Eight Desolate Sword God

Chapter 1389: Doomsday Scourge

"If you can't afford to lose, don't compare it, it's a shame!"

Ye Chenfeng looked coldly and angered, yelling and yelling, and said disdainfully.

"Wind dust, do you dare to swear without cheating?" Li Tian was anxious and ruined: "The difficulty of comprehension of Shengji Shentong, I think everyone in the place is very clear, it is impossible for someone to practice the Holy Spirit in such a short time. Nine places."

"Hey, I found that you are not only the frog at the bottom of the well, but also the clown." Ye Chenfeng sighed softly and dismissively said: "How many absolute things in this world, you have never seen it, is it ridiculous? Is it ridiculous? ."

"You..." Ye Chenfeng’s words were like knives, and he plunged into the depths of Li Tianyi, making him angry and making him angry: "Feng dust, you honestly said that you have cultivated the town dragon pile.

"How, can't afford to start biting people?" Ye Chenfeng sneered aloud: "You mean, I am colluding with the Emperor, deliberately playing with you."

"I don't doubt the Emperor's Majesty, but I doubt you!" Although Li Tianyi was angry, but did not lose his mind, he snarled loudly: "I am 100% certain, you cheated, this game is not counted."

"If you say no, it's not counted, what are you!" Ye Chenfeng said coldly and sarcastically: "Can you tell the result of the test?"

"And slow!" The sharp brow of the brow suddenly said: "Your Majesty, Guoshi, today is really a bit ridiculous, not unusual, for the fairness of the test, the happiness of the cold smoke princess, I suggest that Confirm it as well."

"How do you want to confirm?"

Qi Chengtian’s face was low and he said that he was quite annoyed in the words of Li Tianyi.

"The end of the catastrophe in my inheritance is also a holy supernatural power. If he can penetrate through the day and practice at the highest level, I will admit that he has achieved this result. If he can't penetrate it, then his The results will be void."

Although Li Fengxing heard the anger of Qi Chengtian's voice, but at this moment he could not allow him to retreat, the insidious proposal.

"Speaking to the Lord, is this proposal a little strong?" Qi Chengtian said coldly and not hotly.

"Well, then I will reduce the difficulty..."

"Don't reduce the difficulty!" Ye Chenfeng suddenly interrupted the words of Li Fengxing: "As long as the training provided by Li Jiaozhu is complete, there is no problem, I am confident that I will penetrate the Holy Class of your education in one day. Magical, cultivate it to the highest level."

"Do you have confidence?"

Qi Cheng Tian Xuebai’s eyebrows shook a little and asked with great interest.

"Be confident!" Ye Chenfeng nodded. "But before that, I have to add a bet and bet 50 Chinese middle class. If I can practice the end of the disaster in one day. The highest level, Wanjiaojiao compensated me for 50 Chinese celestial crystals, which is my reputation. If I fail, I will lose 50 of them."

"Hey, do you have 50 Chinese products?"

The product of Tianjing is extremely precious in the Central World, not to mention the Chinese product Tianjing. Li Fengxing does not believe that Ye Chenfeng can come up with 50 Chinese products.

"It is my business to be able to take it out. Now I will ask you, can you dare to gamble? If you dare not give me a shut up, I have no time to play with you." Ye Chenfeng looked His face was gloomy and sneer.

"Okay, I bet you!"

Although Ye Chenfeng offered to make a gamble, let Li Fengxing smell an unusual atmosphere, but in order to protect his reputation, he has no retreat and can only bite his teeth.

"Okay, hurry up and give me the end of the disaster, and realize that it is early!" Ye Chenfeng urged the road.


There was a stern color in the eyes of Li Fengxing. He took out a dark gold from the carrying ring of the Qiankun, depicting a large number of lines of jade, and his fingers flew to Ye Chenfeng.

Although this bomb seems to be understated, but the fierceness is a nirvana, and he intends to teach Ye Chenfeng, secretly adsorbing the Tao in the jade, so the jade that he popped up is not small. In general, the Nirvana realm is quite difficult to pick up.

But Chen Chenfeng's flesh is extremely powerful. The speed of the brain is captured by the sharp brain. The five great points in the body erupt, the power of the Tianzhu, the holy blood beads, and the spirit of the dead are gathered in his right hand. in.

When he saw him gently, he grabbed the dark golden jade that had been flying quickly, and the Taoist sacred words were completely shaken by the three holy beads.

"Spirit of the Lord, are you not eating, the strength is so small, it is really disappointing!" Ye Chenfeng deliberately said, the gas is fierce and the face is black.

But the strength of Ye Chenfeng surprised him.

"Wind Master, you take a break, when you are ready, tell me, I start timing!"

The Shijiazhuang national teacher feels that Ye Chenfeng is not simple, especially Ye Chenfeng has just received the first hand of Yu Jian, which makes him quite surprised.

"Don't take a break, start now!"

Speaking, Ye Chenfeng sat on the ground with his knees, and controlled the brain to break the ban in the jade, releasing the powerful soul and infiltrating it.

At this time, a huge funnel appeared in the sky, and a large amount of quicksand began to flow.

Ye Chenfeng controlled the brain to quickly deduct the end of the natural disasters and practiced the mouth, found no problem, calm down, and borrowed the brain to begin to penetrate.

"Your Majesty, do you say that the Wind Master can cultivate the Doomsday Scourge to the highest level in one day?"

The konjac king heard the end of the natural disaster, knowing that this holy power is one of the two powerful supernatural powers of the tens of robbery, it is extremely difficult to practice.

"It should be ok!"

Qi Chengtian is more optimistic about Ye Chenfeng, and has a strong curiosity about his identity.

How can the Central World give birth to his enchanting!"

Thinking of Ye Chenfeng's unpredictable refining technique, terrible talent, and understanding of Taoism, the konjac king could not help but feel.

Even if it is the emperor of the Eight Diagrams of God, the Qidong one who cultivated gently to the Nirvana area, he feels far less than Ye Chenfeng.

"The end of the day, the original disaster is to the ultimate in the meaning of the dead, to form a day to attack."

Under the enlightenment of the devotional brain, Ye Chenfeng quickly mastered the cultivation essentials of the Doomsday Scourge, and he possessed the spiritual pearl of death, and cultivated the life and death map to the spiritual map. The cultivation of the end of the natural disaster is more effective.

The time passed by, and a lot of dead air permeated around his body, blackening the space around him.

When the quicksand in the air funnel was lost in half, the death of the death in the body of Ye Chenfeng quickly gathered, forming a round of darkness and ink, which evolved the end of the avenue.

"The last realm of the last days of natural disasters!"

The end of the day, the natural disasters are divided into three realms. Each heavy boundary condenses a doomsday. Looking at Ye Chenfeng, in a short period of half a day, he will cultivate the doomsday natural disasters to a certain realm and smash the doubts in the hearts of the people.

"How could this be! How can his talent be so high!"

Li Tianyi clenched his fist tightly, his head was stunned, and he could not accept the facts at hand.

After about half an hour, the end of the second round showed Ye Chenfeng's body, rising in midair, evolving the avenue, and venting the power of death.

Looking at Ye Chenfeng's cultivation of the end of the natural disasters to the double realm in such a short time, Li Tianyi was completely stupid, and the pride in his heart was broken by the talent of Ye Chenfeng.

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