Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1342: killing the big string heaven

"Spiritual Road Map!"

Looking at the big string, the heavenly change became the body of the spirit, and the two avenues suspended above the head were all sublimated into a spiritual road map, and Cang Kunwu could not help but reveal the dignified color.

"Let me send you to hell!"

Severe the vitality of the big string, the sacred screams, the two spiritual levels of the road into a flowing water, melted into the black sacred flag, quickly shaking, terrible power smashed the void, swept to Ye Chenfeng Wait for others.

"Kowloon Yuxi, repression!"

When the big string Tiansheng shakes the black Wusheng flag, Lei Yizhao evokes the Jiulong jade, injects the whole body's power into the jade wall, controls the jade wall to constantly grow bigger, and suppresses the chaotic void. , restrained the attack of the great string heaven.

"The best holy treasure!"

Feeling the power of the Kowloon Jade, Cang Kunwu reveals a hint of color, the treasure of the best holy treasure, even in the Central World is rare, except for the three major kingdoms, other forces are not.

"The Spirit of the Dragon, Blocking the Nether!"

When the black sacred flag was suppressed by the Kowloon Jade, Ye Chenfeng controlled the nine dragon spirits to block the space around the body of the great string, and restricted his dodge space.

The next moment, Gan Ming Hou, Chaos God Beast, Spirit Fish, two big avatars at the same time, the most aggressive killings, the attack to the big string heaven.

"The Road to Death, the Road to Heaven, Resist!"

At the same time, it was attacked by Gan Minghou and others. The big string Tiansheng was the one-handed figure of the dead, and the road to the heavens was blocked, blocking the space in front of him and resisting the big killings.

In the great string, the sacred power relies on the strength of the powerful and the power of the spiritual map. When the killing of the Ming and other people is hard, a glare that seems to contain the power of mountains and rivers is mapped in the Kunwu area. The attack is on the two major levels of the road that block the void.


Under the attack of Kunwu, the two spiritual road maps continually ruptured, causing tremendous pressure on the great string.

The big string heavenly clenched his teeth, relying on the powerful body of the soul to make a deadly attack on the Kunwu territory. Ye Chenfeng stepped on his swordstep and wandered behind him. Chaos Shenmu emerged his body and swayed. With the power of chaos, he slammed into his back.

Pre-feeling danger, the big string heavenly instinct wants to dodge, but the spirit of the nine dragons blocked his dodge space, so that he could not dodge, can only regret the attack of chaotic **** wood.


The hard-spoken chaos of the gods, the big string Tiansheng body defense immediately ruptured, the canopy that swayed the force of chaos continuously attacked his back, blurring the flesh and blood of his back, and his body was out of control.

The body is out of control, Cang Kunwu, Gan Minghou and other people's attacks immediately hit, bombarding the body of the great string.

"I killed you!"

The body injury is constantly increasing. The great scorpion heavenly madness combines the power of the heavens, condenses the two spiritual level road maps to counterattack all the way, and constantly puts a piece of holy treasure, quasi-sacred treasure shock, and launches the most powerful The counterattack brought great pressure to Gan Minghou and others.

Fortunately, Cang Kunwu’s strength is equally terrible. The Kunwu situation constantly defies the attack of the great string Tiansheng and curbs his fierce counterattack.

There was a fierce battle between the crowds. When the large area was collapsed, Ye Chenfeng’s control of the brain’s brain power reached its utmost, and it evolved into the sound of the avenue. It directly attacked the soul of the great string, and involved his energy. .

Catch the moment when the sound of the big string celestial sacred avenue attack, Cang Kunwu throws the Kunwu realm of the fusion of the avenues of the road, such as a smashed cold star, hitting the big string in the near The chest smashed the robe on his body, broke through his body, and flicked him out.

If it is not too strong for the great heavenly change, this blow is enough to destroy his body.

