Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1340: Old and old people

"Tianzu can't really kill!"

Looking at the big string of the escape, Ye Chenfeng reveals a regrettable color, regretting that he could not be killed.

But Ye Chenfeng also has the harvest, that is, the nine black blacks that are suppressed by the Kowloon Yuxi. If the nine black blacks can be sealed, the power of the black sacred flag of the big string Tiansheng will be greatly reduced, and the threat to them is greatly reduce.

"Everyone helps me, seal these nine blacks!"

Ye Chenfeng screamed loudly, and everyone appeared in the height of dozens of feet, flowing with powerful Longwei, as if there were dragons and dragons hovering around the Kowloon Jade, they all exerted powerful power and demon power, forcibly sealed nine angry struggles Black black.

About the time of a fragrant incense, the power of the nine black-black rebellions became weaker and weaker, and eventually they were sealed by Ye Chenfeng and others.

The nine blacks that can't move can't be put into the Qiankun environment. Ye Chenfeng released the soul and sensed the cracked mountain wall. When he found nothing of value, he was ready to leave.

Suddenly, the voice that just kindly reminded Ye Chenfeng sounded in his ear.

"I didn't expect you to run him, it's not easy!"

"Hello?" Ye Chenfeng whispered.

"The old man, like you, is a man who is sleepy here!"

“Sleepy here?” Ye Chenfeng’s brow slightly wrinkled and whispered, “Why, can’t this place go out?”

"Can't get out!" The old voice said: "The old man is trapped here for hundreds of thousands of years. If he can go out, he will go out early."

"Hundreds of thousands of years..." Ye Chenfeng took a breath: "You are from Tianyu."

"No, I am from the Central World, and you are a human being like you!"

"Can people in the Central World live for so long?"

In addition to the unfathomable Luoshen, Ye Chenfeng has never seen it before, and some people can live for hundreds of thousands of years.

"The old man can live for so long, because the old man found a way to survive."

"Predecessors, this space we are trapped in, is not a dojo!" Ye Chenfeng meditated, asked.

"I didn't expect you to be trapped here, you found the secret here, it is not easy!" The old voice said something unexpectedly: "You are right, here is a dojo, and the power of this field Very mysterious, can't be broken with brute force."

"The predecessor..."

"Primary, the soul is coming, you can hide quickly, don't be swept into the soul by the tide of the soul, or you will be dead!" When Ye Chenfeng continued to ask, the old voice suddenly interrupted him. Remind me.

When I heard the old soul reminded, Ye Chenfeng saw far away, the soul storm formed by countless dead souls appeared, as if the wave of rolling, swallowed the heavens and the earth, releasing the power of formidableness, swept away.

The soul of the tide appeared, Ye Chenfeng did not panic and rejoice, quickly put everyone into the Qiankun environment, summoned the golden-winged feathers to fly at a very fast speed.

"Primary, you don't want to die, come back soon!"

Looking at Ye Chenfeng’s unwillingness to rush to the soul tide, the old voice quickly reminded loudly.

But the morning wind is too fast, just three breaths, and flew into the tide of the soul sweeping the world.

"Deeping your mind, swallowing!"

With a strong flesh and resisting the impact of the soul, Ye Chenfeng will summon the mind to release the powerful devouring power, swallowing the surging souls, and continue to grow the power of the brain.

Under the madness of the brain, the soul tides do not pose any threat to Ye Chenfeng, but devour a large number of dead souls, and the brains continue to form powerful brain cells, accelerating metamorphosis.

After half a day, the tide of the soul sweeping the heavens and the earth gradually dissipated, revealing Ye Chenfeng who was sitting cross-legged and unharmed.

"It is estimated that you will swallow a few times and you will be able to change your brain!"

Feeling the changes in the brain, Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile.

"Primary, you are fine!"

Feeling that the morning wind was attacked by the soul of the soul, it was unscathed, and the old voice once again sounded from the ear of Ye Chenfeng, and said with surprise.

"Thank you for your concern, the soul of the district can't hurt me!" Ye Chenfeng responded.

I feel that there are many secrets hidden in Ye Chenfeng. The old voice reveals a glimmer of hope: "Junior, I want to see you, I don't know if I can?"

"Of course, the younger generation also has a lot of questions to ask for a senior in person!" Ye Chenfeng said with a happy answer.

"You come to Blackpool, thirty miles away from the northwest, I am below this black pool!"


Ye Chenfeng nodded, quickly fanning the golden-winged feathers, and flew over at a very fast speed. He found a black ink that was dark and dark, and he did not hesitate to jump. Tear the cold water and swim to the bottom of the pool.

Through the white light at the bottom of the pool, I saw a seal in the huge stone, the body has already dried up, as if the ordinary old man.

Although the physical condition of the old man is basically damaged, his vitality in the body is very strong, and there is no sign of retreat. It is not a problem to live for a thousand years.

"Primary, look at your bone age, you have been practicing for less than 50 years." The old man slowly opened the wrinkled eyes, looking through the gray light, looking at Ye Chenfeng, slowly asked .

"Well, the younger generation is less than fifty years old!" Ye Chenfeng nodded.

"Great, I didn't expect hundreds of thousands of years to pass, the soul of the continent has created such a genius, maybe in your lifetime, you can really leave here!!"

"Predecessors, if I didn't feel wrong, you should be a nirvana, can you explore the methods of leaving hundreds of thousands of years with your strength?" Ye Chenfeng asked .

"Nirvana is in the invincible existence of the continent, but in the eyes of the master of the dojo, we are a little stronger ants." The old man said slyly.

"Predecessors, do you know who the owner of this field is?" asked Ye Chenfeng.

"I don't know, but the person you are running should know, but according to my inference, this day's domain is related to the sky." The old man said.

"Is my guess right?"

The spirit fish condenses the blood of the true **** to attack the great string of heaven, the great string Tiansheng has inadvertently revealed an important message, let Ye Chenfeng guess that the Tiancang domain and the heavenly sky are probably left by one person, and that person It has a blood relationship with the spirit fish.

"Primary, you have to think about it now, not how to get out of here, but how to live, only hope to leave when you live!" Looking at the thoughtful Ye Chenfeng, the old man said slowly.

"Predecessors, I want to know some information from the big string heavenly soul sea. Can the seniors help me to suppress the big string heaven, if the seniors can help me, I promise to let the seniors live here!"

Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts are full of thoughts. He feels that the secrets of the heavens and the sky hide big secrets, and this secret is very likely to be related to the world’s first dangerous world. In order to understand the secrets of the Tian Cang domain, he Prepare to suppress the great string heaven.

"Really...you have a way to get out of here."

The old man’s muddy eyes smashed the light more than the stars, looking directly at Ye Chenfeng, as if he wanted to see him.

"Well, if the seniors don't believe, I can swear by the heavens!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and said vowed.


"Predecessors, this is an opportunity, don't you want to bet once? Even if you lose. For you, just less time to be tortured by loneliness!"

Looking at the hesitant old man, Ye Chenfeng continued.

"Okay, the old man will bet once, I hope you don't let me down!"

Although the old man feels that the opportunity to leave is very embarrassing, the appearance of Ye Chenfeng really made him see a glimmer of light, hesitated, and he finally agreed.

"Reassure to the predecessors, the district dojo space is not dead." Ye Chenfeng confidently said: "We will definitely be able to go out."

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