Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1352: Emeralds

"Dyeing, do you say that Huatianshu will not have an accident? Will the meat wing snake catch up?"

When wearing a black martial arts suit, he was greatly frightened, and his face was slightly pale and the rain was tight and he bit his lip.

"I, I don't know!"

Tearful leaf dyeing shook his head and shook his head. The scene that just happened deeply stimulated her heart, and made her heart cut like a knife. The instinct drove her legs to escape.

Slowly, the sky is dark and it’s gone. I don’t know how many of the two women found that they lost their way.

"I, we seem to be lost, this is not the way down the mountain!"

Looking at the strange environment around, the steep cliffs, the dark light, the two women are more fearful, and the body is close together, and the mind is confused, I don’t know what to do.

Suddenly, a slight footstep passed into their ears, scared them to tremble, the whole body's hair was straight up, holding the sword in his hand, turned and saw a Wearing white martial arts uniforms, the man with extraordinary temperament slowly came to them.

This person is not someone else, it is the Ye Chenfeng who happened to appear in the boundless forest.

"You, who are you, don't you come over? Otherwise I am not you."

Looking at the strange face of Ye Chenfeng, the leaf dyed and bolded, and the scalp shouted loudly.

"Are you a Ye Family?"

Looking at the pink martial arts uniform, cute and beautiful, with a familiar look of leaf dyeing, Ye Chenfeng showed a faint smile and asked softly.

"How do you know?"

The delicate woman licked her beautiful eyes and asked in surprise.

"Your mother is Ye Ziling?" Ye Chenfeng found that Ye Xianying and Ye Ziling looked very much, guessed her identity and continued to ask.

"You know my mother..."

Ye Chenfeng uttered Ye Ziling in a sigh of relief, which eased the fear in the heart of the two women.

"Yeah!" Ye Chenfeng nodded. "Are you pregnant, are you okay?"

"My mother is very good!" Ye dyed and squinted with long eyelashes, looked at Ye Chenfeng and asked: "Yes, what is your name? Why haven't I seen you before?"

"When I see your mother, she will tell you who I am!" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly and did not reveal his identity: "Go, it's getting dark, we are looking for a quiet place to talk."

When finished, Ye Chenfeng walked to the distant forest.

Looking at the back of Ye Chenfeng, the two women hesitated, and followed.

"Dyeing, you said that this person will deliberately pull with us, in fact, is to plot the blood of our fruit, or to plot us..."

Winning the rain and pressing the sound into a line, passed into the leaf dyed ear, and asked with vigilance.

"Ah..." Ye Dye's face changed slightly, thinking of the appearance of herself and the woman in black, thinking of the value of blood Zhuguo, the nervous voice said: "What to do if he is really a color. Mad, then we can't finish it, or we can't escape."

"This person dares to appear in the infinite forest, the strength is definitely more than you and me, we can't act rashly." Winning the rain and pondering, said: "After waiting for a while, we look for opportunities to poison him, as long as he In the poison, we are safe."

"Poisoning... If he is discovered, it will probably irritate him, and we will be even worse at that time." Ye Dianhua said with concern.

"Do not worry, this pack of poisons on my body is obtained from the treasure house of the palace. It is colorless and tasteless. As long as you take a little bit, you will feel weak. Then he will not threaten us!" .

"That's good, then do it!" Ye dyed and gently bit his pink lips and nodded his head.

"This place is good, we will be here tonight!"

Ye Chenfeng found the vigilance in the eyes of the two women, did not force them to leave, found a valley full of bushes to rest.

"Uncle, we are a little hungry, go to the game and come back to eat, you are waiting for us here!"

Winning the eyeballs and rolling gently, the voice said sweetly.

"Good!" Ye Chenfeng nodded. "But don't go far, or you will be in danger."

"We understand!"

When finished, the two women took a small hand and got into the dimly lit mountain.

When Ye Chenfeng made a fire in the valley, he showed a smile and his powerful soul perceived that the two women hunted two pheasants and were applying poison to one of the pheasants.

After a while, the two women walked back with two clean pheasants and walked over to the fire, and the skewers were grilled on the branches.

Soon, a piece of meat scented out, and the leaf dyed and handed a roasted golden pheasant to Ye Chenfeng: "Uncle, you are hungry, this pheasant gives you ."

"I am not hungry, you eat." Ye Chenfeng glanced at the pheasant smeared with poison and shook his head.

"Uncle, this is what we carefully bake you. If you don't eat, we will be sad!"

Winning rain deliberately leaned against Ye Chenfeng, holding a roast pheasant with a fragrant smell, said the voice softly.

"I like the tenderness of roasting, I will eat that one!" Ye Chenfeng smiled and said deliberately.


"Uncle, I will feed you."

In order to let Ye Chenfeng eat the pheasant smeared with poison, he won the rain and went out. He took a roasting oil, chicken legs coated with a lot of poison, and slammed him tightly, and actively fed him. Mouth.

"Okay, I will eat it myself!"

Looking at the unsuccessful oath, the youthful and beautiful wins, Ye Chenfeng shook his head and took the chicken legs in her hands and ate it.

Seeing that Ye Chenfeng successfully ate the poisoned chicken legs, he won the rain and the leaf dyed and looked at it. He smiled and completely let go of his heart.

But they don't know, these poisons have no effect on Ye Chenfeng.

The night passed quickly. Under the deliberate scent of Ye Chenfeng, the monsters in the infinite forest did not dare to approach the valley. They spent a quiet night.

"Go, let's go down!"

Ye Chenfeng spit out a sigh of breath, stretched out a big lazy waist, awakened the two women, and left them to the valley and walked outside the infinite forest.

"Light rain, your poison really works? How can I not see that he has signs of poisoning?" Ye dyed and looked at the fascinating Ye Chenfeng, worried.

"Do not worry, he must be poisoned!" Win rain is quite confident in his poison, revealing a cute little tiger tooth.


The second woman followed the leaves of Ye Chenfeng and traveled for a long time in the forest with complex terrain. Suddenly, the rubbing of the harsh leaves passed into the ears of the two women.

The next moment, a large body, covered with black animal hair, black bear with sharp teeth, a wild bush, a roaring bark, intercepted two women.

"Demon, Wicked Beast..."

Looking at the black bear in front of him, I felt the scent of the sky, and the two women were scared and pale, shivering, standing in the same place and not moving.


The black-eyed black bear found the prey, opened the blood bowl and bite to the two women who screamed and wanted to swallow them.

In the midst of this millennium, Ye Chenfeng suddenly appeared, kicking a fierce black bear into the air, turning into a small point and disappearing.

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