Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1341: The body of the spirits

"Predecessors, you come to my space treasure, I will take you out of here!" In order to avoid the big string Tiansheng to find the old man in advance, Ye Chenfeng proposed.


The old man did not hesitate, with a huge life stone, flew into the Qiankun.

"A good aura, I almost forgot what aura is!"

Into the Qiankunjing, the old man immediately felt the air filled with a strong aura, and couldn’t help but take a deep breath and make a great effort.

"Predecessors, who are you?"

Looking at the excited old man, Ye Chenfeng had a hint of curiosity about his identity and asked.

"I don't marry you, the old man's name is Cang Kunwu, the tenth generation of the palace of Tian Cang Palace!" Cang Kunwu did not conceal his identity, said slowly.

"Tian Cang Palace ten generations of the Lord!"

Ye Chenfeng’s brow screamed, showing a stunned color. He didn’t expect the old man’s head to be so big.

The flowers that he met in the city that never sleeped at night were the disciples of Tian Cang Palace, and the idiots who worshipped the brothers and tyrannosaurus, and the elders of the Tian Cang Palace, can be said that he has a relationship with Tian Cang Palace.

"For the juniors, do you know how my Tian Cang Palace is doing now?"

Seeing the look of Ye Chenfeng, Cang Kunwu guessed that Ye Chenfeng should be old with Tiancang Palace and whispered.

"Tian Cang Palace is a hidden power. The younger generation has limited understanding of Tiancang Palace, but a predecessor who is known to the younger generation is the elder of the Tian Cang Palace." Ye Chenfeng said.

"Hey, I really want to go out and see Tiancang Palace, but after so many years, I am afraid I don't know anyone!" said Cang Kunwu.

"Predecessors, can you live for so long, in addition to this life stone, is there any other reason?" asked Ye Chenfeng.

"I don't marry you, this space is full of terrible power of death, and the ultimate death is life. The bottom of the black pool that I occupy, it seals a spiritual vein, borrowing the stone of life, the spirit of life. Pulse, and from time to time I swallow a powerful soul to nourish my vitality, to live for so long!" Cang Kunwu said.

"This is the case."

Ye Chenfeng is interested in the spirit of life. Before he leaves here, he will move the spirit of life to the environment of Qiankun.

Leaving Blackpool, Ye Chenfeng will lift the power of the brain to the limit, and the carpet-like search for the whereabouts of the great string.

In the process of searching for the Great Strings, Ye Chenfeng encountered two souls.

But the soul tide is a tonic for Ye Chenfeng. In the tide, a lot of dead souls are swallowed up. The evolution of the brain is getting faster and faster, but it takes a while to really change.

Finally, Ye Chenfeng resisted his temper and flew in the dojo space for about five days. He flew over a gloomy cemetery. In the deepest part of the cemetery, he discovered that the essence of the yin was being swallowed and healed. The great string of heaven for physical injuries.

"Finally found you!"

The soul locked the big string Tiansheng, and Ye Chenfeng immediately summoned the ancient remnant map, and the control of the ancient remnant map continued to grow larger, forbidding the space, so as not to let the big string heaven run.

"Primary, you are a big dog, dare to chase it here!"

There was a lot of yin essence, which healed the body of the big string, and felt that the space was banned. He immediately woke up in cultivation and found Ye Chenfeng, who was flying in vain, and angry roaring.

"The dog who lost the family, why not dare to kill."

Ye Chenfeng took out a sword in the void and opened a huge grave bag, revealing the big string heavenly sacred with yin and gaze.

"Well, since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you!" The big string screamed and screamed, and started a large array in advance: "The nine yin bursts, burning the souls."


Hundreds of shades of light rushed into the sky, quickly forming a mysterious array, a terrible vain force to confuse the void, attacking Ye Chenfeng.

"burning the flames of the heavens, the purple beginning of the holy thunder!"

At the same time, he was attacked by hundreds of physical forces. Ye Chenfeng immediately controlled the burning of the holy fire to cover the body, mobilized the purple early Sheng Lei to counterattack, and resolved the attack of the nine yin.

"Holy Flame, Holy Ray... With your strength, how can you conquer two great spirits!"

As a great power of Tianyu, Daxiantiansheng knows how to accept the holy fire, the difficulty of Shenglei, even if he is, he has not accepted a kind of Holy Spirit.

"Thousands of killings, the ghost of the town!"

Ye Chenfeng’s thoughts moved, and thousands of superb flags flew out of the Qiankun, and condensed into a huge array in the void, suppressing the Jiuyin array.

"Predecessors, help me!"

Rescuing the Jiuyin big array, Ye Chenfeng opened the Qiankun environment, summoned all the helpers, and sealed all the escape space of the Great Strings.

"Kun Wu, we always do not make river water, why do you help me deal with me!"

Looking out of the Shoushi, Cang Kunwu, who released the suffocating temperament in the skinny body, the big string Tiansheng reveals a dignified color, an angry roar.

"Interracial, everyone can marry!"

Cang Kunwu’s arrogant response, on the one hand, is illusory and real, as if it contains the sun, the moon, the river, and the ancient mirror flowing with the light of the Tao emerges from his body.

"Kun Wujing!" looked at the ancient mirror suspended in the top of Cang Kunwu, the big string Tiansheng was annoyed, warning: "Cang Kunwu, I advise you not to mess with me, otherwise I will die, will Pull you to hell."

"Big string, are you too high to marry you, the spirit of the black sacred flag is suppressed by me, what do you take against us." Ye Chenfeng sneered.

"Senior, you probably don't know the horror of my genius. If I am desperate, at least half of you will be killed by me, so I advise you not to provoke me." Daxian Tiansheng warned, Big has a desperate posture.

"Yes? I just want to teach the strength of Tianyu Power, I hope you don't let me down!" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly, fearless and fearless.

He is bound to give birth to the great string of heaven, to search for his soul, to know the secrets of the heavens.


The face of the great string is green, and the eyes are fire-breathing.

He does have a strong card, but he is trapped here for countless years. He has already burned out the lights. Once he shows up, he will definitely damage his vitality. When he kills Ye Chenfeng and others, he can't live. .

"Two big avatars, kill!"

Ye Chenfeng didn't talk nonsense again, and his mind was moved. The two big splits split his body. One person interweaves the endless swordsmanship, scrolling down the void, and one person maps the golden light, such as Jinyang falling to the ground, killing The big string heaven.

The two big close-ups, the annoyed big string Tiansheng immediately summoned the black sacred flag, swiftly swayed, smashed the space, crushed the two big-body attacks, and forced them back.

"Kun Wujing, kill!"

When the two big avatars and the big string Tiansheng fought fiercely, Cang Kunwu controlled the Chinese sacred treasure Bao Kun to map out a mirror of destruction, tearing the sky and reflecting it.

The terrible mirror light is like a broken bamboo. It directly penetrates the flag of the emptiness of the void. It bombards the body of the great string, and flies him out. The whole chest is bloody.

"This is what you forced me!"

The body was wounded by Kunwu, completely angered the great string of heaven, he violently screamed, burning the life and blood at all costs, and exerted the heavenly heritage.

"Ugo, the body of the spirit!"

When the power of life and the power of blood in the Great Strings reached its peak, his entire body continued to grow, stimulating the power of heaven in the space to blend into the body.

Between the blink of an eye, he changed into a body of the heavens, blending with the sky, and the meaning of the body was fully activated.

At this time, he seems to be the master of the heavens and the earth, which is daunting.

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