect that a few years have passed, and some people remember me!"

Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile, and looked at the elders of the East China Sea Palace, who was squatting in the hole, and said slowly.

"It turns out that you are the morning wind, I have been looking for you for a long time!"

Haidongtian’s face was heavy, and a light figure depicting the ocean and the sea emerged from his body, locking Ye Chenfeng.

"How, the Nudong Palace has invested in the Qilin Kingdom, and they have not given you an ancient Taobao?"

Looking at the Daobao Poseidon picture summoned by Haidongtian, Ye Chenfeng reveals a sarcasm, not to mention the treasure, even if it is difficult to hurt him.

"When I am holding you, do I see you still have a hard mouth?"

Speaking of Haidongtian's continuous injection of two blood into the Poseidon map, it stimulated the strongest attack power of the Poseidon map, mapping the vast force like the ocean and the sea, and blasting to Ye Chenfeng.

"On your own, you can also play with Ye Shao!"

The shadow ghost flashed and blocked in front of Ye Chenfeng. A round of Lei’s road figure emerged from his right hand, releasing an endless pattern of doctrine, tearing the release of the sea **** figure and hitting the sea god. On the map, it was directly torn into a crack and almost destroyed.

"Nirvana People..."

The moment when the ghost ghost shot, the middle-aged man wearing a robes and robes, and his extraordinary temperament shot in the eyes of the man, revealing a touch of unexpected color.

"You are the one in the Central World!" The man in the robes was gloomy and asked, and he did not expect that the forces of the Central World would intervene in the East.

"It’s just that you don’t know the identity of Laozi!"

"You are looking for death!"

The man in the robes is the priest of the unicorn gods. He was once insulted by people, watching the ghosts who despised him, and his heart angered like a volcano.

He screamed, and the two avenues showed his body. He held a rifle with a superb grade, stirring the void, like a streamer, stabbing the ghost.

The man in the robe was stabbed in a shot, and the ghost immediately greeted a pair of swords of the Shangpindao level and greeted him in battle in midair.

Because the space on the outer continent is far less sturdy in the central world, the fierce battle between the ghosts and the man in the robes destroys everything. The vast expanse of space collapses, the wind blows, and the terrible power drives the entire Tianjian Mountain to tremble.

"What happened? Why did the people in the East China Sea give up the attack, why did Tianjianshan tremble?"

Catch Moss, who has been in a limited time to heal, feels that Tianjianshan trembles violently, revealing the color of suspicion, hesitating a moment, and some adventurously left the rugged guardian array to see what happened.

When he left Tianjian Palace, he was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him.

He was shocked to see that the space in the distance seemed to be broken glass, and there was a large-scale collapse. The two illusory figures were fiercely strangled in the collapsed space.

One of them is the man who infuriated his robes with invincibility.

But who is another person?

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