Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1388: Who is a genius

Quiet, Enlightenment is incomparably silent, Qi Chengtian and others wait patiently for the test results.

When there was one-fifth of the quicksand in the funnel, Ye Chenfeng suddenly opened his eyes and stopped enlightenment, so that Qi Chengtian and others showed a strange color, and all eyes were on him.

"Wind Saint, do you give up?"

The shaman of the Shakya Kingdom’s brow was slightly wrinkled, and he looked at Ye Chenfeng who stood up and asked incomprehensiblely.

"No, I have already penetrated the town dragon pile, and I don't need to continue to understand!" Ye Chenfeng said without hesitation.

"The Wind Master, seeing through the realm of the town's dragon piles, I am afraid that I can't beat Li Shaozhu. I suggest that you continue to have a chance to win."

The Shakya National Teacher did not think much, and kindly reminded him.

"I have already thoroughly penetrated the town's dragon piles and cultivated into the Jiuzhong realm!" Ye Chenfeng said slowly.


When I heard Ye Chenfeng’s words, Enlightenment sounded a burst of sound, and everyone in the room was stupid, and even Qi Chengtian showed a surprise color. The deep scorpion shot the light.

In less than a day, you will see through the magical powers of the Holy Spirit, and will practice the Holy Spirit to the highest level. This is tantamount to a miracle.

"Wind Saint, do you really cultivate the town dragon pile to the Jiuzhong realm?" Qi Chengtian concealed the shock in his heart and looked deeply at the Ye Chenfeng.

"Well, this town is not difficult to practice, I have already cultivated it into the nine realm." Ye Chenfeng nodded.

"The town dragon pile cultivation is not difficult..."

When I heard Ye Chenfeng, many of the masters of the Eight Diagrams of the Kingdom of God had the urge to kill one by one. Many people were extremely poor and could not cultivate the Zhenlong Pile to the Jiuzhong Realm.

And like the konjac king, the talented man of the king of Sakyamuni, it took several years to cultivate the town dragon pile to the nine realm.

The magical power that can be so difficult is not worth mentioning in Ye Chenfeng’s eyes. This has caused many people to question Ye Chenfeng’s words, wondering if he deliberately spoke loudly and disturbed Li Tianyi’s heart.

"Wind dust, the little trick is the trick. In this world, everything still depends on strength!" Li Tianyi glanced at Ye Chenfeng coldly, did not believe his words, and removed all misunderstandings and continued to enlighten the town. Dragon pile.

At this time, Ye Chenfeng sat down beside the konjac king, picked up a delicate jade pot, poured a cup of fragrant tea, and tasted tea while waiting.

"Wind dust, have you really cultivated the town dragon pile to the Jiuzhong realm?"

Looking calmly, Ye Chenfeng, who won the ticket, rolled the throat of the konjac king and asked him with a sly look.

"Wang Ye, do you think I am like a big talker?"

Ye Chenfeng drank the tea in the cup and asked with a faint smile.


Two words appeared in the mind of the konjac king, and some sympathy came from the sky.

At this time, the konjac king has a feeling that Li Tianyi will not only lose a lot, but it is more likely that Ye Chenfeng will smash all his pride and confidence, and let him stagnant in the martial arts practice.

The time of day passed quickly. When the funnel streamed the last quicksand, the comprehension ended.

"Okay, the test is over, now the assessment, who has a large number of town dragon piles, who is the winner of the comprehension test."

The Shakya Kingdom teacher appeared under the Enlightenment Desk and glanced at the wind and the lightness. Ye Chenfeng, who was sitting on the throne, looked at Li Tianyi, who was sitting still. He said loudly: "I don't know who you are." Shizhan Town Long Pile.”

"Or he will come first, I am afraid that after the exhibition, he has no courage to stay!" Ye Chenfeng's mouth was slightly upturned, and he looked at Li Tianyi, sitting cross-legged, and said slowly.

"The tone is not small, I hope you are not an embroidered pillow!" Li Tianyi opened the deep shackles, two sword-like sharp scorpions shot out, staring at Ye Chenfeng.

The next moment, Li Tianyi emerged behind the road of death, the road map of the earth, the map of the dark road, under the control of his mind, it shines like a lake.

"Serious, less than fifty years of cultivation, will cultivate the Tao to such a degree, and teach the Lord, you have a good son!"

Wearing a black mob, the face is thin, and there is a thick murder in the eyebrows. The king of the Nirvana's limit is showing the color of approval.

"Well, God's will is a rare talent that I have never seen in a million years. I believe that his future achievements must be above me." Nirvana's temperament puts down the teacup in his hand, and the glory is overwhelming. .

"Dragon Pile, Condensation!"

Li Tianyi burst into a bang, the lake of the Tao was drastic, and the three dragons that evolved from the Tao’s thoughts appeared out of thin air, suppressing the space around Li Tianyi’s body.

"Three pillars of Zhenlong pile."

Looking at the three major towns piled up in the top of Li Tianyi’s head, the eyes of the singer’s eyes were bright.

It is a genius in the genius to cultivate the town dragon pile to the triple environment within one day. The future development is limitless.

After many people made an exclamation, a discordant voice suddenly sounded.

"The three pillars of the town, your talent is really bad enough." Ye Chenfeng looked at the corner of his mouth slightly tilted, revealing the smug color of Li Tianyi, unceremoniously sarcasm.

"Wind dust, you are less here to play with your mouth." Li Tianyi's face was gloomy, and said coldly: "The weak are the weak, and you can't change the ending."

"Frogs at the bottom of the well!" Ye Chenfeng slowly stood up and looked at Li Tianyi with a provocative attitude: "Look at your eyes and see if I have a big talk."

Speaking, the five-way road map, the heaven and earth road map, and the life and death road map emerged from the body of Ye Chenfeng.

When the top of the Gossip royal family above the throne, I saw the three-way map of Ye Chenfeng's cohesion, all stupid, revealing the look of a ghost.

"Spiritual Road Map... How is it possible, how can he cultivate the Taoist map to the spiritual level!" The Shakya Kingdom and others took a breath and couldn't believe what they saw.

The next moment, the scene that made everyone more shocked appeared.

Ye Chenfeng’s hands twisted quickly and constantly smashed a complex handprint. Under the gaze of the crowd, the nine towns’ piles were condensed and the void was suppressed.


The Jiugen Town Long Pile was down town under the control of Ye Chenfeng, and the whole space trembled fiercely, and the large space was distorted.

"Jiugen Town Dragon Pile...He really cultivated the town dragon pile to the highest level!" Everyone present was collectively petrified.

The sneer on Li Tianyi’s face was stiff and momentary. All the sarcasm was stuck in the eyes of the blind, and the shock from the deepest part of the soul completely occupied his body.

"In less than a day, I will practice the dragon-pillars of Shengji Shentong to the Jiuzhong realm. Is this guy a human?" Many people have the same thoughts in their minds, and the eyes of Ye Chenfeng are constantly changing. .

"No, you cheated, you are absolutely cheating!"

Li Tianyi couldn’t accept this result, shouting with anger.

And his shouting, let Qi Chengtian’s face sullen, and Li Tianyi’s actions are undoubtedly discrediting the gossip royal family and provoking their bottom line.

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