Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1353: Blocks

"Okay, don't be stupid, let's go!"

Ye Chenfeng looked stunned and fell into a state of sluggishness. He smiled and turned and walked outside the infinite forest.

"Light rain, you said that he was poisoned? If it is poisoned, how can he kick the flying beast black bear!" Ye dyed his throat and rolled, watching Ye Chenfeng's tall and straight figure, voiced.

"I, I don't know!" Winning the rain shook his head and was confused.

"I think he may have no intentions for us, or with his strength, we have no chance to resist!" Ye dyed the voice.

"Hope it!"

Winning the rain and sighing slightly, speeding up the pace, followed closely behind Ye Chenfeng, shuttled through the infinite forest, and finally walked out of the infinite forest where the ancient trees were towering and the beasts were infested.

Leaving the infinite forest, the two female sighed a sigh of relief, but they thought of the lifeless and dead unicorn robe men, they still showed the color of sorrow and worry.

"Princess, Missy, you finally came out, the national division of them? Why didn't they come out with you?"

Looking out of the infinite forest, the leaf dyed two women, guarding the Zijinguo guards outside the infinite forest, came over, and a beautiful woman wearing a gorgeous long skirt, the charm still cares.

"Hua Tianshu, they have an accident to protect us!" Ye Dianxing bit his lip tightly and simply said things through.

"Your Huatianshu should be able to live out!" Ye Chenfeng said slowly.

"Really..." Ye dyed two women's eyes lit up, looking at Ye Chenfeng.

"If he is not lucky, it is hard to say!"

"Let's go, let's go to Zijin Imperial City!"

Although Ye Chenfeng has no blood relationship with Ye Family, he grew up in Zijin Imperial City. He has certain feelings there. He wants to go back and explore the old people.


Feng Yunmei looked at the strange face of the morning, asked in a low voice.

"Ye Ziling's friend!" Ye Chenfeng responded faintly.

"Uncle, you should not be the pursuer of my mother of the year!" Ye dyeing suddenly thought of a possibility, asked with big eyes.


"No, your mother is not the type I like!" Ye Chenfeng looked awkward and shook his head.

"Cut...the explanation is to cover up, like a beautiful woman like my mother, who doesn't like it!" Ye Dian, the brilliance of the white and the white leaves, the morning breeze.

The unicorn robe man has a very high status in Zijin. In order to ensure his safety, the charm beauty sent many people to search for his whereabouts in the infinite forest, while the rest of the people escorted the leaves and dyed the two women back to Zijin. Imperial City.

"Well, why is this Zijin Imperial City somewhat depressed?"

After more than a day, Ye Chenfeng and his party returned to the Zijin Imperial City, riding on a high-headed horse, Ye Chenfeng, overlooking the Zijin Imperial City in the distance, and found that nearly 30 years have passed. The Zijin Imperial City not only did not change much, but it was a depression.

When approaching the gate, dozens of horses rushed out of the Zijin Imperial City and rushed to Ye Chenfeng and others at a very fast speed.

When you look at the black tight-fitting martial arts uniform, the full body outlines the bumps, the slender legs are tightly sandwiched with the horses, the black long hair dances with the wind, the facial features are exquisite, the beautiful looks of the woman, sitting in the carriage The leaf dyeing and winning rain in the middle of the show reveals the excitement.

"It’s my sister, my sister came to pick us up!"

Looking at the beautiful and beautiful woman, the two women’s hanging hearts finally landed, and the rain was excited and said.

"See the big princess!"

Looking at the stunning women who came from the horse, the beautiful women and other people have dismounted and bowed.

"Exemption!" The beautiful woman said with a pleasant voice. She looked at Ye Chenfeng, who was riding a white horse and closed her eyes. She turned her gaze to the two women who won the rain. Some blame said: "Light rain, dyed Representation, you are too self-willed, almost tired of the national division, fortunately, the national teacher Ji people have their own natural, rescued by the high, otherwise the father can not spare you."

"Hua Tianshu is okay!" Ye dyed two women showed the color of excitement.

"Well, the golden guardian Linglings told me that they had found the national teacher." The stunning woman nodded and looked at the strange Ye Chenfeng: "Light rain, dyed, who is he?"

"He should be the pursuer of my mother, and we can be regarded as our savior. Without him, we might not be able to walk out of the boundless forest!" said Ye Dye.

"Little girl, don't talk nonsense, I have never pursued your mother." Ye Chenfeng opened his eyes, some said silently.

"Thank you for your help in salvation, my Purple King will have a thank you!" The stunning woman looked at Ye Chenfeng's eyes, revealing the grateful color.

"I don't have to thank you again." Ye Chenfeng shook his head and looked at the amethyst worn on the neck of the stunning woman, and fell into the memory.

This amethyst was originally used for the purpose of nourishing his wounded soul. It is definitely the top treasure in the mortal country.

"Hey, let's see the eyeballs can't be pulled out. My sister is the first beauty of Zijin Imperial City, the person who chased my sister, there are not 10,000 and there are eight thousand, you have no hope!"

Winning the rain, looking at the leaves of Ye Chenfeng, staring at the stunning woman, wrinkled the small nose and warned loudly.

"You think too much!" Ye Chenfeng smiled and said: "If I am not mistaken, this amethyst on your neck is the master of the house."

"You know my master!" asked the stunning woman, and looked at Ye Chenfeng’s eyes with subtle changes.

"You are the apprentice of the lord!" Ye Chenfeng smiled a little, not much to say, riding a white horse to the Zijin Imperial City.

A group of people just walked into the Forbidden City, and Ye Chenfeng’s brow slightly wrinkled. His powerful soul noticed that six horses ran on the spacious streets, scaring passersby to dodge, and the orderly streets suddenly Become confused.

"Mer, I have been looking for you for a long time, what are you always hiding from me!"

The six horses stopped Ye Chenfeng and his party, a young man wearing a dark gold gorgeous robe, but his face was slightly pale, but his face was slightly pale and his eyes looked hot and beautiful.

"I have been busy recently!"

The stunning woman hides the disgust in her eyes, not cold or hot.

"Mer, don't you have time today, how about accompanying me to have a meal?" The Chinese robe man invited: "We haven't eaten together for a long time."

"Nalan Cheng, you don't want to entangle my sister, my sister has already had a sweetheart!" Winning the rain and squinting eyes, took a look at the mysterious Ye Chenfeng, and suddenly said.

"My sweetheart...who?"

Nalan became a sinking face, and instantly changed his face. The eyes in the eyes shot out the cold light, and asked for it.

"Yes, it is him!"

Touching Nalan into a gloomy water-like scorpion, he wins the rain and panic, biting his lip and pointing at the Ye Chenfeng.

Ye Chenfeng did not think that the rain would have taken his own shield, and his brow was slightly wrinkled, showing an annoying color.

"Give me the kill!"

Nalan Cheng’s eyes flashed in the eye, there was no opportunity for Ye Chenfeng to explain, and he shouted loudly, as if human life was like a mustard in his eyes.


The stunning woman did not expect Nalan to be so overbearing. It was because of the words of winning the rain that she would kill Ye Chenfeng, and her face would change slightly.

But the Nalan family masters were too fast, and they jumped into the air, blending their soul beasts and attacking Ye Chenfeng riding on a white horse.

Suddenly, Ye Chenfeng’s sharp scorpion glanced at the Nalan family master who had shot his hand. The soul of the brain broke out and formed a powerful dizzy force, which slammed into the body of five people.


The five Nalan family masters who leapt into the air suddenly turned into five **** fogs, filled in midair, and this strange scene shocked everyone present.

The whole street is silent.

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