Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1374: Who doesn't roll me to kill

"Primary, I wonder if you have any good things? If so, can the old man trade with you separately?"

Seeing Ye Chenfeng casually took out the death mandala for trading, which made the old man of the linen have a strong interest in him, and asked.

"There are a lot of good things on the younger generation, just see if the seniors touched my baby!" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly and arrogant.

"The tone is not small, but I like it!" The old man's eyes were bright, and the wrinkled face showed an intriguing smile: "Okay, today's business ends here, except this kid, others. Give me out."


After hearing the old man of the robes, many unidentified people showed an angry color.

"I counted to three, who didn't roll me to shoot him!"

The old man of Mapa instantly changed his face, and a force beyond the imagination of the people permeated him. This strong momentum made everyone in the room suffocate instantly and his face changed dramatically.

"This ghost is a nirvana..."

The people in the sinister shop were all shocked by the strength of the old man of the robes, and they were scared to stay for a long time. They left behind.

"Okay, this is quiet!" Driven away everyone, the old man of the robes quickly shot a few complicated handprints, banned the entire store, grabbed the chicken-like hair and said: "Little devil, Take out the treasures on your body and let me see if I have something I like?"

"Or the predecessors take it first!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and did not move: "I said, if the predecessors have a baby that interests me, I will give my predecessors something to know."

"Hmm..." The old man in the robes squatted and looked at it calmly and calmly. There was no horror and a strong tone of Ye Chenfeng, showing a rare smile: "Okay, then first Look at the old man's treasures."

Speaking, the ring of the robes on the fingers of the old man’s robes flashed, and dozens of precious treasures emerged and floated in front of Ye Chenfeng.

Looking at the valuable treasures in front of him, Ye Chenfeng closed his eyes and controlled the rapid development of the brain, deducing the truth of these treasures.

And the old man of the robes did not urge Ye Chenfeng, relying on the bamboo chair, constantly looking at him, waiting patiently.

About half a column of incense, Ye Chenfeng's eyes opened, looking at a slightly rough scaled animal skin, and a whole body red blood medicine: "The two things are not bad. I want it."

"Little devil, good eye, this animal skin is the snake skin that the middle-aged sacred animal savage snake has faded. The defensive power is comparable to the general sacred clothing, and this blood color medicinal herb is a lower product. The blood of the grade, after serving, can improve the power of the blood, I do not know what you are going to exchange for them!" Majiao old man asked with a smile.

"I don't know how this nine-star lotus seed?"

Ye Chenfeng’s heart moved, and he took out a very precious nine-star lotus seed.

"Nine-star lotus seed...you have this baby." The old-fashioned eyes of the old man in the robes shot more radiant than the stars, excitedly said: "Give me the nine-star lotus seeds, let me have a good look."

"Good!" Ye Chenfeng nodded and handed the nine-star lotus seed sealed in the ban to the old man.

"Really is a nine-star lotus seed, and it is a mature nine-star lotus seed!" Repeatedly identified several times, the wrinkles on the old man's face stretched out, excitedly said: "Junior, do you still have nine-star lotus seeds?" If you give it to me, I promise to give you a treasure of satisfaction."

"I only have one of these nine-star lotus seeds!"

Although Ye Chenfeng still has two Jiuxing lotus seeds, Jiuxing lotus seeds are too precious, so that Nirvana Heavenly Masters can pay for all the price, so he intends to leave the remaining two Jiuxing lotus seeds and shake his head.

"Well, this nine-star lotus seed I want, if you can take out another treasure, this savage snake skin and blood Dan is yours!" Mapao old man said.

"Predecessors, the value of Jiuxing lotus seeds I think you know better than me, use it to exchange this savage snake skin and blood Dan Dan more than enough!" Ye Chenfeng did not take precious spiritual things, insisted on using the nine-star lotus seeds to exchange the barbarian snake skin And blood Dan.

"If I disagree?" The old man in the robes brows slightly, and asks coldly.

"If the seniors don't agree, then this business will not do it!" Ye Chenfeng responded slowly.

"You are not afraid that I will occupy this nine-star lotus seed and not give it to you?" The old man in the robes said with a smile.

"Since I dare to come up with the nine-star lotus seeds, I am not afraid of the predecessors robbing!" Ye Chenfeng smiled slightly and arrogantly responded: "If the seniors do not believe, you can try."

"Interesting, really interesting!" The old man in the robes looked calm and calm, and there was no change in the face of Ye Chenfeng. He thought about it: "This nine-star lotus seed is really important to the old man. Forget it, the old man will Eat a loss, and make this deal with you."

Speaking, he gave the Gu Man snake skin and blood vein Dan to Ye Chenfeng.

"Thank you!"

The **** Dan of the ancient bark snake skin and the lower grade of the holy Dan was obtained. Ye Chenfeng did not wait for a long time. After the thank-you, he easily passed through the prohibition of the old man in the robes and left the gloomy shop.

"Well, there are people waiting for me!"

Just out of the sinister shop, Ye Chenfeng’s brow could not help but wrinkle. His powerful soul noticed that the man who had just bought the ancient wood robes, with several outstanding masters, was waiting for himself outside the sinister shop. .

"Kid, I have been waiting for you for a long time, you finally came out!"

Looking at the moonlight, Ye Chenfeng, who came out slowly, the flat eyes of the man’s robes shot the haze, intercepting Ye Chenfeng, Mori said coldly.

"If you don't want to die, just give me a roll..."

Ye Chenfeng indifferently glanced at the robes and other people, cold warning.

"Mom, do you still don't know who I am?" The man in the robe did not expect Ye Chenfeng to be so arrogant, Zhang mouth insulted himself, his face instantly gloomy and said: "I have offended me, let you have a day." I still want to leave the Eight Diagrams Imperial City alive."

"I counted to three, who doesn't roll me to kill!" Ye Chenfeng was not moved, killing and saying, and the last night.

"You are looking for death!"

A man behind the robes, a tall and tall man, covered with thick black hair, the man who reached the limit of the six-level beast, released a black magic, fluctuating the void, waving the bowl The fist filled with the power of destruction, a bombardment to Ye Chenfeng.


Ye Chenfeng took a step, and the power of the five great points broke out. More than 100 million pounds of force was poured into his fists. The punch broke the magical spirit that hit, and crushed the fists of the burly men.

The power that erupted in a moment like a tidal wave directly shocked him into the air, and the painful sighs turned into a **** fog and died on the spot.

"What, what!"

Seeing the scene of Ye Chenfeng’s punching the burly man, the man in the robes couldn’t help but squint, widened his eyes and couldn’t believe what he saw.

"Since you don't treasure the chance to live, die!"

Ye Chenfeng’s murder is stunned, and the infinite sword is venting in his body. His temperament has changed instantly, like a sword that has been squirted, scared the man in the robes and so on. crack.

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