Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1375: No one can save you

"Little devil, don't kill in front of the old man!"

Suddenly, Ye Chenfeng had a vague figure in front of him, blocking him in front of him, whispering.

"What, you want to save them?"

Ye Chenfeng’s brows are slightly wrinkled, looking at the amazing strength, blocking his own mabu robes, said lowly.

"Little devil, although I don't know your identity, but after all, it is the Eight Diagrams Imperial City, and they are the royal family. You are killing here, it is not wise!" The old man in the robes shook his head. Persuaded: "You are still doing what you are doing, don't hurry to roll it for me."

"Yes is..."

A man who returned to his life’s robes had a throat, and his grievous glanced at Ye Chenfeng, taking his men and leaving.

"You guess I let them go, will they swallow this breath?"

Ye Chenfeng’s eyes flashed in the cold light, and looked at the old man who did not trim the margins, asked coldly.

"Do not worry, the devil, this matter will be handed over to me to solve, I promise that they will not find you trouble!" I heard Ye Chenfeng's bad tone, the old man of the robes is not angry, the smile of the smile.

"No, I can solve it myself!" Ye Chenfeng shook his head and refused. "But if you dare to step in again next time, don't blame me for being polite to you."

When finished, Ye Chenfeng ignored the gloomy face of the old man, and turned and left.

"What is this little guy?"

Looking at the back of Ye Chenfeng’s disappearing in the night, the old man’s brows were tightly screwed together. He wanted to know what Ye Chenfeng had in the end and dared to threaten himself.

But he has lived for countless years, and he really smelled a dangerous atmosphere in Ye Chenfeng. This is why he has repeatedly eaten but not angry.

Take the night back to the Zizhu Inn, Ye Chenfeng stopped and looked at the bamboo forest in the dark, and there was a killing in the eyes.

The night is getting deeper and deeper. Ye Chenfeng, who returned to the wing room, came to the Qiankun environment. He took out the blood Dan from the old man of the Mapao and gave it to the spirit fish.

The reason why Ye Chenfeng did not leave blood Dan Dan is because he knows that Xue Dan has better effect on the blood of congenital blood, and the blood in his body is transplanted after the day, even if he does not take the blood Dan. obvious.

"Chinese goods holy animal snake skin, this is really a good thing!"

Compared to blood dan, this savage snake skin is more attractive to him. Although his body is strong enough, with the improvement of his strength, he faces more challenges. He needs an armor, and this savage snake skin is refined. A good thing in the system.

As long as a little refining, refining the remaining demon in the snake skin, and then doping some refining materials, this savage snake skin defense may exceed the golden robes.

While wearing gold robes and savage snakeskins, he estimates that only the Chinese sacred treasure and the top Nirvana can kill him. Generally, Shengbao will not threaten him.

"There is time to refine this savage snake skin!"

Time is limited, Ye Chenfeng did not immediately refine the savage snakeskin, sitting cross-legged in the Qiankun environment, absorbing a strong aura, adjusting his mind and cultivating the gods, and soon dawned.

"Well, you really are coming!"

The sky is just bright, and Ye Chenfeng’s powerful soul, through the Qiankun, has noticed that more than ten powerful breaths have appeared outside the Zizhu Inn, which has disturbed many people and scared the shopkeeper of Zizhu Inn. The purple cheongsam, full of beauty, the beautiful young woman with the charm still shivering.

"Mom, you Zizhu Inn is a big dog, dare to harbor a crime, believe it or not, I have dismantled your Zizhu Inn and put them in the dungeon!"

The man in the robes who was frightened last night seemed to have changed himself. He stood upright and looked at the charm of the woman with a high-spirited attitude.

And behind him, standing more than a dozen wearing gold armor, holding the Taoist soldiers, prestige, the demon king of the gossip royal family.

Seeing the charm of a beautiful woman like a peach, exudes the infinite charm of the body, the robes of the man’s flat eyes reveal a fiery color, and the heart has a cult.

"Public, son, slaves don't know that they have to live here. If you know, give me one hundred courage, I don't dare to take him!"

The charm of the beautiful woman squats and continually explains, and in her collar, she reveals a deep ditches and two groups of soft white, deeply swaying the eyes of the man in the robe, let him There is an impulse to tear her clothes.

"So, I am jealous of you?"

The man in the robes showed a smirk and asked in a bad manner.

"No, no, slaves don't mean this!" The face was slightly pale, and the inner-hearted charm of the woman explained: "The son, this time is the fault of the slave, as long as the son is willing to let us go, I promise to thank you. Son."

"Thank you..." The man in the robe revealed a smirk: "How do you want to thank me?"

"What do you want to be a son, as long as I have a certain son!"

Feng Yunmei women know the horror of the demon emperor. If they offend them, the Eight Diagrams Imperial City will not have her foothold. In desperation, she can only bite her teeth.

"What if I want you?"

Huapao man's red fruit looks at her plump body and speaks directly.

"If the son is willing to let us go, I promised to wait for the son for three days!" Feng Yunmei slightly raised her head and greeted the man's hot eyes, gently biting her lips, humiliating.

"Haha, it really is a smart person!" The robe man laughed and smugly said: "Follow me, I promise no one dares to provoke you in the Imperial City."

The arrogant voice of the man in the robes has just fallen, and there is an illusory figure in front of his flower.

The next moment, he felt a pain in his cheeks, and the whole body was completely out of control. He was in the air, and the whole body flew out. He squatted on the demon guard behind him. A lot of blood and broken teeth were in the air. His mouth drooled out, and his tears flowed out quickly.

And this sudden scene, stunned everyone, even more scared of the charm of the beautiful woman, a blank in the brain.

"I didn't expect you to dare to provoke me, no one can save you today!"

A slap in the palm of the robe man, Ye Chenfeng with his hands, quietly watching him, the cold voice pronounced his death sentence.

"Everything, doing what you are doing, don't let me catch him, I want to live him, and he will be frustrated!"

Looking at the collapsed cheeks, the painful fangs and the mouth, the tears of the robes of the man roared loudly.

"It depends on you..."

Ye Chenfeng snorted and smiled. The killing of blood and white bones vented his body and felt the killing of Ye Chenfeng. More than a dozen of the emperor’s masters were inexplicably panicked. The feeling of death.

"Give me kill, kill him!"

Seeing Ye Chenfeng’s release of the smattering of the demon stunned the Devil’s Guardian, stepping forward with a heavy step, the robes of the robes of men uttered a lot of cold sweat on their foreheads, and made a horror, loudly ordered.

Women's men's background is extraordinary. When he heard his orders, more than a dozen Devil's Guards burned a powerful blood force, and scalp attacked Ye Chenfeng, trying to force him to break.


Ye Chenfeng’s sudden force at the foot of his foot shattered the ground, and the road of the multicolored sword floated under his feet, interweaving the pattern of the intensive sword and attacking the close-up demon guard.

Although the strength of the more than a dozen of the Emperor's Guardian is extraordinary, the combined force is enough to reinvent Nirvana's humanity, but Ye Chenfeng's understanding of Kendo is too deep, and the power of the sword is too powerful.

Between the blink of an eye, the lines of the sword that are like the feathers of the feathers smashed their attacks, pierced their bodies, and painfully fell in the pool of blood to kill the yellow spring.

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