The big string Tiansheng body was out of control, and the golden **** of war and the sword spirit approached him at the same time, ignoring his rushed attack, launching a fierce counterattack against him and forcibly suppressing his offensive.

"Holy Blood, Melt!"

The big string heavenly clenches his teeth, mobilizes the power of the powerful heaven, increases the body of the heavens, and when the gold **** of war and the sword spirit attack, the morning air combines the holy blood beads, and the ancient swords are displayed. His head.

A sword smashed out of the sky, the horrible sword of the avenue tore the sky and the sea, cracking the sky screen, with the song of the avenue like the bells and bells, a sword will smash the big string heaven from the sky On the ground, the arms of the full defense are shattered by this sword.

Successfully reinvented the big string Tiansheng's arms, Ye Chenfeng and others chased after victory, and continued to launch a tidal-like offensive to him, and it is necessary to crush him.

"Give me to die!" The eyes are red, and the big string of the sacred screams can't resist the offensive. The left arm is squandered at the cost, and the secret of the heavenly family is displayed: "With my blood, the world is the same." !"


The blood of the big-stringed celestial self-explosive left arm is boiling, such as the erupting volcano, forming a force that destroys the heavens and the earth in the void, sweeping to Ye Chenfeng and others, wanting to kill them.


At the crucial moment, Ye Chenfeng sent everyone back to the Qiankun, avoiding the big-stringed Tiansheng self-exploding left arm and exerting a lore.

"Give me a break!"

Looking at Ye Chenfeng and others, the strangeness disappeared, and the big string Tiansheng hated the roots and itchy, but at this moment, he could not hesitate. He took back the black sacred flag and voluntarily rushed to the void, regardless of the arm injury. To forcibly tear the prohibition of the ancient remains, escape from here.

"The big string, you can't escape, let's accept it!"

Suddenly, Ye Chenfeng’s strange appearance appeared to him at a very fast speed. He did not give him the opportunity to smash the ancient ruins and escape from here.

"Mom, I killed you first!"

The big string of the Holy Blood red eyes shot a strong killing, holding the black Wu Shengqi attack to the close-being Ye Chenfeng, want to kill him and hate.


The black sacred flag that swayed the light of the Tao was smashing on the body of Ye Chenfeng, who did not evade it, and smashed his body directly.

A blow to the body of the morning wind, greatly out of the expectation of the big string heaven, let him look a glimpse, revealing an incredible color.

"No, this is fake!"

Seeing that Ye Chenfeng’s body is broken, but there is not a drop of blood, the big string Tiansheng feels dangerous and wants to dodge.

Suddenly, the sword spirit close, burning powerful energy, took out a sword, and slammed him, forcing him to twist his body in an incredible angle, resisting the power of this sword.

However, the sword is too powerful, and he is rushing to defend, and with his loss of one arm, the attack power is greatly affected, and he is completely out of control, and his body falls. ground.

"Great strings, you have no chance."

The moment when the big string heaven fell to the ground, Ye Chenfeng, Cang Kunwu and others appeared, and they injected their power into the Kowloon jade, and controlled the Jiulong jade to condense three lore dragons and tear the void. The bombardment turned to him.


Three loud noises, stone breaking.

After being attacked by three lore mad dragons, the body defense of the great string is completely broken, the body of the spirit is almost destroyed, and the consciousness is blurred.

"Deeping the mind, searching for the soul!"

Catch this opportunity, Ye Chenfeng quickly appeared in the pit pit collapsed more than ten feet, using the power of the brain to search for his soul, to know his soul memory.

When Cang Kunwu was here, he used Qiangwu to forcibly suppress the big string Tiansheng, delaying his chance to blew his body.

After about a dozen breaths, Cang Kunwu couldn’t hold back the power of the big string, and it quickly fled to the distance with Ye Chenfeng.


The whole body of the Great Strings became a **** light, smashing the sky, destroying the space of a circle, and dying.

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